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Large Dogs And Small Dogs Living Together?


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LOL, I am the only irresponsible owner who does not supervise her large and small dog.

Growing up we had one pure yellow lab girl, one black boy lab x curly and one mini foxie girl and never once did any of them hurt each other and they were always in the yard together unsupervised.... but they all had natures that clicked together and the male was the oldest he was 5 and the yellow lab was 1 when we got the foxie but the lab mothered everything her whole life and the foxie was just great still have her at 14 now she is buggered poor old thing she is.

As a teenager i was given a shar pei shabu (bu) she was 2 when i was given her n my old lab about 9 and had always been top bitch well they got on fine for the 6months or so then the pei decided she wanted to be top bitch n kara wouldnt back down, ended up having to pen the shar pei as if it were the lab that was penned the shar pei would try to get in with her anyway. I am lucky the 2 fights i was home to break up and all i had to do was yell their names and they stopped (dogs excaping from pen) the old lab had to be pts because of old age and failing health not long after and not long after that my shar pei was stolen out of the yard :laugh:

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LOL, I am the only irresponsible owner who does not supervise her large and small dog.

Growing up we had one pure yellow lab girl, one black boy lab x curly and one mini foxie girl and never once did any of them hurt each other and they were always in the yard together unsupervised.... but they all had natures that clicked together and the male was the oldest he was 5 and the yellow lab was 1 when we got the foxie but the lab mothered everything her whole life and the foxie was just great still have her at 14 now she is buggered poor old thing she is.

As a teenager i was given a shar pei shabu (bu) she was 2 when i was given her n my old lab about 9 and had always been top bitch well they got on fine for the 6months or so then the pei decided she wanted to be top bitch n kara wouldnt back down, ended up having to pen the shar pei as if it were the lab that was penned the shar pei would try to get in with her anyway. I am lucky the 2 fights i was home to break up and all i had to do was yell their names and they stopped (dogs excaping from pen) the old lab had to be pts because of old age and failing health not long after and not long after that my shar pei was stolen out of the yard :laugh:

Aww that sucks,

We have never supervised any of the dogs we have. They are inside when we are home but while we are at work they always go outside together. We have never had any issues with any of our dogs.

But my mum has had issues with al of hers having lots of scraps and having to be separated. She now only has one dog.

It has crossed my mind that if Barney decided to go all psycho on Pippi that he would cause major damage very quickly but I just have a hard time imagining it ever happening. He doesn't even snap at her when she is being annoying, he just runs away LOL. He is soo gentle an patient that I do think they chances of them ever fighting are about 1 in a gazillion. However, I am well aware there is always a possibility so when we always keep an eye on their relationship and if I did ever spot something amiss we would likely change the current level of supervision.

Oh, I do just remember though, once when feeding, Pippi did walk up behind Barney and he had a bit of a go at her (though all he did was pin her and growl at her). But feed time is always supervised so I just told him to stop and he did. Pippi now will not go anywhere near him while he is eating and will only approach his bowl once he has definitely finished and left it. I have noticed too that is she thinks he is getting annoyed (not that he ever appears to) she will go into automatic ass lick mode LOL

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i have a 2kg, 11kg kelpie x and a 40kg lab. The kelpie doesn't get on with anyone. But the pom and lab are fine together. I keep the pom separate while we are out but that's mainly because of the kelpie. In fact the 2kg pom tells the 40kg lab off all the time!

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those that say supervision is important - do you have seperate yards for the dogs during the day or is one kept inside/outside?

I have a GSD and bf has a malt x and we can't/won't live together as the dogs cannot be securely seperated during the day. They get on fine when we are watching them (weren't so good in the beginning) but I'd hate for anything to happen to one of them so we don't leave them alone.

eta: plan for the future is to buy a house with a yard that can be easily divided (my yard atm can't) and work from there to see if we are happy to leave them alone

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I leave our two alone unsupervised but the smaller one isn't exactly small, she is 19kg and our big boy is 36kg. I tried separating them when the puppy was younger and smaller but they hated it, we have had no issues (touch wood).

Edited to add: Both dogs are very stable but we know accidents happen and accept the risk of this as we feel the benefits of keeping them together outweigh the negatives.

Edited by wuffles
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We have had a husky x, a teensy toy style dog, a mature staffy and a staffy pup living together here. All four played so roughly together I used to panic, but it was just how they wanted to play - the teensy one was the worst! The husky x did have a tendency to discipline the others, to keep them in line when things were getting too boisturous. The teensy dog lives elsewhere now but still visits and the play is still the same. We never had problems at meal times and if anything the slow eaters learnt to eat at meal times or miss out.

As ellz said - it is about the dogs personalities and the supervision you provide.

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I have four dogs, Ella came first she is an 8 year old standard poodle. Then came Oscar he is now 7 year sold standard poodle, next was Skipper he is a Jack Russel and will be 7 in November. Coco my toy poodle came last and she is 6.5 and the bossy one. Ella and Skipper play together for hours, Oscar will stand over them all except Coco. If she has the ball and he tries to take it she will drop the ball and fly up at his face, he gets the message and walks away.

They have all been together since they were 8 weeks old and I have only ever had one bad incident. It was between the boys, Oscar was guarding what he thought was a mouse. Skipper came to have a look and Oscar picked him up and shook him. Lucky I was home or I am not sure how it would have ended, Skipper needed a couple of stitches.

They are all desexed and have access into my family room all day and they each have there favorite spot to sleep the day away.

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Until recently I had 4 large dogs (3 greyhounds & 1 dalmatian) & 2 small dogs (1 JRTx & 1 bitzer) & they all got along great.

I used to leave them all together when I out & never had any problems. Off course the little dogs are the bosses & the big dogs would never cross them, lol.

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I have 5 dogs and a foster JRT at the moment, the smallest is just under 5 kg, the largest is 70kg. They are always together, they are locked outside when I am in town and I don't have a problem with any of them. I'm with Greytpets, my little ones are definitely the bosses.

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Hi, I have a 12yr old mini schnauzer and a rottiexdobe and a dobexkelpie. They all get on well together. If the big ones are getting too boisterous, I take my old girl inside, not because they would attack her, but because they have sent her flying when they ran past her!! They all snuggle up together, I supervise at mealtimes. The mini schnauzer is the boss (well most of the time anyway), however they all know that I'm the boss of them all and what I say goes.

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Guest Clover
LOL, I am the only irresponsible owner who does not supervise her large and small dog.

Nope :laugh: LOL, I have XL, L and weenie. Dogs - I treat'em all like Dogs.


My guys all run together as well, i dont keep anyone seperated. The JRT thinks he is king of the dogs, only Elvis will stand up to him.

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those that say supervision is important - do you have seperate yards for the dogs during the day or is one kept inside/outside?

My aussie and shelties are kept in separate pens. I know my aussie would never intentionally hurt the shelties but accidents happen and the weight difference can make it a very serious accident. My aussie Quest accidentally knocked one of my shelties over and broke his hip simply because of the weight difference. It really is about being sensible, aussie are hoons and don’t always watch where they are going.

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I have an 80kg CASD and a 5kg pom x chi, the littlie is the boss here but she is an inside dog and he is outside dog doing his job. All interactions are supervised only because if she goes outside he could mistake her for an intruder so I always let him know she is there and they are fine

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