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New Puppy With Young Child? Am I Asking For Trouble?


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My boys were about 18mth; 18mths; 3yrs and 5yrs when we got a curly coat retriever pup.

I loved all this chaos and was in my element.

Sally was very energetic and strong and did knock the boys over at times but eventually they learnt to lay flat on the ground when she went into zoomie mode. I only wish I had it on tape!

She was the best dog and so gentle with them as well as being able to withstand lots of rough boy play.

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Oh wow! Do it! Both kid and pup will be in heaven. Are you familiar with crate training? If its not up your ally then any type of confinement for dog is fine so he can get some rest and time out.

Our Whippet and WGSD are the best thing ever for the kids. 5 months old, 2.5 and 4. I wouldnt have it other way.

Would love to see pictures when it happens.

I'm too excited for you :laugh:

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There will be some challenges but the fact that you're asking questions upfront means you won't be blindsinded by them.

Biggest challenge will be adolescent Lab and unstable toddler. That can be managed by supervision and separation.

Train this dog well. Teach him not to mouth, not to jump and to go to a crate or mat and your life will be a lot easier. Teach him to walk on a loose lead beside a pram and it will be a pleasure to take dog and child out for an airing. :laugh:

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There will be some challenges but the fact that you're asking questions upfront means you won't be blindsinded by them.

Biggest challenge will be adolescent Lab and unstable toddler. That can be managed by supervision and separation.

Train this dog well. Teach him not to mouth, not to jump and to go to a crate or mat and your life will be a lot easier. Teach him to walk on a loose lead beside a pram and it will be a pleasure to take dog and child out for an airing. :laugh:

my dogs go nuts when the pram comes out and get in to position. I have seen the odd tool tie their leads to the pram though. BIG no no. I used to put 2 leads on Squid, one for the kid to hold and one for me. The dog for some reason behaved even better, obviously predicting the unpredictable child tendencies

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We have 12mnth old and 3.5yr old boys, and just brought home a cocker pup a week ago.... we feel like we are right back at the newborn baby stage again! But as I was already getting up several times through the night to bad sleepers, another one thrown into the mix has been fine!

Our pup has already learnt to respond to a stern 'no' when she gets too excited with our crawler... and he in turn has learnt to gently push her away. Plus her bed is out of bounds to the boys- and so far its a bit crazy but we are having a great time!!!! :laugh:

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I had a 5 month old and a two year old and brought home an 8 week old puppy.

When Lewis arrived at 8 months of age I had a two and four year old another WHippet and an old Stafford.

It takes organisation, baby gates and puppy pens - and I had a play pen for the baby and it is all good.

I realise a Lab is larger and more powerful than a Whippet, but you have had them before and know what youa re getting yourself in for.

I generally find the dog is less work than the kids!

You will have hard days, but it should go well. I thought I was slightly mad as I had a 5mo that was sleeping through and a new puppy that was waking me up for toilet breaks 3 and four times a night!!! At least that stage in puppies doesn't last very long!

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I had a 5 month old and a two year old and brought home an 8 week old puppy.

When Lewis arrived at 8 months of age I had a two and four year old another WHippet and an old Stafford.

It takes organisation, baby gates and puppy pens - and I had a play pen for the baby and it is all good.

I realise a Lab is larger and more powerful than a Whippet, but you have had them before and know what youa re getting yourself in for.

I generally find the dog is less work than the kids!You will have hard days, but it should go well. I thought I was slightly mad as I had a 5mo that was sleeping through and a new puppy that was waking me up for toilet breaks 3 and four times a night!!! At least that stage in puppies doesn't last very long!

;) Couldn't agree more!!!!

I think it will be great for your bub. I have 4 Labs aged between 8 months to 3 1/2 yrs, and 3 kids, the youngest is 20 months. They all get on fine, and the dogs just generally get up and walk away when they've had enough. I have trained my kids to stand still if the dogs are running around and they don't get knocked over. I freaked out the other morning when I got up and realised that my youngen had got up and let herself outside with our big boy who weighs 42kg. I worry that with his size she will get knocked down the stairs. They were both sitting out the back on the mat side by side, my boy giving her the occassional face lick while she giggled at him. :rofl:

I think having a dog brings out a whole different side in kids too, nomatter what age they are.

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I'm getting clucky just reading your posts. I remember doing the baby,toddler,puppy trainng thing too. Looking back I think it was the best time in my life. Now my children are 7, 10,12 years old + an 8 year old min Schnauzer. We are thinking about a new fur addition.

Time goes too fast. Enjoy every minute of it. ;)

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We are about to embark on the same thing I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 8 month old and we are getting a puppy in a couple of weeks.

I have tried to be as organised as possible. I have a crate, a puppy pen, plenty of puppy toys and am willing and able to supervise all interaction. I know I am in for a lot of work but I am really looking forward to it.

Edited by Puppybreath
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I think the most important bit is have a puppy pen in the middle of the acyivity. That way when you have to take your eyes off the puppy, or help a toddler to use the toilet etc, you just pop puppy into the pen and then there are no worries.

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I haven't been through it personally as we don't have kids but I helped my sister & her family adapt when they got their first dog.

Organisation & patience are key but you sound like you'll do fine.

A gf of mine has the nuttiest lab you'd ever lay eyes on but when kids are around him he clicks & just becomes the most gentle, sweetest dog. I honestly think they do instinctively know when precious cargo is around.

Personally I love watching the relationship grow when a youngster & a dog are put together, they often grow up to be the greatest of friends.

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Good luck with the new adition I hope you all have fun.

The key is to be organised when my (now 3 year old ) daughter was born, I had my 3 year old son, 4 of our own dogs and 3 rescue dogs. All where poodles so needed constant grooming, I also had a chinchilla cat and a semi long haired moggie. I just allocated time for the animals when the kids where sleeping and walks where taken together with the well trained dogs and I would walk the others after the kids were asleep, if a day ended up too busy we would throw a ball in the backyard and do a bit of training as a group.

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