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I Am Going To Need Perth Dolers Help Soon


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this is for the animal course :rofl: to show I can identify different breeds, they didnt make it very hard though!

I havent gotten it back yet, I think I will get it back this week or next week so Ill bring it next time

This is for the unit provide and respond to animal behaviour I think..

EDIT: Is it bad that I forgot my own dog bahahahaaa

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this is for the animal course :o to show I can identify different breeds, they didnt make it very hard though!

I havent gotten it back yet, I think I will get it back this week or next week so Ill bring it next time

This is for the unit provide and respond to animal behaviour I think..

EDIT: Is it bad that I forgot my own dog bahahahaaa

YES! :laugh:

The 2 units I am enrolled in this semester are Follow OHS Procedures in an Animal Care Environment and Monitor and Maintain Health of Companion Animals. Have you done those yet? I was also enrolled in Prepare Companion Animal Diets and Monitor Feeding but decided to pull out so I can continue agility because it fell on agility night :laugh:

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Katie! you cant talk :laugh: ahahahahhaa

i have done monitor and maintain health and i think our OHS runs over both semesters we have done quite a bit of it

We are doing nutrition this semester, I can bring all my tafe stuff along to the next meet and you can have a squiz hahaa so you know what your in for

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Sounds good, maybe I can "copy your notes" :laugh:

Maintain and Monitor Health goes for the whole semester for me, and the OHS is only in term 4. I really wanted Provide Basic First Aid for Animals but it was full up. Maybe next semester :o

P.S. realllyyyy not wanting to do the aviary and aquatic ones! Booooriiiiiing :thumbsup: I'm only in it for the dogs :laugh:

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are you at murdoch for the parts your doing? or how is it working?? Monitor and Maintain is a fairly big subject I think I dont know what OHS part we did or whether we are doing it this semester

what aviary and aquatic ones? ahahhaa

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So I'm going to have LOTS of homework then, am I? I barely have enough time to scratch my bum, let alone stacks of homework :laugh:

This is the list of units available to us at Bentley this semester:

Assist with General Animal Care

Provide Food and Water for Animals

Prepare Companion Animal Diets and Monitor Feeding

Participate in Workplace Communications

Provide Basic First Aid for Animals

Manage and Maintain Aviaries and Bird Rooms

Provide Advice on Companion Animal Selection and General Care

Monitor and Maintain Health of Companion Animals

Provide Advice on Selection and Care of Aquatic Animals

Follow OHS Procedures in an Animal Care Environment

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I have done or am currently doing out of those

Assist with General Animal Care

Provide Food and Water for Animals

Prepare Companion Animal Diets and Monitor Feeding

Participate in Workplace Communications

Provide Basic First Aid for Animals

Provide Advice on Companion Animal Selection and General Care

Monitor and Maintain Health of Companion Animals

Follow OHS Procedures in an Animal Care Environment

Last Semester I did provide Training and Advice and this semester I am doing provide enrichment and identify and respond to animal behaviour

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You're welcome to come and clean my fish tanks for experience for the aquatic unit :laugh::o

Rach it's a shame they didn't give you a list of unusual breeds, you'd probably be able to get them easier :laugh:

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Went back to tafe today for the semester our assignment was handed to us so we could make a start, I have to take a photo of each of the listed dog breeds in a standing (stacked) position, they must be purebred and can't be puppies. I have no idea how I am going to work this, some breeds I have easy access to. But others I have nooo idea. So if there is any perth people who have these breeds or know people and don't mind me using them for my assignment ill try and organise to meet up with people to take photos. I will also try and take other shots of the dogs for you if you want =)

So the breeds I need are;

German Shepherd




Aust Cattle Dog Maizy


Border Collie

Chihuahua can help you with this, can you come to the show this saturday

Golden Retriever Dougal can help you with this, if you have trouble with dougal, my MIL breeds goldens, so has a nice selection in her backyard :laugh:

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Banjo


Jack Russell


Poodle can help you with this, can you come to the show this saturday

Shih tzu can help you with this, can you come to the show this saturday

Cocker Spaniel


Dalmatian - can help you with this, can you come to the show this saturday

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Alaskan Malamute


I show all the above breeds ive indicated i can help with, im sure the owners shouldnt have an issue with you taking photos, how old does the dog have to be, do you class 7/8 month olds as puppies? If you cant come on Sat, is there another show you could come soon too?

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Last Semester I did provide Training and Advice and this semester I am doing provide enrichment and identify and respond to animal behaviour

I wanna do those ones!! *stomps foot* Sounds like they will be available as a semester 1 thing, so I will have to enrol in those next year. Not sure how, though, as I am maxing out my annual leave to do these 2 modules!! :laugh:

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I'll ask my lecturer thursday about how old, I think its just mainly because they have to show breed standard so maybe he wants them fully developed structurally? Im not sure. I can try and make it out there Saturday, with so many breeds that would wipe off my list I think it would be well worth it

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Guest RosieFT

hmm pity you don't want a fox terrier or a bichon - my parents' bichon is gorgeous :-) hmm or a mini dachshund for that matter - my SIL has a goreous little girl :-)

ahh well.. good luck finding the dogs! :-)

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I kind of wish we could have picked our own 21 breeds, I think that would of shown we can identify them alot better. I am very good when it comes to breeds and most of the ones we got given are very common

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It is actually pretty common forTAFE students (although you really should call it by it's correct name - TAFE is now Polytechnic West :o ) to come to dog shows and ask random people with the required breeds if they can take their dogs photo :laugh: I think Banjo has been photographed a few times. And most people ended up taking photos of the Lappies as well :laugh:

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ohh i forgot about the name change haha polytechnic is swan i think. Murdoch is now Challenger Institute of Technology.... I dont think I will ever get past calling it tafe the new name is too long. Our lecturer was saying a lot of people did that going to K9

EDIT: I think we are supposed to for copyright and other reasons, I am quite happy to take them because it will give me alot of practice with photographing dogs

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