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One Year On From Our Beautiful Cassie

Joan of Arc

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It is a year tomorrow since we lost our beautiful Cassie in such tragic and devastating circumstances. It still hurts everyday but the pain is held close now as we have begun to move on. We are celebrating new life with a litter on the ground which includes a beautiful yellow girl who looks disturbingly like her Aunty Cassie as a pup.

And today another beautiful girl crossed the rainbow bridge at the spritely age of 14. Lily will be desperately missed by her family and they have posted this poem by Rudyard Kipling in her memory and so I thought we might share it in memory of those she has gone to join.

I have done mostly what men do,

And pushed it out of my mind;

But I can't forget, if I wanted to,

Four-Feet trotting behind.

...Day after day, the whole day through

Wherever my road inclined

Four-Feet said, 'I am coming with you!'

And trotted along behind.

Now I must go by some other round

Which I shall never find

Some where that does not carry the sound

Of Four-Feet trotting behind.

-R Kipling

RIP Lily :laugh:

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Will be thinking of you ! I know how hard it is, I loved this poem and it really explained exactly how I felt when my horse passed...


They say memories are golden

well maybe that is true.

I never wanted memories,

I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,

a million times I cried.

If love alone could have saved you

you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,

In death I love you still.

In my heart you hold a place

no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway

and heartache make a lane,

I'd walk the path to heaven

and bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,

and nothing seems the same.

But as God calls us one by one,

the chain will link again.

Author unknown

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My thoughts are with you today mercedes as you remember your beautiful Cassie :laugh::) I know how hard these 12months have been in dealing with her tragic loss and this anniversary is a painful reminder of that terrible day :rofl: Extra hugs today for your beautiful new little girl who reminds you of her Aunty Cassie :laugh:

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