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Spinal Strain Or Something More Sinister?


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We have a large lab x (possibly rotty) and also a small shih tzu x foxy. They are always playing together and obviously there is a large size difference (30kgs in weight but much more in actual size).

In December last year our big boy suddenly started walking funny and seemed to be sore round his lower spine/hip area. He wouldn't go on his back and when he was kinda moved that way he would scream. I took him to the vets and it was treated with a week of crate rest and anti-inflammatories. The vet put it down to a strain, most likely caused by playing with the much smaller dog. After a week of being crated and the meds, he was fine and had been since.

Tonight, our daughter was standing kinda behind him with his butt between her legs. She was patting him on the back and then kinda whacked him on both sides (not an actual whack but you know those solid pats you give a dog on their sides - which he loves) and he kinda yelped about 3 times. We had a feel around and he seems to be a little sore again (not majorly though) down on his side near his back legs. He looks a little funny with his gait on his left rear leg and he is climbing quite slowly onto the furniture using his forelimbs to pull himself up. He is fine rolling around on his back thus far.

I am going to give him some crate rest for the next day or so and see if that helps before we rush off to the vet but in the meantime I thought I would see what anyone else thought it could possibly be.

Do you think it is a strain same as last time (from playing with the wee girl) or is it possible that the last one wasn't a strain at all and due to it recurring again six months later it might be something serious?

He is 5 years old if that helps. Quite energetic and bouncy.

He is also a very in your face type of dog, and like to climbs into your lap but he is not doing much climbing into your lap tonight - this could be due to him being sore and not wanting to put weight on the back.

Any advice greatly appreciated (we will take him to the vet but would like to see how he progresses due to it clearing up last time with crate rest).


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go find yourself a dog chiro or ring the greyhound breeders and see who their respected chiro/muscle man is. Better then a vet. I just took one of my dogs to the vet (at a big specialist and teaching centre mind you) for a similar thing, she was yelping and screaming. They diagnosed probably arthritis (as in I dont have a clue but here is a bag full of meds to keep her quiet). Greyhound man found she had a dislocated tail and put it back in place for me for $10, as well as taught me how to massage her muscles and what to use to get the swelling down.

Edited by Nekhbet
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go find yourself a dog chiro or ring the greyhound breeders and see who their respected chiro/muscle man is. Better then a vet. I just took one of my dogs to the vet (at a big specialist and teaching centre mind you) for a similar thing, she was yelping and screaming. They diagnosed probably arthritis (as in I dont have a clue but here is a bag full of meds to keep her quiet). Greyhound man found she had a dislocated tail and put it back in place for me for $10, as well as taught me how to massage her muscles and what to use to get the swelling down.

Fantastic, thanks will definitely keep that in mind before zipping off to the vet.

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yup, I still go to vets if I have to but honestly i'm being frustrated more and more. Take some pills, rest, come back to spend $500 in x-rays. I have all my dogs treated now by chiros, holistic methods and muscle men FIRST, if they cannot improve then we go vet. I had my two dogs bounce out of that mans room today instead of limping and yelping. Good ones are worth their weight in gold. I would go get it done ASAP, the longer the dog wobbles about or puts uneven pressure on its limbs the more it puts its muscles out and strains others. Its like if you have a sore somewhere you get more from leaning or limping because of uneven weight distribution. It cant hurt to get it checked out.

Edited by Nekhbet
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Chiro sounds like a good idea but find someone who's qualified in what they're doing. :rolleyes:

http://www.avca.com.au/ you can find people in your State via the locate tab.

ETA: Given the two probable breeds of your dog some hip xrays would be beneficial to your peace of mind and good Chiro's will actually ask if you have any so they can ensure they're not going to do more damage.

Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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