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I have reported a few breeders and Troy has removed them. :laugh:

I supply him proof - VCA suspension, Non Financial prefix, Online Ads of them selling pups with out papers etc

Same here SwaY - just this week I found information that a registered breeder is actually a puppy farm and advertising all sorts of x breeds on petlink - I supplied him the evidence, and he removed them. I've also reported this to Dogs NSW and the RSPCA - what I found was disgusting.

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I have seen ads by registered breeders on petlink advertising a litter puppies without papers. It was soon after Pedigree Dogs Exposed, so I don't know whether it was a close mating (eg father/daughter) or a mating back to back. The breeder is also a judge.

I have had unreasonable puppy buyers, both for pet and other breeders. Anyone enquiring about a puppy should have equal right to question me and I them (within reason to both sides). The puppy buyer needs to know I am doing the right thing and I need to know they INTEND to do the right thing with their intended pup. Both sides can only go by the answers the other give, both in person or by other forms of communication.

I have also wasted hours of time and money on phone calls for puppy buyers who are not serious and are only just shopping around. Puppy buyers forget breeders may also work full time, have families and other things they attend to. We do not necessarily sit at home all day waiting for THEIR communication.

Trust is on both sides. I always tell anyone enquiring about puppies to research, research and research. If you need a new car, you research make, model, price and problems associated with that particular model.. same goes with puppies, You need to know what you are getting is all that it is supposed to be. I normally do not like comparing objects to animals, but when it comes to the research part, it is exactly the same.

Unfortunately too many newbies to the breed cannot get over the cute face and don't go any further. Maybe a quick checklist or something on the breeder pages/puppy pages on choosing a right breeder/puppy. But in saying this, the person NEEDS to READ that information. At some point, responsibility has to lie with the buyer, doing their research properly.

They also need to be comfortable with the conditions (if any) the breeder stipulates. They need to be satisfied the breeder is telling them the truth and vice versa.

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I have seen ads by registered breeders on petlink advertising a litter puppies without papers. It was soon after Pedigree Dogs Exposed, so I don't know whether it was a close mating (eg father/daughter) or a mating back to back. The breeder is also a judge.

I have had unreasonable puppy buyers, both for pet and other breeders. Anyone enquiring about a puppy should have equal right to question me and I them (within reason to both sides). The puppy buyer needs to know I am doing the right thing and I need to know they INTEND to do the right thing with their intended pup. Both sides can only go by the answers the other give, both in person or by other forms of communication.

I have also wasted hours of time and money on phone calls for puppy buyers who are not serious and are only just shopping around. Puppy buyers forget breeders may also work full time, have families and other things they attend to. We do not necessarily sit at home all day waiting for THEIR communication.

Trust is on both sides. I always tell anyone enquiring about puppies to research, research and research. If you need a new car, you research make, model, price and problems associated with that particular model.. same goes with puppies, You need to know what you are getting is all that it is supposed to be. I normally do not like comparing objects to animals, but when it comes to the research part, it is exactly the same.

Unfortunately too many newbies to the breed cannot get over the cute face and don't go any further. Maybe a quick checklist or something on the breeder pages/puppy pages on choosing a right breeder/puppy. But in saying this, the person NEEDS to READ that information. At some point, responsibility has to lie with the buyer, doing their research properly.

They also need to be comfortable with the conditions (if any) the breeder stipulates. They need to be satisfied the breeder is telling them the truth and vice versa.

good post. One of your last points about newbies being caught up in cuteness and not asking questions or researching. Perhaps it would be beneficial for a blurb on 'questions to be asked?' to be easily findable near the ads. could be a link to a page listing suggested questions you could ask a breeder. As well as a list of what makes a good puppy buyer, eg responsible pet ownership, basic dog requirements.

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I have reported a few breeders and Troy has removed them. :hug:

I supply him proof - VCA suspension, Non Financial prefix, Online Ads of them selling pups with out papers etc

Same here SwaY - just this week I found information that a registered breeder is actually a puppy farm and advertising all sorts of x breeds on petlink - I supplied him the evidence, and he removed them. I've also reported this to Dogs NSW and the RSPCA - what I found was disgusting.

The fact that Troy removed them is pretty spectacular because as members of dogs NSW they are perfectly entitled to do exactly that and not breach their code of conduct as long as its not with their registered purebred dogs. They are also able to do that and remain within all bounds for the RSPCA.

If he has removed them while they still hold dogs NSW registration - Im impressed.

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I have reported a few breeders and Troy has removed them. :rolleyes:

I supply him proof - VCA suspension, Non Financial prefix, Online Ads of them selling pups with out papers etc

Same here SwaY - just this week I found information that a registered breeder is actually a puppy farm and advertising all sorts of x breeds on petlink - I supplied him the evidence, and he removed them. I've also reported this to Dogs NSW and the RSPCA - what I found was disgusting.

The fact that Troy removed them is pretty spectacular because as members of dogs NSW they are perfectly entitled to do exactly that and not breach their code of conduct as long as its not with their registered purebred dogs. They are also able to do that and remain within all bounds for the RSPCA.

If he has removed them while they still hold dogs NSW registration - Im impressed.

Really? I would think it would be against Number 3 of the code of ethics firstly, they are not 'maintaining and/or improving the standard of

the Breed and the health, welfare and soundness of their dogs', and also against Number 5 'A Member shall not knowingly permit any of that Member's pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed' it doesn't say 'pedigree or papered or registered' just 'purebred' - and breeding purebred poodle to a purebred maltese to me would be a breach, whether they are papered, main registered, limited registered or not at all??

Surely Dogs NSW would not allow such a loophole?

There is also Number 15 - must register all litters bred by them. How can they register cross breeds?

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I have reported a few breeders and Troy has removed them. :rolleyes:

I supply him proof - VCA suspension, Non Financial prefix, Online Ads of them selling pups with out papers etc

Same here SwaY - just this week I found information that a registered breeder is actually a puppy farm and advertising all sorts of x breeds on petlink - I supplied him the evidence, and he removed them. I've also reported this to Dogs NSW and the RSPCA - what I found was disgusting.

The fact that Troy removed them is pretty spectacular because as members of dogs NSW they are perfectly entitled to do exactly that and not breach their code of conduct as long as its not with their registered purebred dogs. They are also able to do that and remain within all bounds for the RSPCA.

If he has removed them while they still hold dogs NSW registration - Im impressed.

Really? I would think it would be against Number 3 of the code of ethics firstly, they are not 'maintaining and/or improving the standard of

the Breed and the health, welfare and soundness of their dogs', and also against Number 5 'A Member shall not knowingly permit any of that Member's pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed' it doesn't say 'pedigree or papered or registered' just 'purebred' - and breeding purebred poodle to a purebred maltese to me would be a breach, whether they are papered, main registered, limited registered or not at all??

Surely Dogs NSW would not allow such a loophole?

There is also Number 15 - must register all litters bred by them. How can they register cross breeds?

So whats a purebred? Dogs NSW is a dog stud registry - its only interest is in the dogs that are registered on their stud records.

Some years ago there was a pretty heated debate on this forum between my self and Kate Scoffeld who is the first to admit she is a large puppy farmer. At that time she had never bred a purebred pup and every one bred was a first cross but she held Dogs NSW membership and advertised that when she promoted herself.I felt that was rotten and I said so - in that thread she agreed and told me she would resign her membership - I assume she did but if she did there was nothing saying she had to. Some breed cross breds and some breed the same breed [unregistered]with dogs which are not registered. Some people who are breeding dogs not recognised on the registry enjoy the same benefits of Dogs NSW membership. Some mini foxie breeders for example are members of Dogs NSW and many who are beginning a new breed or working toward breed recognition are also members but technically breeding dogs the CCs don't recognise as purebred even though many of them have registered pedigrees.

Think it through - I'm a member of the Dorper sheep society - If I own a couple of purebred sheep and breed them now and then within the Dorper sheeep codes how could they stop me breeding sheep of a different breed or cross breed to earn my living? How could the CCs stop their members owning a cross bred dog and doing with that dog anything they want to?

Trade laws don't allow any Canine council to stop any of their members from breeding a dog in any way they wish which is not on the registry any more than they can stop them from selling them any where or to anyone they wish.

There are examples of this everywhere but apart from all of the above - what about people who have a registered prefix but their partner or kids don't and they breed cross breeds from the same property- how would the CC prove it was the person with the registered prefix who is responsible even if they could stop them? The CCs cant restrict how many litters a person has each year or how many dogs they own.

This is one of the main reasons the MDBA set up under the business entity we did because it allowed us more ability to restrict what else our members do.

The CC is about the dogs - They keep a stud book and reward dogs with ribbons and the like.They get to say what can and cant be done with the dogs on their registry - the CC dont recognise any dog which is not on THEIR registry as a purebred. The MDBA is about the people who breed, rescue, own and work with dogs and that is the difference and why I can say our members don't do these things with any dogs not just their purebred dogs which are listed on a CC registry.

You cant always accept that what you think you're seeing is actually whats happening either. A breeder might post ads on that website to help out a mate.They may be a breeder but also rescue.They may have had a dog jump their fence and have a pregnant dog by accident and not know until its late in the pregnancy. We had one case where someone who used to work for the breeder in another business used their passwords and placed the ads to make them look bad. Troy has had to deal with this here at least once I'm aware of.

The criteria for advertising here is that you have a current prefix with a CC and if the CC hasn't thrown you out for breach of ethics, in my opinion, asking Troy to do so is a hard ask.

Troy is the owner of this website and has the right to say you cant advertise here if he doesn't like you but asking him to be the judge on breaches of a code of ethics which is the responsibility of another org especially when there is a such a high incidence of malicious unfounded complaints places him in a role that most people who accept advertising wouldn't expect to be in.

He isn't guaranteeing anything except that the breeder is registered with the CCs because he cant police the entire dog world.

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Membership is open to residents of Australia only who are members of their state's canine controlling body and have a registered Prefix for breeding and/or have pure breed pedigree dogs that they show and wish to showcase on this site.

Looks to me that as long as you hold a prefix with state CC regardless of whether everyone thinks you should or not you are O.K. to be a member and advertise here. How on earth could Troy promise that when someone other than the CCs think they should not remain members that he will remove them ?

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Membership is open to residents of Australia only who are members of their state's canine controlling body and have a registered Prefix for breeding and/or have pure breed pedigree dogs that they show and wish to showcase on this site.

Looks to me that as long as you hold a prefix with state CC regardless of whether everyone thinks you should or not you are O.K. to be a member and advertise here. How on earth could Troy promise that when someone other than the CCs think they should not remain members that he will remove them ?

All I did was send Troy through the evidence, and said I'd leave it to his discretion on whether or not he feels they should be removed (and pointed out they are still registered so would understand if he had to leave them as members - maybe their membership had expired anyway which is why they were removed or something?? I don't know). I didn't demand or insist on anything. And if this person is reinstated then so be it. I only found out through an ad in the trading post that I did a bit more digging about to find out information and basically it opened a can of worms - something that I never expected.

I also didn't think it was everyone's 'right' to belong to their state CC - I thought of it more of a club, and if people are doing unethical things, they could be expelled. Call me naive, but I assumed that Dogs NSW would act on something like this. I don't see how Trade Laws apply? If people want to breed whatever they want, they can without membership, but if they breach Dogs NSW COE, then they can be expelled can't they? Why even have a COE if they can't act on it? Why threaten expulsion and suspension if they can't do it? (not being smart - I read through the COE and figured that it was like 'club rules' and the CC could act on breaches which is why I reported this person to begin with - now to find out they can't do anything about it anyway is very surprising to me). If people HAD to be members of Dogs NSW to advertise litters, and then they were restricted, I could understand the whole Trade Laws thing, but no one HAS to be a member to advertise puppies??

You may be right - as although the contact number is the same as their registered prefix contact, this puppy farm is using a different contact name and email address - so probably you are right in the fact they'll just say it's someone else in their household, not the holder of the prefix - but if they are using papered dogs to create the crosses registered to the holder of the prefix - then can DogsNSW do something? As it appears the crosses, are crosses of the breeds they are advertising as being a registered breeder of - they could be breeding the crosses in the seasons that they can't breed the pedigree pups (ie: dogs can't be bred on every season they need to be rested - maybe that's the time they cross them??)

I don't care if they're expelled from here, DogsNSW or anywhere else - my concern is that there are hundreds of puppies advertised by this person, and I just want to ensure the dogs are being looked after. If DogsNSW are then comfortable allowing this person to continue doing this, then so be it.

The MDBA is not the be all and end all either - you have at least one member I know of that breaches your own COE just by what is on their website (let alone what they are like to talk to personally), but you haven't acted on that either.

There will always be people doing unethical things. I think I'll go back to minding my own business and making sure what I do measures up to my own high ethics. Trying to do the right thing and reporting others is just too damn frustrating. :rofl:

Edited by wednesday
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And the breeders cop it again. People wonder why there are less breeders out there and less people showing.

I can tell them why. I am wholeheartedly sick of people wanting a puppy and cross questioning me.

I am the breeder I ask the questions and you can make up your mind when you are invited to my home to see the pups.

The majority of breeders are above reproach and have only the best interest of their breed in mind.

Some of the people want to know the In's and outs of a Magpie's behind.

Just because a few are not kosher, please stop taring us with the same brush.

Would you expect your news paper or magazine to give a rating with every advertisement ? no of course you wouldn't.

Most breeders have the writing on the wall with stock they breed, just go to a show and see the the quality they produce,

or ask how many Australian Champions they have bred. Soon sorts the chalk from the cheese.

Actually, I think it should be a two way street. I find your attitude to it understandable, but very wrong.

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And the breeders cop it again. People wonder why there are less breeders out there and less people showing.

I can tell them why. I am wholeheartedly sick of people wanting a puppy and cross questioning me.

I am the breeder I ask the questions and you can make up your mind when you are invited to my home to see the pups.

The majority of breeders are above reproach and have only the best interest of their breed in mind.

Some of the people want to know the In's and outs of a Magpie's behind.

Just because a few are not kosher, please stop taring us with the same brush.

Would you expect your news paper or magazine to give a rating with every advertisement ? no of course you wouldn't.

Most breeders have the writing on the wall with stock they breed, just go to a show and see the the quality they produce,

or ask how many Australian Champions they have bred. Soon sorts the chalk from the cheese.

Actually, I think it should be a two way street. I find your attitude to it understandable, but very wrong.

Hang on a minute, what's wrong with me saying I decide who my pups go to. :rofl:

I am sick of and tired of people laying the law down to me.


I will require this and I will require that.

I will expect copies of................

I did say cross questioned, of course people will ask reasonable questions and ethical breeders answer them.

I always invite people to come to my home where possible and inspect the pups and see where they are raised and the other dogs that are raised along side them and ask relevant questions about the breed.

I am so sick and tired of breeder bashing.

I am also sick and tired of people telling ME what I should do as a breeder.

As I have said my Ethics are above reproach.

I personally believe that we have prospective owners coming onto lists and gaining a little knowledge and using it in all the wrong ways.

When you try to tell them it does not apply to this breed they tell you they know because they have been told to ask for all

relevant paper work. ??????????????. Sorry not this breed.

Now does that make it clearer what I am talking about. :D

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Membership is open to residents of Australia only who are members of their state's canine controlling body and have a registered Prefix for breeding and/or have pure breed pedigree dogs that they show and wish to showcase on this site.

Looks to me that as long as you hold a prefix with state CC regardless of whether everyone thinks you should or not you are O.K. to be a member and advertise here. How on earth could Troy promise that when someone other than the CCs think they should not remain members that he will remove them ?

All I did was send Troy through the evidence, and said I'd leave it to his discretion on whether or not he feels they should be removed (and pointed out they are still registered so would understand if he had to leave them as members - maybe their membership had expired anyway which is why they were removed or something?? I don't know). I didn't demand or insist on anything. And if this person is reinstated then so be it. I only found out through an ad in the trading post that I did a bit more digging about to find out information and basically it opened a can of worms - something that I never expected.

I also didn't think it was everyone's 'right' to belong to their state CC - I thought of it more of a club, and if people are doing unethical things, they could be expelled. Call me naive, but I assumed that Dogs NSW would act on something like this. I don't see how Trade Laws apply? If people want to breed whatever they want, they can without membership, but if they breach Dogs NSW COE, then they can be expelled can't they? Why even have a COE if they can't act on it? Why threaten expulsion and suspension if they can't do it? (not being smart - I read through the COE and figured that it was like 'club rules' and the CC could act on breaches which is why I reported this person to begin with - now to find out they can't do anything about it anyway is very surprising to me). If people HAD to be members of Dogs NSW to advertise litters, and then they were restricted, I could understand the whole Trade Laws thing, but no one HAS to be a member to advertise puppies??

You may be right - as although the contact number is the same as their registered prefix contact, this puppy farm is using a different contact name and email address - so probably you are right in the fact they'll just say it's someone else in their household, not the holder of the prefix - but if they are using papered dogs to create the crosses registered to the holder of the prefix - then can DogsNSW do something? As it appears the crosses, are crosses of the breeds they are advertising as being a registered breeder of - they could be breeding the crosses in the seasons that they can't breed the pedigree pups (ie: dogs can't be bred on every season they need to be rested - maybe that's the time they cross them??)

I don't care if they're expelled from here, DogsNSW or anywhere else - my concern is that there are hundreds of puppies advertised by this person, and I just want to ensure the dogs are being looked after. If DogsNSW are then comfortable allowing this person to continue doing this, then so be it.

The MDBA is not the be all and end all either - you have at least one member I know of that breaches your own COE just by what is on their website (let alone what they are like to talk to personally), but you haven't acted on that either.

There will always be people doing unethical things. I think I'll go back to minding my own business and making sure what I do measures up to my own high ethics. Trying to do the right thing and reporting others is just too damn frustrating. :rofl:

Better fill in the gaps here. If any of our members are breaching our code we will and have acted on it. I would appreciate an email or PM explaining who you are speaking of.

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Membership is open to residents of Australia only who are members of their state's canine controlling body and have a registered Prefix for breeding and/or have pure breed pedigree dogs that they show and wish to showcase on this site.

Looks to me that as long as you hold a prefix with state CC regardless of whether everyone thinks you should or not you are O.K. to be a member and advertise here. How on earth could Troy promise that when someone other than the CCs think they should not remain members that he will remove them ?

All I did was send Troy through the evidence, and said I'd leave it to his discretion on whether or not he feels they should be removed (and pointed out they are still registered so would understand if he had to leave them as members - maybe their membership had expired anyway which is why they were removed or something?? I don't know). I didn't demand or insist on anything. And if this person is reinstated then so be it. I only found out through an ad in the trading post that I did a bit more digging about to find out information and basically it opened a can of worms - something that I never expected.

I also didn't think it was everyone's 'right' to belong to their state CC - I thought of it more of a club, and if people are doing unethical things, they could be expelled. Call me naive, but I assumed that Dogs NSW would act on something like this. I don't see how Trade Laws apply? If people want to breed whatever they want, they can without membership, but if they breach Dogs NSW COE, then they can be expelled can't they? Why even have a COE if they can't act on it? Why threaten expulsion and suspension if they can't do it? (not being smart - I read through the COE and figured that it was like 'club rules' and the CC could act on breaches which is why I reported this person to begin with - now to find out they can't do anything about it anyway is very surprising to me). If people HAD to be members of Dogs NSW to advertise litters, and then they were restricted, I could understand the whole Trade Laws thing, but no one HAS to be a member to advertise puppies??

You may be right - as although the contact number is the same as their registered prefix contact, this puppy farm is using a different contact name and email address - so probably you are right in the fact they'll just say it's someone else in their household, not the holder of the prefix - but if they are using papered dogs to create the crosses registered to the holder of the prefix - then can DogsNSW do something? As it appears the crosses, are crosses of the breeds they are advertising as being a registered breeder of - they could be breeding the crosses in the seasons that they can't breed the pedigree pups (ie: dogs can't be bred on every season they need to be rested - maybe that's the time they cross them??)

I don't care if they're expelled from here, DogsNSW or anywhere else - my concern is that there are hundreds of puppies advertised by this person, and I just want to ensure the dogs are being looked after. If DogsNSW are then comfortable allowing this person to continue doing this, then so be it.

The MDBA is not the be all and end all either - you have at least one member I know of that breaches your own COE just by what is on their website (let alone what they are like to talk to personally), but you haven't acted on that either.

There will always be people doing unethical things. I think I'll go back to minding my own business and making sure what I do measures up to my own high ethics. Trying to do the right thing and reporting others is just too damn frustrating. :rofl:

Better fill in the gaps here. If any of our members are breaching our code we will and have acted on it. I would appreciate an email or PM explaining who you are speaking of.

Will do :D

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I have reported a few breeders and Troy has removed them. :confused:

I supply him proof - VCA suspension, Non Financial prefix, Online Ads of them selling pups with out papers etc

Same here SwaY - just this week I found information that a registered breeder is actually a puppy farm and advertising all sorts of x breeds on petlink - I supplied him the evidence, and he removed them. I've also reported this to Dogs NSW and the RSPCA - what I found was disgusting.

The fact that Troy removed them is pretty spectacular because as members of dogs NSW they are perfectly entitled to do exactly that and not breach their code of conduct as long as its not with their registered purebred dogs. They are also able to do that and remain within all bounds for the RSPCA.

If he has removed them while they still hold dogs NSW registration - Im impressed.

Really? I would think it would be against Number 3 of the code of ethics firstly, they are not 'maintaining and/or improving the standard of

the Breed and the health, welfare and soundness of their dogs', and also against Number 5 'A Member shall not knowingly permit any of that Member's pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed' it doesn't say 'pedigree or papered or registered' just 'purebred' - and breeding purebred poodle to a purebred maltese to me would be a breach, whether they are papered, main registered, limited registered or not at all??

Surely Dogs NSW would not allow such a loophole?

There is also Number 15 - must register all litters bred by them. How can they register cross breeds?

This is a blurb from Assoc of Australian Pet breeders website placed there by a QCCC registered breeder who has also joined the puppy farmers association.

My partner and I have been breeding dogs for over 16 years,we each have are own breeds and lines of dogs, although we do share our registered prefix for our Dogs QLD registered dogs, my main interests are my pet Bostons and crosses of these, I have only gotten into crosses seriously since the Qantas airline refused to carry the brachycephalic breeds if they are pure bred, they will carry crosses, and we are getting ever more enquiry for these, so I have decided to add a few to my kennel of pure Bostons who may be had on pet registry papers as well, all bitches are desexed weather cross of pure no dog is sold for breeding.

All pure bred Bostons are either cleared by parentage or by direct DNA tests of being affected by Hereditary Juvenile Cataracts, crosses cannot be tested, but any we breed ourselves with be bred from clear dogs, to start off this new crossbred venture, some dogs have been purchased who are not from tested stock, but we have been careful to buy from breeders who have been breeding for some generations without many, if any, problems.

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And the breeders cop it again. People wonder why there are less breeders out there and less people showing.

I can tell them why. I am wholeheartedly sick of people wanting a puppy and cross questioning me.

I am the breeder I ask the questions and you can make up your mind when you are invited to my home to see the pups.

The majority of breeders are above reproach and have only the best interest of their breed in mind.

Some of the people want to know the In's and outs of a Magpie's behind.

Just because a few are not kosher, please stop taring us with the same brush.

Would you expect your news paper or magazine to give a rating with every advertisement ? no of course you wouldn't.

Most breeders have the writing on the wall with stock they breed, just go to a show and see the the quality they produce,

or ask how many Australian Champions they have bred. Soon sorts the chalk from the cheese.

Actually, I think it should be a two way street. I find your attitude to it understandable, but very wrong.

Hang on a minute, what's wrong with me saying I decide who my pups go to. :laugh:

I am sick of and tired of people laying the law down to me.


I will require this and I will require that.

I will expect copies of................

I did say cross questioned, of course people will ask reasonable questions and ethical breeders answer them.

I always invite people to come to my home where possible and inspect the pups and see where they are raised and the other dogs that are raised along side them and ask relevant questions about the breed.

I am so sick and tired of breeder bashing.

I am also sick and tired of people telling ME what I should do as a breeder.

As I have said my Ethics are above reproach.

I personally believe that we have prospective owners coming onto lists and gaining a little knowledge and using it in all the wrong ways.

When you try to tell them it does not apply to this breed they tell you they know because they have been told to ask for all

relevant paper work. ??????????????. Sorry not this breed.

Now does that make it clearer what I am talking about. :laugh:

Yep know what you mean. Had a puppy enquiry and they wouldn't buy a whippet pup unless I could supply hip scores for both parents and their grandparents. I almost spit coffee out my nose but didn't.

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And the breeders cop it again. People wonder why there are less breeders out there and less people showing.

I can tell them why. I am wholeheartedly sick of people wanting a puppy and cross questioning me.

I am the breeder I ask the questions and you can make up your mind when you are invited to my home to see the pups.

The majority of breeders are above reproach and have only the best interest of their breed in mind.

Some of the people want to know the In's and outs of a Magpie's behind.

Just because a few are not kosher, please stop taring us with the same brush.

Would you expect your news paper or magazine to give a rating with every advertisement ? no of course you wouldn't.

Most breeders have the writing on the wall with stock they breed, just go to a show and see the the quality they produce,

or ask how many Australian Champions they have bred. Soon sorts the chalk from the cheese.

Actually, I think it should be a two way street. I find your attitude to it understandable, but very wrong.

Hang on a minute, what's wrong with me saying I decide who my pups go to. :thumbsup:

I am sick of and tired of people laying the law down to me.


I will require this and I will require that.

I will expect copies of................

I did say cross questioned, of course people will ask reasonable questions and ethical breeders answer them.

I always invite people to come to my home where possible and inspect the pups and see where they are raised and the other dogs that are raised along side them and ask relevant questions about the breed.

I am so sick and tired of breeder bashing.

I am also sick and tired of people telling ME what I should do as a breeder.

As I have said my Ethics are above reproach.

I personally believe that we have prospective owners coming onto lists and gaining a little knowledge and using it in all the wrong ways.

When you try to tell them it does not apply to this breed they tell you they know because they have been told to ask for all

relevant paper work. ??????????????. Sorry not this breed.

Now does that make it clearer what I am talking about. :thumbsup:

Yep know what you mean. Had a puppy enquiry and they wouldn't buy a whippet pup unless I could supply hip scores for both parents and their grandparents. I almost spit coffee out my nose but didn't.

Yes a breeders life is not an easy one. I am not nasty to prospective purchases, good heavens we sell to these people.

But I am sick and tired of people telling me what I have to do.

Yes, been down the hip score road :thumbsup: . What people don't understand is that there are top rate breeders out there and and they are there for the breed and the breed alone. Thank you whippets for your understanding.

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I have reported a few breeders and Troy has removed them. :thumbsup:

I supply him proof - VCA suspension, Non Financial prefix, Online Ads of them selling pups with out papers etc

Same here SwaY - just this week I found information that a registered breeder is actually a puppy farm and advertising all sorts of x breeds on petlink - I supplied him the evidence, and he removed them. I've also reported this to Dogs NSW and the RSPCA - what I found was disgusting.

The fact that Troy removed them is pretty spectacular because as members of dogs NSW they are perfectly entitled to do exactly that and not breach their code of conduct as long as its not with their registered purebred dogs. They are also able to do that and remain within all bounds for the RSPCA.

If he has removed them while they still hold dogs NSW registration - Im impressed.

Really? I would think it would be against Number 3 of the code of ethics firstly, they are not 'maintaining and/or improving the standard of

the Breed and the health, welfare and soundness of their dogs', and also against Number 5 'A Member shall not knowingly permit any of that Member's pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed' it doesn't say 'pedigree or papered or registered' just 'purebred' - and breeding purebred poodle to a purebred maltese to me would be a breach, whether they are papered, main registered, limited registered or not at all??

Surely Dogs NSW would not allow such a loophole?

There is also Number 15 - must register all litters bred by them. How can they register cross breeds?

This is a blurb from Assoc of Australian Pet breeders website placed there by a QCCC registered breeder who has also joined the puppy farmers association.

My partner and I have been breeding dogs for over 16 years,we each have are own breeds and lines of dogs, although we do share our registered prefix for our Dogs QLD registered dogs, my main interests are my pet Bostons and crosses of these, I have only gotten into crosses seriously since the Qantas airline refused to carry the brachycephalic breeds if they are pure bred, they will carry crosses, and we are getting ever more enquiry for these, so I have decided to add a few to my kennel of pure Bostons who may be had on pet registry papers as well, all bitches are desexed weather cross of pure no dog is sold for breeding.

All pure bred Bostons are either cleared by parentage or by direct DNA tests of being affected by Hereditary Juvenile Cataracts, crosses cannot be tested, but any we breed ourselves with be bred from clear dogs, to start off this new crossbred venture, some dogs have been purchased who are not from tested stock, but we have been careful to buy from breeders who have been breeding for some generations without many, if any, problems.

and this is why i didnt buy a boston from qld...sorry for all the good breeders there but i didnt want to take any chances

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