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Barking Dogs Grrr!

mutt lover

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My male maltese x shih tzu I acquired 8 months ago has settled in well but his barking at absolutely everything and anything is driving me up the wall, like the landlord who's house is over other side of fence from mine J will still bark when he sees him outside, or when horse runs around paddock he barks at her, if anyone walks past he barks, he even barks when he sees neighbor driving up side road to their place, It is driving me crazy as I've never ever had a barker, my old girl lady would only bark when she was younger if someone came onto property but this maltese x is beginning to really be a pain in the butt, I asked a dog trainer who was at rspca paws walk in Shepparton and his response was "He's a terrier you will never get him out of it"! I've had terrier x breeds all my life and have never ever had a barker.

No matter how many times I tell him no bark or quiet, he just doesn't seem to get it, he even barks at me when I'm outside if he hears me and hasn't seen me go out, I don't want to fall foul of the landlord with him living so close he hasn't said anything but I now it would drive me up the wall if his dog was barking at me all the time whenever I was outside.

Is there anyway I can get him out of this as he's a great little dog otherwise! :rofl:

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First of all that disregard what that dog trainer said. That is just nonsense imo.

There are several different methods which can be suggested to stop barking. Depending on what method of training you follow or want to use with your dog will help. Personally I only train using Positive Reinforcement methods so I can only give you advice based on what I have done with my German Shepherd.

I keep treats and the clicker by my side, when Brennan barks, I would wait until she stopped barking ( even for a second) and click for that quiet time. Every time she stopped barking I clicked and treated. After a few repetitions I added the word ''quiet'' when I clicked so she learnt to associate the word with treats.

She still will start to bark at times...depends on what is around the environment, but now she knows that by not barking ( especially once I have said ''quiet'') she gets treats and that is much better :rofl:

That's only one method, and it's a PR method. I am sure other's will have different suggestions.

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What part of a Maltese x Shih Tzu is a terrier? The trainer lacks some basic dog knowledge just right there.

A barker is a pain to everyone, the idea of teaching the dog to bark on command is sometimes used (on the theory that learning to bark on command includes learning to shut up on command LOL) Brennan's Mum's clicker method is good too. Whatever you do, don't yell at the dog to be quiet - most of the time they assume you're barking too and get louder!

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First of all that disregard what that dog trainer said. That is just nonsense imo.

There are several different methods which can be suggested to stop barking. Depending on what method of training you follow or want to use with your dog will help. Personally I only train using Positive Reinforcement methods so I can only give you advice based on what I have done with my German Shepherd.

I keep treats and the clicker by my side, when Brennan barks, I would wait until she stopped barking ( even for a second) and click for that quiet time. Every time she stopped barking I clicked and treated. After a few repetitions I added the word ''quiet'' when I clicked so she learnt to associate the word with treats.

She still will start to bark at times...depends on what is around the environment, but now she knows that by not barking ( especially once I have said ''quiet'') she gets treats and that is much better :rofl:

That's only one method, and it's a PR method. I am sure other's will have different suggestions.

Thanks for your reply, I have done this when I've been inside when he starts barking and he responds quick, but problem is mainly when I'm outside doing something on farm and he starts barking at landlord or his dog through window, If I stop what I'm doing and go tell him Quiet he stops but the min I walk away he starts again, I've been putting him in back bedroom with door closed and curtains closed so he cant see out if I'm working around farm but I feel really mean, but will def try the clicker training and treat at same time, may even get landlord to come and go outside and do this as it may help reinforce it. Thanks again for your helpful advice.

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What part of a Maltese x Shih Tzu is a terrier? The trainer lacks some basic dog knowledge just right there.

A barker is a pain to everyone, the idea of teaching the dog to bark on command is sometimes used (on the theory that learning to bark on command includes learning to shut up on command LOL) Brennan's Mum's clicker method is good too. Whatever you do, don't yell at the dog to be quiet - most of the time they assume you're barking too and get louder!

A Maltese is a terrier breed, trainer said he wasn't a shih tzu cross in his opinion just a maltese and that these dogs are renown for being little yappers was his comment!. His former owner told me he used to bark whenever anyone walked past her place but she just ignored him as she thought he was being such a good little watch dog! :rofl: Don't think a SWF would scare anyone, hopefully as he's only 3 I can train him out of it.

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How much exercise and training does this dog get? One of the reasons these dogs tend to be champion yappers is that they're often bored witless through lack of physical and mental stimulation. A lot of them don't have many boundaries or manners either because they get treated like dolls, not dogs.

No terrier at all in that cross.

Edited by poodlefan
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A Maltese is a terrier breed

A Maltese is not a terrier at all. They're in Group 1 (Toys).

Terriers are Group 2


Thanks for that info, Is something I obviously didn't know as everyone I've ever spoken to has referred to him as a maltese terrier and is very interesting to know that even the so called expert dog trainer was wrong. :rofl:

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Ooh I forgot to say that once the behaviour is learnt ie that it is better to respond to quiet by being quiet you can phase out the need for treats and or the click. Although I still will treat the basic well learnt behaviours ie sit from time to time. Just to reinforce the idea that by offering these behaviours once asked they can get reinforcement in treats...imo keep them guessing from time to time.

Putting him from time to time in the back room is not solving anything. It may be a quick fix, but the behaviour is still there.

Good luck I think you can definitely do it :rofl:

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Thanks for that info, Is something I obviously didn't know as everyone I've ever spoken to has referred to him as a maltese terrier and is very interesting to know that even the so called expert dog trainer was wrong. :rofl:

Yeah alot of people call them a Maltese Terrier. Even in the veterinary industry (which I am in) it is very common too. :rofl:

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How much exercise and training does this dog get? One of the reasons these dogs tend to be champion yappers is that they're often bored stupid through lack of physical and mental stimulation. A lot of them don't have many boundaries or manners either because they get treated like dolls, not dogs.

No terrier at all in that cross.

He gets walked for 1/2 hour every night after I come home from work but prior to me been given him 8 months ago he had lived with an elderly lady since he was 8 weeks of age and wasn't walked or taken out anywhere only lived inside and only other dogs he saw was the one from next door who used to come in and play with him, since I've had him I've taken out for walks with my friends and their dogs, and been to numerous outings where there have been other dogs also and he's fine he doesn't bark at all is just at home seems to be a dominance thing perhaps with him and other dogs near his territory!, No he isn't treated like a toy by me that's for sure, since I've had him I've taught to sit and wait till i put his dinner down and tell him he can have it and sit before we cross road, I think his former owner probably did treat him more like a doll not a dog as when I told her he sits and waits for his dinner etc she said she never taught him anything except to sit on her lap and be groomed so at least he likes being groomed and clipped. I guess it will just take time for him to learn new boundaries seeing as he's obviously never been taught any.

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What part of a Maltese x Shih Tzu is a terrier? The trainer lacks some basic dog knowledge just right there.

A barker is a pain to everyone, the idea of teaching the dog to bark on command is sometimes used (on the theory that learning to bark on command includes learning to shut up on command LOL) Brennan's Mum's clicker method is good too. Whatever you do, don't yell at the dog to be quiet - most of the time they assume you're barking too and get louder!

A Maltese is a terrier breed, trainer said he wasn't a shih tzu cross in his opinion just a maltese and that these dogs are renown for being little yappers was his comment!. His former owner told me he used to bark whenever anyone walked past her place but she just ignored him as she thought he was being such a good little watch dog! :rofl: Don't think a SWF would scare anyone, hopefully as he's only 3 I can train him out of it.

Hmm.. Given the RSPCA's own guide to dog identification used to identify Chihuahua as a pit bull should question their ability to determine cross breds.

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**Flame suit on**

I have electronic bark collars for mine. Quality Innotek ones. Not the crappy cheap Ebay ones.

If they start barking, it goes on. With mine, it does not help the Amstaff mongrel up the back tries to go them through the fence and generally starts the barking, and we did have builders next door for over 6 months that they had to tell off. They also have a Rotti that likes to bark, so naturally mine has to return the favour.

Very hard when you have outside influences, but sometimes for the peace of the neighbourhood, it calls for drastic measures. The clicker method is good, but time consuming.. Good if you have the time and are there when the dog barks (which I am not - at work when mine bark). Mine don't bark when I am at home, so for me that made it difficult. I have blocked the fences with tarp so they cannot see through. It has helped a little bit.

One dog has been on debark row a couple of times now. I have not gone through it, but she has been placed on debark row a couple of times.

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What part of a Maltese x Shih Tzu is a terrier? The trainer lacks some basic dog knowledge just right there.

A barker is a pain to everyone, the idea of teaching the dog to bark on command is sometimes used (on the theory that learning to bark on command includes learning to shut up on command LOL) Brennan's Mum's clicker method is good too. Whatever you do, don't yell at the dog to be quiet - most of the time they assume you're barking too and get louder!

A Maltese is a terrier breed, trainer said he wasn't a shih tzu cross in his opinion just a maltese and that these dogs are renown for being little yappers was his comment!. His former owner told me he used to bark whenever anyone walked past her place but she just ignored him as she thought he was being such a good little watch dog! :thumbsup: Don't think a SWF would scare anyone, hopefully as he's only 3 I can train him out of it.

As everyone has already said the Maltese is not a terrier and has absolutely no relationship to the terrier breeds. Yes, they are well known to be little yappers in the wrong environment, does that make them terriers? :welcome:

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Can you have him on a lead when you are out and about on the farm? If he starts to bark he will be right by you and you can correct him right away.

I did just that today had him outside on long lead and asked my neighbor/landlord to come in through side gate about 6 times within space of cpl mins apart, and as soon as J started barking I told him NO and he stopped straight away and I gave him a treat, (he's not as dumb as I thought) after landlord coming back 3 times he gave a half hearted woof then stopped and looked at me like well where's my treat :laugh: . the last couple of times I took lead off and just let him run around back yard and he happily sat near side gate and just watched landlord work in garden and when he came back through the gate the last time he just wagged his tail and went up for pat.

Landlord said that when he's outside J will bark couple of times only then stops, that he doesn't continually bark which is what I thought he was doing so I'm very relieved about that, and thanks to the people who gave helpful advice much appreciated!


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Hmm.. Given the RSPCA's own guide to dog identification used to identify Chihuahua as a pit bull should question their ability to determine cross breds.

What the? are you serious?


It was quite a number of years ago, but one that was posted on here or another forum group could in theory by a series of yes/no answers classify a Chihuahua as a pit bull. Just through physical appearance..

There was a huge outrage naturally at the time.

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