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Teaching My Class About Responsible Pet Ownership


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Hi all - have also posted in Breeders and Rescue

Quick bit of info - I am teaching my class about pets this term - focussing on responsible pet ownership - this was inspired by one of the students brining in a litter of puppies that were the result of an undesexed bitch and a stray dog *sigh*

But anyway - I thought I would throw it out to the good people of DOL for any ideas :D

I am looking at getting some people in to talk to the class about resuce and breeding and pet care etc - maybe vet clinics - will ring AWL and the RSPCA and there is also the GoodDogSA program but anything that anyone would like to suggest would be greatly appreciated.

This all fits in with the Society and Environment area of teaching and I am hoping to link in with some other subject areas including Information Technology and the Arts. If it looks too big for one term I will continue it in Term 4 :)

Thanks all ;)

My email is

[email protected]


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Looked it up thanks poodlefan - getting some good stuff together :D

Thought I might get them to do the selectapet quiz and then research the dog that it comes up with for them :)

Edited by KelpieHoundMum
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Sounds like a great idea KPM ! :D

Maybe bring up to them (while on the subject of pets) about never approaching a dog without asking for permission from it's owner/handler first :)

Maybe you need to bring in their parents as well ;-)

Kidsafe has a lot of educational stuff about kids meeting dogs.. most of it online.

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Maybe you need to bring in their parents as well ;-)

Good idea Jules - the more the merrier :D

I thought I was seeing double for a while.

Thought I'd post everyehere and pick everyones brains :)

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Thanks everyone - there is so much out there - the Responsible Pet Ownership programme looks good - have bookmarked that to use - I am actually enthusiastic about this topic and looking forward to this term.

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I got the RSPCA in for the Kinder and Yr1 classes at my school, and they brought in a large toy dog and taught the students about looking after dogs, what happens if they see a stray in the street, they even had fake poo and had the students picking it up...hilarious.

We inadvertently had a stray husky in our playground the following week and there were 200 K and Yr1 students standing still like trees, while the other 500 students ran around the playground screaming. Funniest sight.

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I got the RSPCA in for the Kinder and Yr1 classes at my school, and they brought in a large toy dog and taught the students about looking after dogs, what happens if they see a stray in the street, they even had fake poo and had the students picking it up...hilarious.

We inadvertently had a stray husky in our playground the following week and there were 200 K and Yr1 students standing still like trees, while the other 500 students ran around the playground screaming. Funniest sight.


Things like this should be taught in all schools and it's a shame not all teachers/schools are so pro-active about it. A small amount of education at primary school age really pays off for these kids, and it's amazing how they will then go on to educate their friends and parents too :(

Good on you KHM for adding reponsible pet ownership to your class program. I'm sure the kids will enjoy it :hug:

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Thanks Leema - we had the Delta Dog Safe for the JP classes - they loved it :lollipop:

I got the RSPCA in for the Kinder and Yr1 classes at my school, and they brought in a large toy dog and taught the students about looking after dogs, what happens if they see a stray in the street, they even had fake poo and had the students picking it up...hilarious.

We inadvertently had a stray husky in our playground the following week and there were 200 K and Yr1 students standing still like trees, while the other 500 students ran around the playground screaming. Funniest sight.

:rofl: Love that story

Good on you KHM for adding reponsible pet ownership to your class program. I'm sure the kids will enjoy it

I am sure they will too - they are really enthusiastic - especially after meeting Earl :hug:

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I always find this video is good for some of the common reasons people abandon their dogs.

I recently made my response video to this video which I tried to cover some of the realities of dog ownership. It is called ''No Apologies'' because I have made a commitment to my dog hence she will never be one of those ''I'm sorry we are moving'' in shelter dogs.


Hopefully you can find some idea's there....

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for teaching this. If responsible pet ownership was taught in more schools, it may go some way to furthering intergenerational change, fostering greater respect for animals and result in fewer flippant and inexcusable reasons given when pets are surrendered to rescue groups and pounds.

Edited by Ms Genki
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