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Sophie The Rescue Dally!


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well where to start some things seem to have not come along at all and some thing seems totally different and i marvel at how far she has come.

the toileting in side has not changed much on step forward and two back ( not helped by a teen who thinks watching the dog consists of playing play station). also we have now confirmed eating of the poo,which explained why sometimes i swear she had pooed but i could not find it!

the things that have suprised me she spent a weekend with step child and his mates they jammed with drums and a band where she had not one accident for the whole weekend. she did not even mind the noise of the band.

the last 2 days she has approached the OH and tryed to play... she has no idea how but loves a belly rub and will fall flat on her belly and skate on the floor for a hard back rub! :drink::eek:

she still will gulp her whole dinner in under 30seconds... or less. she almost chokes....she has learned how to play with our lot without taking it as life and death fight. she loves to run if we go out any where and that for leo is not a fave thing although running about with her has meant he has learnt not to trip flat on his face so much.

she has some recall if you call and every one comes she does too. unlike leo when we got him he used to just keep going about his business.

so to the pic...




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Awww the dear little thing. I love the pic of her curled up on that little rug. And she looks very settled in in the other pics. That one of them waiting for food reminded me so much of my two.

Stick with her VC - I've been amazed at what patience and perseverence has done with tango :eek: And looks like you've already done so much in a very short space of time!!! :drink:

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yeah seems to be making progress but a bit disjointed.....

here's a strange one for you she eats her dinner like she's never seen food..... saying it's gorn in under 30seconds.... is maybe giving her extra time...

this last night OH said try her on a breakfast..... well she was not sure what to do with it she looked at it.... for a full 10seconds before eating at a normalish.... well still fairly fast (no gulping and choking it down) pace!

very strange. :)

would it be the fact she has never been fed in the morning?

or not as hungry ?

seemed a bit weird.

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in the pic where child has food.... he is making leo do tricks.....

you know the sort sit leo, hi five leo, but as leo is on a diet.... child gets a bite of the food! :) :)

as you can see he had their undivided attention even tho they never got a crumb of doughnut.

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She looks wonderful. Found out she did have an oops litter to her brother ..... might explain some poo eating having said that my old girl now at rainbow bridge used to love a feast of poo so gross she got to the point she wouldn't eat it while i was there but as soon as we weren't there she was into it.....

The old girl i have adopted pigs out on it as well she whinges while the other dog is toileting as soon as they move on she is into it so disgusting if i yell out no she just gulps it down i have added nutodrops to her tea made no difference. Its totally gross as she has an elizabethan collar on so gets poo around the edges then comes up for a pat eeeeekkkkkkk

She is very obsessive compulsive to the point that she has licked her back leg almost to the bone she had it when she arrived so i have had a bucket on her head for two weeks and couldn't work out why it wasn't getting better till yesterday my hubby noticed she was a controtionist and has managed to lick it with the elizabethan collar on..... so last night went to the vets on way home from work and got a bigger one nope she can still do it saw her this morning just don't know what to do next. Going to pet barn at lunchtime today to see if i can buy some bandage and some anti licking taste spray stuff. What a nightmare i really wanted it to heal up without a bandage so it can dry out nope that aint happening. She has a new lease on life from this frail lame 11 year old girls to one who is now very demanading and full of beans amazing what a good constant supply of food can mean.

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She looks wonderful. Found out she did have an oops litter to her brother ..... might explain some poo eating having said that my old girl now at rainbow bridge used to love a feast of poo so gross she got to the point she wouldn't eat it while i was there but as soon as we weren't there she was into it.....

The old girl i have adopted pigs out on it as well she whinges while the other dog is toileting as soon as they move on she is into it so disgusting if i yell out no she just gulps it down i have added nutodrops to her tea made no difference. Its totally gross as she has an elizabethan collar on so gets poo around the edges then comes up for a pat eeeeekkkkkkk

She is very obsessive compulsive to the point that she has licked her back leg almost to the bone she had it when she arrived so i have had a bucket on her head for two weeks and couldn't work out why it wasn't getting better till yesterday my hubby noticed she was a controtionist and has managed to lick it with the elizabethan collar on..... so last night went to the vets on way home from work and got a bigger one nope she can still do it saw her this morning just don't know what to do next. Going to pet barn at lunchtime today to see if i can buy some bandage and some anti licking taste spray stuff. What a nightmare i really wanted it to heal up without a bandage so it can dry out nope that aint happening. She has a new lease on life from this frail lame 11 year old girls to one who is now very demanading and full of beans amazing what a good constant supply of food can mean.

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Congratulations on your doe-eyed dog, she is beautiful. Re the poo munching: I have one and the only way to avoid this look on her face :D, and this :thumbsup: look on our faces, is to let the chronic poo muncher out to toilet before the poo provider and dispose of the yuck immediately, or keep her on leash when when she looks particularly hungry to eat her own. Good luck and remember, the leash is your friend! :)

Edited by Ms Genki
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ms g. not sure if you know sophie, tilly and woodbynes old girls story but they are very scared of humans and the lead is stressfull. due to being just left to fend for themselves in a yard and pack sitution.

one of the others rescued from this same situation was pst due to the fact he was sooo terrified and out of his environment... that he was running into objects like trees and fences to get away when cornered he attacked. he did take skin off his face and was getting worse in 24hours not better. they are a very sad story... which we will only know a small part.

i did cop a bit of flack from saying some one should try and then more flack when no one else would/could help for saying i would give it a bash.

so far so good!

hopefully when her time comes to find a real home some one here will know some one who will love sophie in spite of her troubles. as she gives lots of affection but she is just not sure how to.

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No, I didn't know their background. Are you the DoLer who wrote about 4-5 Dallys in need previously?

If the leash terrifies her, it wouldn't be a bad thing gradually trying to condition her to it i.e. place it near the feeding bowl or toys and let her associate it with good experiences before introducing it to activities. In the end, she'll need to know that it's not going to hurt her if she's to be rehomed. You don't have to put it on her to toilet. I see you have a thread on her toileting indoors and the others have written some great advice already.

In this poo muncher case, if you want to minimise it, you can only exercise vigilance, get to the stage where you can follow her out when she does it, praise her for going (particularly if she's stressed about doing it in front of humans) and quickly lure her away from the site to pick it up. It's a drag following out my dogs out at 10pm in winter, but the alternative is a lovely lab that I don't want a lick or smooch from. My dog is slowly learning to step away from the stinky stuff and go for the treat instead. One treat for toileting in front of me, one treat for not eating it.

I know it'll be a long process gaining trust from a traumatised dog so good luck.

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She is looking great! We are making slow progress with Tilly. As you say, its two steps forward, one step back. She seems to have good days and bad days. She hoovers her food like nothing I have ever seen before. She eats like a crocodile - she opens her mouth soooooo wide and just vacuums it up... She is not at ALL food aggressive though. I have been putting my hands in her bowl to slow her down! :laugh: She eats alongside the other dogs and when they finish, they all swap bowls. :cry:

She now sleeps in the cubby with my dogs and is not crated at all anymore. And no poo on the deck for about 3 days now! Woohoo! She is very good on the lead 90% of the time and LOVES going for walks. Every now and then she panicks if you grab her collar or lead, but she has never shown any indication that she will bite. She comes racing up and jumps all over you for cuddles, but then runs off again. She can't quite let go of that fear yet. But we'll get there. :cheer: I will get some new photos soon.

Woodbyne, did Tilly have a litter?

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hey rottie lover where are you?


The coat looks really good on her :thumbsup:

P.S. I was a bit worried that the noise of the velcro straps might scare her. I think those coats are good value though.

Edited by RottyLover01
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