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Caesar Mct Removed & Ok


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Some months ago Caesar was diagnosed with MCT on his prepuce and in his scrotal sack, as they were dormant and had not changed in many months maybe even a year, I made the choice not to have them removed at the time.

Well while we were on holidays at the end of June for a week they blew up to 3 x their original size.

so off to the vet and had them removed last friday, they are nasty looking wounds, but the vet has done a great job

we got the results back at our vist tonight.

they are grade 2 tumours :drink: but small clear margines, and a MI of 1 :eek:

Comments from the lab

For grade 2 MCT with MI<5, the median survial time is 70 months.

we will have to have regular check to watch his lymph nodes and check his coat regularly as they may return, but we are very happy with the rest and the great job the vet has done to get them out with extensive corrective surgery to his old fellow.

Caesar is an 8 year old boxer so another 5 years will make him an old man who has had a great spoilt life so fingers crossed for him.

although if he keeps hitting me with his bucket head I may just kill him myself :laugh:

some pictures of the wounds - removed

Edited by Caesars mum
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good results... the low MI is excellent.

With MCT the best approach is a excision attempting wide margins.... so they always look waful. my Lucinda had a wound 15cm long .. i nearly collapsed when i saw her. and sstill we did not get clean margins.

Boxers are one of the breeds prone to MCT so you may like to investigate some holistic support

Good Luck....



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  • 2 months later...

A bit of an update on Caesar, my sweet boy has been off colour for a couple of weeks, nothing I could put my finger on and dropping a bit of weight.

then he got really sick and was drinking like a fish and peeing all the time and throwing up excess water because he was drinking so much of it.

anyway off to vet because I thought this has to be diabetes or something.

took urine and faeces samples and vet did 2 vials of bloods. He has lost some weight but still not skinny by boxer standards.

his tests came back with renal failure and prancreatis.

Caesar Normal range

Urea 52.4 2.5 - 10.0 mmol/L

Creatinine .51 0.05 - 0.15 mmol/L

Phoshate 4.7 0.8 - 2.1 mmol/L

CA:P Ratio .5 1.2 - 3.0

Amylase 3476 333 - 1500 IU/L

Lipase 1249 77 - 750 IU/L

USG 1.012

Pancreatic Lipase 424 <200 Normal >400 Consistant with pancreatitis

Red Cell and White Cell morphology normal

so he has renal failure and suffers boates of pancreatitis, so vet put him on antibiotics incase of gut issues from being sick and the Hills K/D

so 48 hours later he is looking and acting healthier and happy then he has in weeks.

he is due for more blood tests tomorrow to see how things are settling down on the diet and after the AB's.

will have a good chat with the vet tomorrow, as I was too shell shocked when we got the news last week. just took in what I needed to do then and there

but in the mean time can anyone tell me how bad these results are.

Edited by Caesars mum
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What you've posted is the result against the reference range. This means that a dog with healthy kidneys should have results between those references. e.g. Urea should be between 2.5 and 10.00 millimoles per litre. His urea is 52.4 which is substantially higher.

Unless Caesar has a protein-wasting kidney disease, this won't be entirely relevant, but I have an explanation of what some of the tests measure on my wheaten site. The results have to be read in combination but to my eye, they're not good. Essentially, a dog will lose around 80 per cent of kidney function before any symptoms show. Caesar's vet should tell you what it all means and what you can do for him. Basically, some kidney issues can be managed with diet but not all. Has the vet advised you about diet?

Edited by Sheridan
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Thanks Sheridan, my vet seems to think that results were elivated due to infection (bladder or kidney or both) and gave him another week of AB last night and we organised to do more blood next week. He tested his urine on a stick and said it was ok, but a bit of blood in the urine.

since Caesar started the AB's last week and changed over to the Hills K/D and he seems to love it. I soak it as he is pretty toothless poor boy. He is a new dog he is happy, alert and full of beans. He has not looked and acted this well since before he had his MCT removed.

hoping the bloods tell us more next week as besides a bit over excess drinking and peeing he seems really good ATM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on the boy.

Caesar has been doing really well since his 2 weeks of AB's, his urine tests look good, he is only vomiting occassionally and is eating well most of the time.

He has not had follow up blood tests done yet but we will get them done in the next week or so. He has been on the k/d food since the attack and it really seems to be working for him.

fingers crossed that he continues to be this healthy and happy. even the vet is surprised that he has bounced back so well after his initial tests.

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Glad to hear that Caesar is doing better :champagne: He's had quite an ordeal poor thing.

I have one dog with pancreatitis and another with kidney disease. They both do really well on the Nutro lite dry food and the Tucker Time roll (the roll is low in phosphorus which is good for the kidneys, and low in fat and protien which is good for the pancreatitis). My kidney girl also has a calcium suppliment sprinkled on her food. They are both fed morning and night as small meals are easier for the body to cope with rather than one big meal.

Do you know what triggers Caesar's vomiting? Is it after eating anything particular? Your vet probably told you that he can't have bones and needs low protien, low fat and low phosphorus foods. I'm not a big fan of Science Diet, but if Caesar is doing well with it and you've seen improvement in his health, then that's the most important thing at this stage. Be careful with treats too, no pig ears or other high fat goodies.

I'm looking forward to hearing what his follow up test results are, I hope there's a good improvement. Very glad to hear that he's doing much better. Hugs to you and Caesar :(

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