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Amazing Feats Of Balance!


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A friend just tweeted this person's flickr page for me...


Don't get down on the dog because it's a 'doodle*, celebrate that this is a true artist of circus proportions!

TLC - your dogs are next! :)






(we're using this Bull (the Merrill Lynch bull) on a book cover at the moment, and I must say that I much prefer this image over the one we currently have!)


*hehehe doodle.

Edited by KnucklesDutchnUs
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When I saw the first one I thought it was just an illusion, that he was really standing on the wall but then I scrolled down. What a good doggy, yes amazing Feats of Balance and he has amazing Feets of Balance :confused:

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Awesome suits, clever doggie!

I'd have no hope with Cooper, he only likes solid ground, but my girls would be great, I once had them pose on a tree stump for some photos, might have to look for some other photo ops similar to these ones!

I have a couple of friends with lab x poo and they get called doodles :drink:

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Thats cool!

tlc I wanna see yours in a doodle pyramid please! :thumbsup:

That would be AWESOME!!!!

heheh doodle-pyramid :)

Not often you can drop THAT in a sentence! :D

So what your saying is it takes a special kind of person to pull off a doodle pyramid ???

EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! :sleep:



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Thats cool!

tlc I wanna see yours in a doodle pyramid please! :thumbsup:

That would be AWESOME!!!!

heheh doodle-pyramid :wave:

Not often you can drop THAT in a sentence! :D

So what your saying is it takes a special kind of person to pull off a doodle pyramid ???




:) I'll pay that.

I would normally apologies for hijacking someones thread with filth but its only your wifes and she started it anyway :sleep:

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