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Coprice Vs Great Barko/uncle Albers


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BTW, this is a puppy after almost a month on UA. I don't think anybody could say that he isn't doing well on it.

my view is that if price is an issue, you are better off on a raw natural diet then buying dog foods that cannot even pinpoint what they have put in their food. Anything that says 'here is a list of possible ingredients' I dont bother with. They go on price, not quality. If you have a dog that can live off dirt and still look good then congratulations, not everyones is like that.

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Not everybody is in a situation where raw food can be bought more cheaply than one of the cheaper dry foods.

As I have said frequently, feed what your dogs do best on and too bad if others don't like it. It isn't them that has to buy it, feed it or clean up after it.

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For me it's not about price but what my boys do well on - i switch between RC and GB and don't have an increase in poo or drop in condition - however if i went back to full raw/barf, nutro or advance i'd have an increase in price and drop in condition - not a hard decision for me :eek::drink:

ETA - they usually also get meaty bones at least every other day - tho some times i'm slack about getting stuff out of the freezer so they might get a few days of just kibble. They've also been getting a treat with their kibble lately...warm water and wheatbix...lol

Edited by KitKat
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It's not completely about price for me either. Some of my dogs do exceedingly well on UA/GB plus the other stuff they get so I am not really prepared to chop and change and lose what I already have achieved.

My comment about price was in response to what Nekhbet said. But as I also said, if it is better and more cost-effective for you to feed completely raw and if your dogs do better on it, then all power to you. In my case, it is NOT cheaper to feed raw and some components of a completely balanced RAW diet are illegal here as well.

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BTW, this is a puppy after almost a month on UA. I don't think anybody could say that he isn't doing well on it.

After reading this thread, I have decided to try Uncle Albers. I compared the protein and fat content to our current SuperCoat Puppy, and found both had 14% fat, and the protein only differed by 1% (SCoat 29%, UA 28%). It doesn't look or smell that bad, and I gave Benson a few tidbits to sample as I was mixing it into his remaining SuperCoat. He couldn't get enough! After seeing Ellz's Staffords, and hearing the feedback from other exhibitors and breeders, I am looking forward to seeing how my boy does on it, and whether his itches decrease or not.

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I have just recently purchased a bag of UA after reading the good reviews on a previous post and I am very happy with it. I have 5 dogs (2x JRT's, MaltxShi, RidgbackXAmstaff and a Doberman) they all love it and their stools are fine. The Ridgeback X is about 26kgs and she only gets 1.5 cups a day and she is maintaining her weight on that. I never give the amount of food that they tell you to on the back of the bags as it is often WAY too much. You have to take into consideration how much excercise your dog gets. I also give raw meat and bones 2-3 times a week.

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