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Warning Over Deadly Dog Virus - The West Australian


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Warning over deadly dog virus

VIVIENNE RYAN, The West Australian

The outbreak of a deadly canine virus, with 20 recent cases reported in the Mid-West, has prompted a warning to dog owners to make sure vaccinations are up to date or risk a $5000 treatment bill.

In the past two weeks, two Geraldton veterinary clinics have treated almost three times the number of parvovirus cases they usually handle, with many animals put down.

"We normally get an outbreak when we start getting the cold weather but this year has been much worse," Sanford Clinic vet Alison Banfield said.

"We normally get a few cases but we have had eight or nine in the past couple of weeks."

Chapman Animal Hospital in Geraldton diagnosed 11 dogs with the virus recently and labelled it an outbreak compared with the half a dozen cases a year it usually gets.

Murdoch University Associate Professor Peter Irwin, who specialises in canine medicine, said the increase in parvovirus could be because a lot of puppies were being born and younger dogs were more susceptible.

"If their numbers are much higher than normal, that is a good indication that something is happening," he said.

He was unaware of an outbreak in Perth but warned dog owners to make sure vaccinations were up to date.

Parvovirus is a severe illness that strips lining from a dog's intestine. It can be prevented by vaccinations at six weeks, 12 weeks and a yearly booster for adult dogs.

Julia Galvez, senior vet at Balcatta Veterinary Hospital, one of Perth's busiest, said the number of dogs with the virus was on the rise.

"The numbers are not going down, that is for sure," Dr Galvez said.

"We have an awful lot of dogs unvaccinated in Perth and they are a problem.

"The virus is so highly infectious it just takes one dog with it and the virus goes everywhere."

Last year, the Balcatta practice had 28 parvovirus cases and this year it has had 21 and expects more.

Dr Galvez said some dogs were treated but others were put down because of the prohibitive cost of treatment at $4000 to $5000.

She said most treated dogs recovered but it took a lot of work.

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