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Cattle Puppy Losing Hair

Guest chillinamos

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You may also have to look at getting a skin biopsy. And as suggested another skin scraping for mites. I do remember a dog who had skin issues and was itchy and it took three seperate scrapings and that was to diagnose Sarcoptic mange mite which is normally very easily seen.

Good luck and I hope you find some answers very soon

Demodex mange is usually easy to find on scrape but often requires repeat attempts and multiple scrapings should be taken each time. It is not usually itchy alone but there can be itchiness associated with secondary skin infections

Sarcoptes mites are notoriously difficult to find on scrapes and if they appear on the diagnostic list at all then I would recommend treating with Revolution or Advocate on suspicion. It is intensely itchy often around ears and elbows.

The pattern of hair loss and hyperpigmentation is unusual, particularly the degree to which is extends up behind the elbows and I would suggest further investigation.

Edited by Rappie
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Definitely don't bother with changing food- or using different shampoo ... A full lot of blood tests ,including thyroid would be a good starting point -

Hoping you don't let the vet fob you off, and get an answer soon . poor little girl ...

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yup definately a thyoid test. Erny has a contact for full thyroid antibody panel too

Great Barko? My rottie started to look like that I took him off any grain and upped his omega oils. I would only bother with a raw diet or super premium foods, dont go the cheap stuff.

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I don't think there is any harm doing bloods and a thyoid panel however true hypothyroidism would be very unusual. The pattern of hairloss does resemble endocrine alopecia but in pups generally we see this associated with lack of growth hormone / pituitary dwarfism. What colour is the skin surrounding the red and white hairs? I would consider the possibility of a follicular dysplasia issue in this pup given the young age at which clinical signs are present.

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Guest choice_brandy

Thank you for all the replies, we have just returned from the vet none the wiser :)

Vet performed 4 skin scrapings in various areas, and found nothing... despite the negative results, we treated her with Revolution. I forgot to ask the vet how that affects her usual Advocate treatment with is due next week, do I skip this months or continue as normal? Can you overdose on those topical applications?

He has taken blood and will run thyroid tests and check for heavy metals... both which he feels are going to come back negative as thyroid problems don't general present themselves at such a young age and Chilli is showing none of the typical signs apart from the hairloss. As i mentioned, the hair isn't falling out or being scratched out, it rubs out.

I managed to reach my excess on Chilli's insurance today so the up side is I can claim back any further costs regarding this problem, I would just really like some answers.

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Guest choice_brandy

I am wondering if I should start to change her diet today, if she improves, we'll never know if it was diet or the revolution which solved the problem.

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One thing at a time.

Editing to clarify: I wouldn't be changing her diet just yet until you see if the new regime has any effect. You don't want to cause a dietary upset whilst the other stuff is going on.

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Once you have the results of the blood tests, a biopsy might be indicated as the next step.

If your pup is on Advocate normally, you can use the Revolution instead but you would just need to give an intestinal worming tablet as it does not cover that. There is no great issues with using both, but I would leave at least 2 weeks between them.

Edited by Rappie
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Guest choice_brandy

I would like to stick with the Advocate as I have a fair bit on hand and it helps with ticks. As I occasionally take Chilli out into the bush when mustering, that seems to be my safest option. I always check her over when we get back and for the next few days afterwards though anyway. Should be easier soon once she's completely bald :thumbsup:

She is also Drontalled every 6 weeks... I thought the Advocate missed some worms. Is that correct or am I double dosing her?

How long do people suggest I give the Revolution to make a difference before I change from Supercoat. I am just stabbing in the dark here but nothing is jumping out as obvious. Could one cup of Supercoat a day make THAT much of a difference considering the rest of her diet consists of fresh meat, chicken and fish?

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Guest choice_brandy
The general recommended dosage for Drontal is every 3 months.

Oh really? Even when they're young? I get it from the vet so it comes in a little plastic bag so I have never read the recommended doses.

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Just slow right down!

Wait for the blood results to come back, obviously something is not right so it's going to be a matter of slowly working through all the options if the blood work doesn't show anything that could be causing her condition.

Drontal is once every 3 months, I wouldn't treat again with Advocate next week after her having had Revolution this week.

One step at a time...

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both which he feels are going to come back negative as thyroid problems don't general present themselves at such a young age and Chilli is showing none of the typical signs apart from the hairloss.

At my last clinic we had 3 thyroid dogs all under 5 months old when it first started.

I agree slow down on the drugs! The only thing Advocate will not do is Hydatid tapeworm. If you are on a farm you worm for that every 3-6 months with a product called Droncit. Apart from that you dont need to be dosing with another wormer every 6 weeks! I thought advocate already did sarcoptes and demodex

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Just wanted to say that my hypothyroid dog (Kelpie x BC) only ever showed hair-loss as a symptom - no other symptoms at all.

Back in her day there was no blood test for hypothyroid dogs - or at least not down here - so after trying all sorts of things, vet put her on Oroxine as a kind of 'try it and see if it makes a difference" - thankfully it did. With Jessie, the key sign was that the hair-loss was bilaterally symmetrical.

Having said that, do listen to Rappie.

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Guest choice_brandy

After speaking with the vet just now, I just checked on what it is I use on Chilli and it's Advantix... not Advocate, the cats are on Advocate.

Chilli's thyroid test just came back as 3.26 which is the higher end of normal. So far, all her blood work is normal. Had her thyroid been the problem the result would have been lower so for now that is excluded. I suggested a biopsy but since Chilli is not in any discomfort at all, we are going to try to change her diet and see if that makes any difference.

I have settled on Eagle Pack Holistic as the dry food component as it is high in Omega oils and contains no wheat. We are also replacing the mince with minced chicken frames. Will see how that goes. If there was any inkling that mange was the culprit, we'd have waited to see if there was any change but there has now been 5 skin scrapings and no obvious signs other than hairloss that it could be the problem so waiting seems a little pointless.

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I would now give the Revolution time to work if it's going to. The Revolution will cover your fleas and heartworm but has no activity at all against ticks. It is safe to use in conjunction with Advantix - however if you're only apply this monthly then I would just wait until you finish your course of Revolution.

A skin scrape for sarcoptes is something that should always be done, but a negative result does not rule it out. Dermatologists get very, very excited if they ever see live mites. If there's even a hint that they could be the problem I would do a treatment trial anyway.

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Guest choice_brandy
I would now give the Revolution time to work if it's going to. The Revolution will cover your fleas and heartworm but has no activity at all against ticks. It is safe to use in conjunction with Advantix - however if you're only apply this monthly then I would just wait until you finish your course of Revolution.

A skin scrape for sarcoptes is something that should always be done, but a negative result does not rule it out. Dermatologists get very, very excited if they ever see live mites. If there's even a hint that they could be the problem I would do a treatment trial anyway.

At the moment I am just going on what my vet suggests and he says he'd be extremely surprised if it is any type of mange. Her skin is good and her coat apart from the bald bits is very think and soft. The "darkening" people are seeing in my dodgy photos is dirt, if I scrub it goes back to pink skin for a couple of hours til Chilli is free to go 'sploring again :laugh: It doesn't help that she lays with her legs straight out behind her and her belly pressed into the dirt all the time.

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