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Senior Losing Weight

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Wow! Soooooo lucky! Many of us can empathise with what seems like an interminable waiting time for those test results.

I hope you're able to keep the weight on Benson. A snuggly coat might help him feel better too. It's so hard to find safe foods to use for weight gain when you have a dog with pancreatitis (I can relate).

Kisses to dear old Benson xxx

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dianed, the temperature thing, not feeling the cold, is also another sign. so sad for you and you beautiful dog.xxxIt really sounds like nothing would have been enough MRI or not, she had a very loving owner and a great life, and really that is all we can hope for for our pets when the time comes, doesn't make it any easier though.

It is normal to go over and over these things, even years later. I feel very bad for allowing my blue heeler to suffer the last day, she needed to be PTS that morning but I wanted my daughter to do it, badly, so we had to wait till late afternoon, and I still fell awful about it 2 years on :laugh: I had her (dog) on my lap for hours, talking and stroking her and all the family sang to her and held her on her way, it was a blessing, but I was wrong to hold her for a few more hours. It was too hard for me tto let go. I will never allow myself to be that selfish again. She was 15, RIP Pindixxx

Hi Monah, it was 2 years ago the other day Carla got pts I still feel I could have done more. I thought I would have her a bit longer but it was not to be. Good news Benson though :confused:

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