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Senior Losing Weight

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Perhaps someone can shed some light on this problem for me. I have a mini schnauzer who will be 13 in October. Sadly, he has had one eye removed several months ago and he has lost most of his sight in the remaining one, but he is managing to find his way around, even though we have recently moved into the house we are living in now. He also seems to have dementia, because he can stand in one spot in the back garden for extended periods and just stare. Around 2 years ago he had an attack of pancreatitis, which I believe to have been drug induced. He has a grade 2 heart murmer but the vet said at this stage it doesn't present a problem. The problem now is that he has a terrific appetite and eats with gusto, but he is losing weight. Three weeks ago I took him to the vet for a check up and he weighed in at 8kg. A week later, even though he eats well, he weighed 7.7kg. He gets enzyplex enzymes on his food twice a day, but he looks bony now. He doesn't act ill. He is not drinking a lot, but I put that down to him being raw fed. We have a vet appointment for Thursday, but I am hoping someone out there could come up with some ideas before then.

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Hi, I can,t shed any light on why your boy is loosing weight. I can sympathize with you though as I to have a soon to be 13yo and I am trying to keep her weight up. She is a very fussy eater and can loose a few kilos for no reason. Hopefully you will get an answer on Thursday.

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could be his diet is so lean. Is he starting to be really thin and lose muscle or did he have a healthy coating in the first place? remember its cold too, I would have him in a jumper all the time.

Have you tried adding something like Livamol to his food? As the vet if he is allowed, I put one of my dog school client's GSD on Livamol, Protexin and minced carcasses and he's not a bag of bones anymore.

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Yes, I wondered about the cold weather,it is a cold winter. I am feeding my older gsd a diet higher in calories than normal. I give her a few satin balls each day, I suppose at her age it doesn't matter and it has helped put a cover over her hips.She is rugged as well if she goes outside and has a heated bed inside. Very pampered!!!!

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Thanks for your suggestions. Benson has to be fed 'carefully' because of the pancreatic attack a while back. I feed the boys raw and he gets the bony part of his meal in the morning and the meaty part in the pm. He actually gets a fuller bowl than my 3yr. old mini. In between, he gets lowfat yoghurt and cottage cheese so I can put his herbal concoction (from the holistic vet) which has worked in the past, but doesn't seem to be now. He has indeed lost a lot of muscle mass, but, having said that, he doesn't seem to be suffering if you know what I mean. On feeling his body, I think he may even have lost more weight in the 2 weeks since he was last at the vet. Because of his dementia, he does like to spend a fair bit of time outside, His choice, but I bring him inside when I feel he's been out there enough. Of course, with the sight situation he can't negotiate the doggy door.

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give him a blood test and rug him up really really well, I mean something that covers his chest, down his legs a little and over his tail if you can. If he has dementia he probably does not have the faculties to realise he's cold and should do something about it.

I feed the boys raw and he gets the bony part of his meal in the morning and the meaty part in the pm.

what do you mean by this? He gets a bone to gnaw for breakfast? I would be giving him 3 meals a day, warm them slightly if you can to body temperature to help his digestion and body as well. DIgestion takes quite a few calories, it has to be warmed to the right temp for enzymes to work! Dont make the food 'warm' to touch or you may kill off the enzymes you add to his food.

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get the vet to check for cancer. if he is eating heaps, and losing weight there could be (or also may not be!!xxx) a problem. I only suggest this as I have experienced it several times myself, particlarly muscle loss, not to alarm you, just to double check all avenues.xxxxx

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give him a blood test and rug him up really really well, I mean something that covers his chest, down his legs a little and over his tail if you can. If he has dementia he probably does not have the faculties to realise he's cold and should do something about it.
I feed the boys raw and he gets the bony part of his meal in the morning and the meaty part in the pm.

what do you mean by this? He gets a bone to gnaw for breakfast? I would be giving him 3 meals a day, warm them slightly if you can to body temperature to help his digestion and body as well. DIgestion takes quite a few calories, it has to be warmed to the right temp for enzymes to work! Dont make the food 'warm' to touch or you may kill off the enzymes you add to his food.

He gets either chicken necks, wings, chicken backs or baby veal ribs with a little meat on them. These of course are bones that he can actually eat, not just gnaw at. I will in future warm his meaty meals from now on. Thanks for the suggestion. I think tomorrow the vet and I will have a real heart to heart. The really confusing part is that he doesn't act sick, and is always more than willing to come and eat his meals.

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An update on Benson. The good news is that he didn't lose any weight, but actually gained 100 gms, and was weighed on an empty stomach. On top of all his problems, I noticed a tooth that was very loose before going to out appointment yesterday, so of course he had a dental done. The vet suggested that whilst he is under, to perhaps take an xray of his heart seeing that he has a grade 2 murmer. They saw an enlarged heart and a mass and something not quite right with his lungs. They are forwarding this xray to a specialist, (don't know who) to have a look and see what can be made of this finding. I'm battling with the thought of surgery. I really don't want to put him through this, but no decision will be made until we know more.

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td 2001, Just read your update, good to see Bensen,s weight is holding. Two years ago I lost a 10 yo gsd. She developed a cough and lost a heap of weight. She had an xray and ultra sound and both showed a mass near her heart and lungs. Sounds very similar to your boy. The vet here could not tell me what it was, so I took her to Canberra for a needle biopsy which came back inconclusive. That was a damn waste of time and money IMO.

The specialist vet I saw said it was probably cancer and the mass was attached to her heart and lungs. It will be interesting to see what your specialist says.

I,m only telling you this because if I had my time over again I would not have had the biopsy, she went down hill very quick after it and I believe it made her worse and shortened my time with her.

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td 2001, Just read your update, good to see Bensen,s weight is holding. Two years ago I lost a 10 yo gsd. She developed a cough and lost a heap of weight. She had an xray and ultra sound and both showed a mass near her heart and lungs. Sounds very similar to your boy. The vet here could not tell me what it was, so I took her to Canberra for a needle biopsy which came back inconclusive. That was a damn waste of time and money IMO.

The specialist vet I saw said it was probably cancer and the mass was attached to her heart and lungs. It will be interesting to see what your specialist says.

I,m only telling you this because if I had my time over again I would not have had the biopsy, she went down hill very quick after it and I believe it made her worse and shortened my time with her.

I know that's not the news I want to hear, but the vet seems to think it is cancer. She calls it 'something sinister' . I have been trying to prepare myself mentally, and in my heart I feel there will not be a good outcome. I really don't want to put him through more than is necessary, and if it is to be, then I know I will feel when it's time to just let him go. Bugger, I just wish he wasn't so sweet and loving. He has never been a destructive dog, and he's just spoiled the whole family with his goodness.

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td 2001, Just read your update, good to see Bensen,s weight is holding. Two years ago I lost a 10 yo gsd. She developed a cough and lost a heap of weight. She had an xray and ultra sound and both showed a mass near her heart and lungs. Sounds very similar to your boy. The vet here could not tell me what it was, so I took her to Canberra for a needle biopsy which came back inconclusive. That was a damn waste of time and money IMO.

The specialist vet I saw said it was probably cancer and the mass was attached to her heart and lungs. It will be interesting to see what your specialist says.

I,m only telling you this because if I had my time over again I would not have had the biopsy, she went down hill very quick after it and I believe it made her worse and shortened my time with her.

Please dont feel bad about the biopsy. I've had several dogs (and cats) die of cancer (as they all have got to a great age :) ), and the 'downhill' phase always comes, and is always very fast. Only one needed a biopsy and it did not affect her time remaining at all, she still went on for months.

This is just the way the disease works. weight loss even though eating more than ever, is very usual as the 'tumour' uses energy (simplified term). All of my cancer pets have been PTS at home. It is very sad. :D

Lots and lots of hugs and love to Bensonxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS, there is an experimental drug being used right now through vets that has shown excellent results. I'd be asking about it. sorry I cannot remember the name of it, but I'm sure there would be someone on Dol who would know.xxxx

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They say cancer or something sinister?? I never really got to know if it was cancer for sure. I was always hoping for an infection of some sort. Apparently an MRI would have given a better picture but that was out of the question in our area. I think the $900 for the needle biopsy would have been better spent on an MRI. I was told later she had what is known as a hot tumor, she didn't feel cold and she wanted to stay outside in the cold July nights.

Funny how these things happen to the loving sweet ones isn't it.

I decided back then if it happens to another of my animals I would carry on regardless as much as possible, I wouldn't let them suffer but I would give them as much of a normal life as I could in their home environment.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and Benson.

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dianed, the temperature thing, not feeling the cold, is also another sign. so sad for you and you beautiful dog.xxxIt really sounds like nothing would have been enough MRI or not, she had a very loving owner and a great life, and really that is all we can hope for for our pets when the time comes, doesn't make it any easier though.

It is normal to go over and over these things, even years later. I feel very bad for allowing my blue heeler to suffer the last day, she needed to be PTS that morning but I wanted my daughter to do it, badly, so we had to wait till late afternoon, and I still fell awful about it 2 years on :D I had her (dog) on my lap for hours, talking and stroking her and all the family sang to her and held her on her way, it was a blessing, but I was wrong to hold her for a few more hours. It was too hard for me tto let go. I will never allow myself to be that selfish again. She was 15, RIP Pindixxx

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Just got a call from the vet. There were 4 specialists that looked at the xrays and found there was nothing to worry about. Thank G-d it's not what I was dreading. I was on tenterhooks until the call. I wish I wasn't told it could be something bad, but then again, the feeling of utter relief is overwhelming :D. Thanks to those who answered my thread. It really makes difference knowing I'm not alone.

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