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Yarralumla (canberra) Dog Park


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Hi all, has anyone tried the new dog park at Yarralumla (Weston Park)? It opened on the 2nd of July I think.

I am so glad that they have put the park in but it still needs a lot of work and there seems to be no plan as to when it might be finished. I am very suprised they opened it uncomplete. The newspaper reported it as if it was ready but it isn't.

A few things: the water bubblers and dog drinking bowls don't actually have a tap, the still bowl is there but no water available. The fence doesn't go all the way to the ground and the first time we visited my dog went straight out into the adjoining park. I shoved some wood up against it but seriously, it's a pretty big flaw! Basically the fence has a gap which at one end has been fixed by concreting a slab along the bottom but it stops and instead dirt has been pushed up to close the gap and dogs can just go straight through. There is also a large gap under the gate at the back.

Overall I think this will be a great park, it's large and shady meaning you can visit even during the day in summer but it's annoying that the above hasn't been fixed.

I have called Canberra connect and been through to the appropriate people twice who have told me it would be fixed. It hasn't. When I called I stressed how dangerous it is to have gaps under the fence. If my dog didn't listen and come back he could have caused an accident.

Has anyone else called TAMS? Maybe if a few people call they will action this.

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I drove past it the other day and it looked great! Haven't been in so haven't seen the issues you've described though :p Mine would think it was a game getting through the fence :laugh:

The Belconnen one didn't open until months after advertised as they were "waiting for the grass to grow". The grass lasted maybe a month :p

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Haven't been, but since its open.. I might head around this weekend.

Don't know about taking the kids yet though.. they might disappear on me through that gap!

If I make it, I'll report back on if any progress has been made. :laugh:

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Thanks Clastic, please report back, I probabaly can't get there until the weekend.

I will call TAMS again tomorrow, third time lucky right? :laugh:

Wuffles, it's a lot more bushy than Belconnen, so hopefully some of the bush grass will last a bit longer!

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Hmmm, I might go check it out this afternoon. I did request lake access for swimming when the did the public consultation but ...................

Clastic - yes other owners and doggies.

Burkes, how did you go?

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I went and checked out the park today. I only went in the bigger section. My dogs are both too big to fit through the gaps under the fence, the biggest gap I saw was maybe 5-10cm. I didn't have a really thorough look but Satch is usually pretty good at finding gaps in fencing :D

The bubblers seem to be in really weird places, and there are no bins actually in the enclosure which is a bit annoying! Satch couldn't find the water himself which he's always been able to do at other places we go. There also didn't seem to be any signage about the big/small dog areas, it doesn't mention which is which anywhere... there were all kinds of dogs in the big dog area ranging from a toy poodle up to my big boofhead.

Apart from that, we enjoyed ourselves... the doggies and owners were well behaved and the park is huge :laugh: Lots of tree and sniffy places although I think I'd probably be careful of snakes in summer as there are lots of hidey places, branches, leaves, etc.

Edited by wuffles
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oooh, thanks for the update wuffles. We never made it to the park on the weekend unfortunately.

I did notice on the plans that there was a big doggie area and a small. It all sounds really good, will have to get off my backside and head over there soon before everyone knows about it!

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