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Help Needed= Nail Bleeding


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First of all don't panic, it will stop.

I did it to an Italian yesterday on the top of the washing machine.

Go and get a cake of soap and scrape the nail hard into the soap and across it and it should plug it up.

Mine happened because I was to lazy to go and get the grinder out and do them.

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As soon as she sees anything food related, she's into it. I did manage to get some on the foot though and it has stopped bleeding.

I might try and get some Quick Stop for the medicine cabinet, any idea where to buy it?

Thanks everyone!

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Condy's Crystals work a treat...I got a small container from my vet. All you do is wet a cotton tip & dip it in the crystals, then dab it onto the end of the nail....stops bleeding immediately !!!!!

Just remember it will stain anything at all it comes into contact with- purple then brown- so be careful. Does work very well though.

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Okay I got cocky and managed to do this to Luuka just now :D :) I have put cornflour on it and she is hiding under my dad's computer desk glaring at me accusingly :)

My question is: should I try to finish the job (one paw to go) tonight or leave it for her to get over awhile?

God I feel so bad :laugh:

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I stopped at the 2 and a half paw mark on my girl. I'm not sure when I'll get the courage to finish my girls paws..........I'll wait until I have a supply of Stop, Quick Condy's Crystals and soap on hand! My boy got his all done, not a problem, he loves having his nails done.

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