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Ok, Right Now I Need.....!


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There is such a thing???? Aren't they mini enough?? :)
Dachshund mini

There are 6 varieties:

Standard longhair

Standard smooth

Standard wirehair

Mini longhair

Mini smooth

Mini wirehair

There is a fair bit of size difference. Standards aren't small dogs, they just have small legs, have you ever picked one up? :)

Edited for grammar AND spelling. :laugh:

Edited by Lyndsay
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I want a saint bernard and another couch for her to sleep :) on oh and a bigger loungeroom just in case she wants to sleep on the floor...that way she could fit in with our bull mastiff x and our bc x or maybe I should just get my boys to move out LOL oh yeah and a sheltie cause my dogs can't fit on my knee LOL :)

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I want a wallet that functions like the timtam packet off the tv, except with money not tim tams. Not that fond of timtams and really don't need what they do to my waistline, but while we're wishing, a packet of haighs dark choc pastilles that is always full like the magic pudding.

I want my dog to come when I call, no matter what. We get it and then we fall off the perch again.

I want to be better at training her too. Fairly sure she's got what it takes if I could figure out how to use what she loves most. Actually I suspect I'm too much of a wuss to use what she loves most as incentive, never mind.

I want a dog that is happy to snooze all day when I'm out, and not eat my CC4* hat. Or one of each pair of sox I have. Maybe the crate will have to be set up again.

And I have a shopping list of household items and help that I want, that I suspect won't fit on the internet. Sigh. The always full wallet will help, I'm sure.

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