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Should I Do Anything? *rant*


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There is a family one street over from me with an adorable corgi puppy - he's roughly 8 months now by the look of it. Anyway I've noticed that the family never walk it on a lead and its always allowed to run around in the back lane (supervised by the 2 children 8-12).

A few weeks ago I was walking Luna past their house and the 2 kids (in their PJ's) were outside with the dog - this is in Paddington so the dog wasn't in their yard it was on the sidewalk in front of their house roaming around. It ran up to me and Luna (no biggie) and we kept walking (after giving him a pat). The dog wouldn't stop following us and the kids had to keep running to him and dragging or picking him up and taking him back to their front door. In the end I said "maybe you should get a lead" after he had run back to us for the 4th time. They ignored me and just held on to his collar so I walked away as fast as possible so it would stop following us.

Two weeks ago bf and I came out of the house on our way to bus and I saw him walking around the street/sidewalk in my street (so 1 street over). There was no sign of the owners but I knew the dog so I tried to grab him (he was trying to play with me and was mouthing me a little). He rolled on his back in the middle of the road and I tried to pick him up to get him out of the road or lead him out of the road but he wouldn't let me (not in an aggressive way but in a puppy playing way). Nearly got hit by a car (stupid neighbor didn't bother slowing down before parking next to me :mad ). BF had walked around looking for the owner - couldn't see them. So I managed to pick him up and started walking to their house - this all took about 10 mins. As we approached their street the little girl came running out and saw us with the dog. "I said hey, I found him on my street, should be more careful he nearly got hit by a car" - she did not reply nor thank me for getting the dog back to her - just grabbed him and walked back to her open garage.

We had tried calling the numbers on his tag but got no response before taking him back to their house. We tried to call and leave a message also so that the parents knew but they didn't have answering machine.

Anyway last week I saw him again in the middle of the road but this time being chased by the kids + a few friends and the father - they were trying to catch him and make him walk into the park (which is on lead). Then they picked him up and took him back to the park and set off for their walk. So obviously the parents don't use a lead either.

I have decided that if I find him wandering again I will put him in my backyard and call the pound. Maybe then they will learn to put him on a lead and watch him so he doesn't escape. Note escape here means they don't keep their doors/garage closed as they have no yard.

I was thinking about leaving a note for them but bf says that's abit much.

I feel bad - hes such a nice puppy I don't want him to get hit by a car or lost ;)

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Next time I think you should definitely call the ranger. The worry and the subsequent fine hopefully will make them think twice after that (but don't count on it).

I live in the same area and cannot believe how many people think it's 'cool' to have their dogs offlead.

Idiots, there are so many cars around.

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Thats sad, i think your plans of holding him in your yard and calling the pound is a good idea MAYBE it might teach them, though i find it hard to believe that the parents arent already aware of the dangers to the dog and their wallet if he is let to roam. Good luck i hope they pull their heads in and do what is right for the dog.

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Thank doG it's not one of mine :mad poor baby :grouphug:

I've put a call out to a few breeders incase it's one of theirs so they are aware of the situation ;)

Edited by Aziah
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I'm a softy, so I'd probably find a way to give the kids a collar and lead as a 'present' for their puppy. It would probably be a wasted gesture, but sometimes you can encourage people to do the right thing.

Edited by Diva
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I think you should call the local council and report them. If you explain to them that you have tried to speak nicely to the owner, and they have ignored you and this dog is now a danger to himself and others. It is such a shame that there are people like this poor dogs owners who do not care for their pets.

Considering the owner so rudely snubbed you and did not thank you for returning her dog-- I will say ''Thank You'. I can only hope that if the unimagineable happened and my dog was in this situation ( by accident) that someone as kind as you would help me.

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I hate it when people don't walk their dog on lead! I used to dread coming across a dog like that when I had my Bull Terrier. People used to laugh when I was walking past and their dogs would come running out barking and snapping and I would pick my bully up and hold her while their dogs continued yapping and jumping up at me. They would say 'isn't it funny that a dog like that is scared of our little one' while smiling fondly at the little shit causing the problem. They soon stopped smiling when i explained that i was holding my dog not because she was scared but so she didn't rip the head off their little precious. I will add that she was fine with other dogs if they approached her calmly.

Call the ranger before someone runs the dog over or another dog attacks it.

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Guest sharynriding

Would definitely call the ranger but they don't sound like they are particularly responsible people, just make sure no other neighbours see you with the dog and then a few hours later the ranger has it. Could cause yourself a whole load of problems but agree that getting some "outside" help may change their ideas.

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Call the Ranger

At least then puppy will be safe, warm, fed and housed until perhaps a new owner will take him home.

No doubts - just phone the Ranger without a second thought

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Maltese Luna

Can you please PM your email address, I have a photo of the puppy and mother/children for you to look at to confirm/deny that it is the puppy in question.

Many thanks...

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yes - agree with others on here.

Call the ranger and they will then take the appropriate steps in dealing with the dummy's who own this poor dog

I agree with call the ranger. I did with one of our local dog who was always on the run. The family copped a fine and were also made to have the dog neutered!

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Is it a Pembroke or a Cardigan, what colour?

Ummm I don't know sorry but it has a long tail and erect ears, it's a tan/ginger and white colour

Aziah - I have PM'd you!

I don't know the mother but I know the kids and dog.

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