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Bones Is This Too Big Lol :)


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Yep - i give my dogs bones like that! i get them sliced in half (long ways), and give half each. This means i can scoop the marrow out before i give it to them (marrow is really fattening, and my labrador is prone to getting chubby... :hug: )

i think it's true they can damage their teeth on them, but i only give them every now and then...

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That's so hilarious!

I would LOVE to get Elbie a huge bone because I know he would love it and it would occupy him for hours but I read soooooooooo many conflicting reports about bones for dogs. I'd want to use it to occupy him when we're not home but while some people leave their dog with the bone unattended, others warn of all the terrible things that can happen (splintering/choking blah blah).

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my dogs get bones every day, but always bones that they can chew up & eat immediately (Raw chicken carcass , lamb ribs etc)

I never give those huge 'all day suckers'

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I never feed the dogs bones that hard as they can break their teeth on them.

My Stafford can't digest hard bones. Almost lost her 3 times from bowel blockages on hard bones. The Emergency centre said it's their most common cause of blockages, bones. No more bones here!

Gorgeous pics though.

Edited by Clyde
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