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Stray Dogs When Walking Your Dogs


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I live in a relatively new area and there is a reserve behind us. There are still lots of vacant land around as well. I am not sure if this is the reason, but I've had 3 encounters with stray dogs while walking Codi. This never happened to me before when I lived in Castle Hill. (Sydney)

Just after a bit of advice and thoughts on this situation!

1.) First time we saw a stray I was walking with my OH early one morning (6am ish). We were walking up towards empty blocks of land towards the reserve- we saw a dog off leash with no collar on from the distance and we quickly changed direction. At this stage Codi was about 17 weeks and this dog was quite big. It was probably friendly but we didn't want to risk it.

2.) Second time I was out on my own. My OH had gone out with a few friends for dinner and I took Codi for his evening walk around 8pm. It was quite dark where I was walking and about 5 meters infront of me I suddenly saw a dog come out of the bushes. It wasn't the same dog as the last incident. Codi was only about 5 months old and he is wary of strange dogs and will bark if they come too close. I was worried about a potential incident happening but couldn't really change directions in where I was going (hard to explain but I figured it was safer to keep walking and get to a more populated area). I managed to walk Codi close to me and he didn't notice this other dog. I then power walked down the road and could see that this dog followed us for sometime. It could have belonged to someone but in the dark I really couldn't tell!

3.) The third time we encountered strays was actually quite scary. Lol. I was looking after my Cav who usually stays with mum. It was 9am on Sunday morning in broad day light. We just walked out the front door, OH with Codi and I had Coffee. 2 big dogs came around the corner of the street off leash. They looked quite friendly and I actually thought they were being walked off leash- however no humans followed behind them. They came right up to have a sniff and neither had collars. Of course Codi was quite spooked and started barking and crying at them. I didn't know how they would react so OH and I quickly try to start walking thinking the dogs would go their own way. They actually followed us and wouldn't leave us alone! We ended up picking Codi up (he was still quite young, and for some reason DID not like these dogs). We tried to go back home, but the strays walked right up to our front door step. Luckily another man walking a dog saw us, and he realised something was up. He lured the dogs away for us so that we could get home.

Codi is really well socialised with dogs and have attended both puppy preschool and obedience classes. In the third incident he was really quite spooked and it made me feel very uneasy.

I have not seen any strays lately, but in saying that I have avoided the hill and the vacant land near the reserve after dark now. Both for Codi but also for my own safety. I am just surprised that I seem to have come across so many dogs that appear to be strays?

Anyone else ever encounter strays during their walks? I have not seen any of those dogs since. It is a small area so I do know most of the dogs and their owners in this area.

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I've noticed a few dogs in my street that are aloud to roam free. Most of the time the owners are in the front yard while the dogs in the street but there is one house that lets it's swf out by its self around 6pm. It's followed my partner a few times when he's walking Griffen.

It makes me scared to walk either of my dogs, it the street. Luckely I have a large park behind the house so I can see if there's dogs around in time to change direction

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I too would be worried about this! Can you report the dogs to your local council? If they are pets its irresponsible of the owners (even if the dogs are friendly you dont know that and what if they come across another dog which is not?) and if they are strays chances are they are entire and will be adding to the problem eventually.

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I've noticed a few dogs in my street that are aloud to roam free. Most of the time the owners are in the front yard while the dogs in the street but there is one house that lets it's swf out by its self around 6pm. It's followed my partner a few times when he's walking Griffen.

It makes me scared to walk either of my dogs, it the street. Luckely I have a large park behind the house so I can see if there's dogs around in time to change direction

It's ok if you know the dogs off leash or if you can see owners close by. When I see a dog (especially if it's big) off leash it makes me feel uncomfortable late at night!

I too would be worried about this! Can you report the dogs to your local council? If they are pets its irresponsible of the owners (even if the dogs are friendly you dont know that and what if they come across another dog which is not?) and if they are strays chances are they are entire and will be adding to the problem eventually.

I have thought about this. Problem is I have not seen those same dogs again- so I am not sure what information I can give them. I don't even know where they are coming from!

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There are always loose dogs around my way or dogs that are in their yards with the gates open and charge out when you walk past. These days they are nearly always entire male, Staffy, Pitbull, Amstaff types or crosses. As a result I do not walk my dogs in the street but drive 10-15 min to a large park where I can see in all directions and walk them there. These dogs are usually not strays but the owners just don't bother to keep them in. Since the BSL came in at least the numbers roaming the streets have decreased.

Over the years every loose dog I have ever encountered has attacked whatever dogs I was walking so I now carry a stock whip as a deterent and crack it if I see a dog loose, long before gets anywhere near mine. I have had dogs attacked by 2 Boxers, several GSDs, a Rotti, a Bull Terrier, a SBT and a couple of crossbreds but have managed to deter a couple of Dobes and several Husky types with the stock whip. It doesn't seem to matter if they are with an owner or not. The sight of dogs is enough for many to charge in for attack as soon as they spot my dogs. These days I just don't trust any off lead dog I do not know.

If a dog is being walked off lead but is obviously focused on it's owner I just give them some space and don't worry too much but these are usually the exception rather than the rule.

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I've noticed a few dogs in my street that are aloud to roam free. Most of the time the owners are in the front yard while the dogs in the street but there is one house that lets it's swf out by its self around 6pm. It's followed my partner a few times when he's walking Griffen.

It makes me scared to walk either of my dogs, it the street. Luckely I have a large park behind the house so I can see if there's dogs around in time to change direction

It's ok if you know the dogs off leash or if you can see owners close by. When I see a dog (especially if it's big) off leash it makes me feel uncomfortable late at night!

I too would be worried about this! Can you report the dogs to your local council? If they are pets its irresponsible of the owners (even if the dogs are friendly you dont know that and what if they come across another dog which is not?) and if they are strays chances are they are entire and will be adding to the problem eventually.

I have thought about this. Problem is I have not seen those same dogs again- so I am not sure what information I can give them. I don't even know where they are coming from!

sorry im not sure how to quote a post hope i havnt stuffed it up too bad :laugh: but i can understand where your coming from, if nothing else you could just tell them that there is a problem with off leash dogs in your area that you are unsure whether they are strays or loose pets but it is a problem, never know they may do something :rofl:

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I will not walk my dogs around here for that reason. Not strays, but there are unfenced dogs everywhere.

I saw a lady regularly walking a Beagle up my road not long after we moved in. I went out & asked her if she ever had problems.

"not really" she said, "he's only been attacked 2-3 times." :dropjaw:

That was it for me and I have never walked them down my road or anywhere around here.

Lucky for us, we are out & about enough & have heaps of friends with dogs who visit that I don't need to walk them around here...but I wish I could.

I will always pick my dogs up if a strange dog that I am worried about approaches anywhere. Right or wrong, it is what I have always done & will continue to do.

Edited by Vickie
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Ugh, I was going to say we didn't encounter this much where I live, but have just come back from a walk where we did! Was walking my malinois bitch down the pavement and we got charged by a tiny, fluffy, noisy, territorial dog in a pink jacket that obviously didn't realise it was punching way out of its weight class. :dropjaw:

When the dog stopped barking at us and disappeared back into the gateway, I crept up & called out to the lady inside the house that excuse me, but her dog was out on the footpath.

She cheerfully says "oh yes, he always does that".

I say "no offence, but that is a good way for your dog to get hurt!"

She says "oh no, he doesn't go on the road."

I say "no, no, but he was running up and down on the footpath, he came up and barked right in my dog's face"

She says "oh well, he thinks he is protecting us"

I smile sweetly and say "no offence, but my last dog might have killed him"

I still don't think she got it, though. Maybe I need to be more confrontational. I bet she would have been pissed off if her tiny dog had gotten bitten or stepped on and hurt by my dog.

No advice to give, just felt like sharing my rant. I'm glad it's normally safe to walk dogs where I live! :rofl:

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Hi Cookiez,

There were a few posts a couple of months back on what to do if you are approached so that you minimise the chances of you or your dogs getting attacked. I started one post and asked for advice, but I can't recall the topic title, and don't know how to look back at the posts.

If you've moved from Castle Hill, you may be in a similar area to a friend (she just moved to "The Ponds", lost of vacant land, houses being built, some people not having fences yet) She had a similar expereince with 2 off leashers, they weren't strays, as the owners were there, just about 500 m away from the dogs. I've had experiences where the dogs aren't strays, just that the owners have let their dogs loose for a run, and think that because their dog comes back eventually it's OK (total morons). If you can, take a camera with you when you go on a walk, and email the pics to council. If you are in an area that is being developed and there is stock around, chickens, etc, the rangers may be more proactive as dogs on the loose can attack the stock as well as you and Codi.

My friend had her dogs off leash too, so she was in wrong as much as the other owners, one of her dogs bolted home, which was scary as the other 2 dogs chased her all teh way home. The owners of the dogs didn't care and thought it was very funny.....such lovely "ladies" (term used loosely). I hope you and Codi keep safe.


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There are always loose dogs around my way or dogs that are in their yards with the gates open and charge out when you walk past. These days they are nearly always entire male, Staffy, Pitbull, Amstaff types or crosses. As a result I do not walk my dogs in the street but drive 10-15 min to a large park where I can see in all directions and walk them there. These dogs are usually not strays but the owners just don't bother to keep them in. Since the BSL came in at least the numbers roaming the streets have decreased.

Over the years every loose dog I have ever encountered has attacked whatever dogs I was walking so I now carry a stock whip as a deterent and crack it if I see a dog loose, long before gets anywhere near mine. I have had dogs attacked by 2 Boxers, several GSDs, a Rotti, a Bull Terrier, a SBT and a couple of crossbreds but have managed to deter a couple of Dobes and several Husky types with the stock whip. It doesn't seem to matter if they are with an owner or not. The sight of dogs is enough for many to charge in for attack as soon as they spot my dogs. These days I just don't trust any off lead dog I do not know.

If a dog is being walked off lead but is obviously focused on it's owner I just give them some space and don't worry too much but these are usually the exception rather than the rule.

I am not sure of the breed of the dogs that I had encounters with. The first 2 incidents we walked away quickly so didn't really get a look- other than a rough size of the dog and their colour.

The 3rd time where they followed us it was a pittbull and a staffy. I know that these dogs can come from good homes (as with any dogs!) but they were rather scary. It is a real worry to think that there are people like you out there too where you have actually heard of/know dogs being attacked in the area.

I've noticed a few dogs in my street that are aloud to roam free. Most of the time the owners are in the front yard while the dogs in the street but there is one house that lets it's swf out by its self around 6pm. It's followed my partner a few times when he's walking Griffen.

It makes me scared to walk either of my dogs, it the street. Luckely I have a large park behind the house so I can see if there's dogs around in time to change direction

It's ok if you know the dogs off leash or if you can see owners close by. When I see a dog (especially if it's big) off leash it makes me feel uncomfortable late at night!

I too would be worried about this! Can you report the dogs to your local council? If they are pets its irresponsible of the owners (even if the dogs are friendly you dont know that and what if they come across another dog which is not?) and if they are strays chances are they are entire and will be adding to the problem eventually.

I have thought about this. Problem is I have not seen those same dogs again- so I am not sure what information I can give them. I don't even know where they are coming from!

sorry im not sure how to quote a post hope i havnt stuffed it up too bad :rofl: but i can understand where your coming from, if nothing else you could just tell them that there is a problem with off leash dogs in your area that you are unsure whether they are strays or loose pets but it is a problem, never know they may do something :rofl:

I think I will definitely mention something to the council. I haven't had an encounter for about 2 months now. (Could be due to the fact that more houses are being built- or that I am avoiding the areas where they seemed to be coming from.) I hope that owners are not just letting their dogs wander out. Anything could happen!

Ugh, I was going to say we didn't encounter this much where I live, but have just come back from a walk where we did! Was walking my malinois bitch down the pavement and we got charged by a tiny, fluffy, noisy, territorial dog in a pink jacket that obviously didn't realise it was punching way out of its weight class. :rofl:

When the dog stopped barking at us and disappeared back into the gateway, I crept up & called out to the lady inside the house that excuse me, but her dog was out on the footpath.

She cheerfully says "oh yes, he always does that".

I say "no offence, but that is a good way for your dog to get hurt!"

She says "oh no, he doesn't go on the road."

I say "no, no, but he was running up and down on the footpath, he came up and barked right in my dog's face"

She says "oh well, he thinks he is protecting us"

I smile sweetly and say "no offence, but my last dog might have killed him"

I still don't think she got it, though. Maybe I need to be more confrontational. I bet she would have been pissed off if her tiny dog had gotten bitten or stepped on and hurt by my dog.

No advice to give, just felt like sharing my rant. I'm glad it's normally safe to walk dogs where I live! :laugh:

This is terrible! She didn't even seem to care!

Hi Cookiez,

There were a few posts a couple of months back on what to do if you are approached so that you minimise the chances of you or your dogs getting attacked. I started one post and asked for advice, but I can't recall the topic title, and don't know how to look back at the posts.

If you've moved from Castle Hill, you may be in a similar area to a friend (she just moved to "The Ponds", lost of vacant land, houses being built, some people not having fences yet) She had a similar expereince with 2 off leashers, they weren't strays, as the owners were there, just about 500 m away from the dogs. I've had experiences where the dogs aren't strays, just that the owners have let their dogs loose for a run, and think that because their dog comes back eventually it's OK (total morons). If you can, take a camera with you when you go on a walk, and email the pics to council. If you are in an area that is being developed and there is stock around, chickens, etc, the rangers may be more proactive as dogs on the loose can attack the stock as well as you and Codi.

My friend had her dogs off leash too, so she was in wrong as much as the other owners, one of her dogs bolted home, which was scary as the other 2 dogs chased her all teh way home. The owners of the dogs didn't care and thought it was very funny.....such lovely "ladies" (term used loosely). I hope you and Codi keep safe.


Yes we are in an area similar to the Ponds. (We are in "Nelsons Ridge" actually- same development company I believe) I like the idea of carrying a camera- that would help identify the dogs! I don't know if there are loose stock around, but certainly because there is vacant land and the fact that we back onto the reserve is probably the reason that they seem to be hanging around. The area itself is actually very safe and friendly. I frequently see security driving around at night to patrol the area (especially around empty houses still being built)- I was just rather uncomfortable with seeing dogs that could potentially be dangerous!

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Hi, having read the posts in relation to this, all I can suggest is to contact the council and keep doing so. Hopefully, once the area is developed fully, with proper fencing etc, you should see a dramatic decrease in the number of loose dogs around - hopefully it is just a case of fences haven't been put up yet, though if they were my dogs, I would certainly make fencing a priority or put up some other sort of containment (pen, hire some fencing) until the permanent fencing was completed.

Good luck.

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I often get strays or runaways wandering into my yard and into the house if our gates are open. If they have a collar on, I get the phone number off the collar if available and ring the owners. I keep the dog with mine until arrangements have been made to collect the dog. My dogs don't seem to mind. If I am worried for my dogs I separate them from the stray.

If I saw a loose dog repeatedly, indicating it was lost, I would collect it and take it to vets for scanning. I would do everything I could, door knock etc to find the owners and only take dog to pound once I have exhausted all other avenues.

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