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What To Do With The Puppy At Mealtimes


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So my now 17wk old cocker spaniel we are slowly getting sorted with!!

I do wonder what to do with him when we are eating though. My kids eat at their little table in our family room so far too tempting for a CS puppy! Ive been putting him in his crate or puppy pen but he doesnt seem to like it in there too much, ive put him outside in the garden but he just scratches and wines at the door

Is this something that is going to get better?

What sort of training should I be doing to get him to stay somewhere at mealtimes that is not scavenging for food

Should I just ignore his crying outside until we have finished dinner, I feel bad for him! I was feeling like putting him in his crate when he doesnt want to be in there was like punishment so he might go off going in there

Thanks for your help!

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Put him outside and ignore him. Persevere.. caving in to his whining and scratching will only teach bad habits later in life!

Something distracting like a meaty bone or a chew toy might be good too.

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ive tried a kong, sometimes he is interested other times not! and doesnt like any of his chew toys..ive bought about 5!!

i guess i will just ignore him then!

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before giving the kids their food take his dinner into his crate and put both food and dog inside. Then give the kids their meal. THis way he will learn that dinner time means he goes to his crate and gets something as well.

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