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Agility Training Talk Thread


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It did work, but I couldn't open them in WMM to chop down the JD one (needed to as the first 30 secs were grass - thanks Rusky :( :D) I didn't need to chop the JDO one so uploaded directly to youtube. I think I need to convert the file you gave me so WMM will open it, then I can chop and upload! :(

Yes I did laugh at the intro ;)

If you get the new WMM it takes MTD files :(

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I am really loving how enthusiastic she is being, but I can't run her too much or the enthusiasm wears off. This was her 2nd run so I was chuffed she was still "up" :D

Yep, I know exactly how you feel - Mr CK is a balancing act in that regard. ADAA's NFC rounds are really good in helping with that.

Xena is a challenge too. If I don't pull her up after 2 hours she starts to slow up....... ;)

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You can chop and edit once its uploaded to youtube RS.

Too much mucking around for my liking! I like doing it prior to upload! :(

If you get the new WMM it takes MTD files :(

Ahh ok, I will get it then!

Xena is a challenge too. If I don't pull her up after 2 hours she starts to slow up....... :D


We had our first class for the year last night and I took Millie into class this time. There was soooooooooooo much waiting around that she took to barking at me to tell me to get a move on and do something!!! :(

Edited by RubyStar
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No agility training for Trixie for a few weeks I think, sprained toes :( I'm itching to get to 12 straight weavers too, dammit!

OH that's a pain - literally. Kirra had 6 weeks off a few years ago when she sprained a toe. Was worth taking the time though, as she's had no trouble since - fingers crossed!!

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:( sorry about Trixie's sprained toe - our agility training is on indefinite hold as well because Kenz has injured her shoulder. A bugger since I was really looking forward to getting back into it :( .

Hugs to Trixie and hope she is better soon.

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I had a great night of agility training last night, love those nights :(

This time though it was Millie who was doing the better work! Millie's weaves are coming along brilliantly and I did a jumping course with her where she was really listening to me and focusing forward on the course which is yuuuuge for Millie, she normally just does one jump then looks at me for the next instruction :cry:

I also did some full sized see-saw with Millie and she wasn't phased! Sooo excited by this as I don't think I will ever achieve this with Ruby. We started off low with a chair under the other side, getting her to hop on and play the bang game, increased the height again, then just went for it on the full thing. I was giving a steady command as she neared the point it would start to tip and she stopped dead in her tracks, good girl! Just gotta make sure her back end doesn't keep falling off as it comes to the ground, as she'd end up her front feet on it, back feet thrown to the side :)

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My Lovely OH has finally finished the A Frame. :bottom: I am very pleased with it but I might paint it brighter colours..he just used what paint we had in the shed. Now we can start practicing our contacts & discriminations, but still not sure whether to train 2o2o, 4 on the floor, or running contacts for the AF :D She does 2o2o with the dog walk & the see saw, but I am thinking it might be too much of a strain on her body to do this on the AF :D If I teach her a different methodt on the AF will this effect her understanding of the others or do they really know the difference ie: is it best to have the same contact for all three :D


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I had a great night of agility training last night, love those nights :bottom:

This time though it was Millie who was doing the better work! Millie's weaves are coming along brilliantly and I did a jumping course with her where she was really listening to me and focusing forward on the course which is yuuuuge for Millie, she normally just does one jump then looks at me for the next instruction :D

I also did some full sized see-saw with Millie and she wasn't phased! Sooo excited by this as I don't think I will ever achieve this with Ruby. We started off low with a chair under the other side, getting her to hop on and play the bang game, increased the height again, then just went for it on the full thing. I was giving a steady command as she neared the point it would start to tip and she stopped dead in her tracks, good girl! Just gotta make sure her back end doesn't keep falling off as it comes to the ground, as she'd end up her front feet on it, back feet thrown to the side :D

:D Helen was great wasn't she ? she helped me too with Mr G's start line which is now driving me nuts.

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My Lovely OH has finally finished the A Frame. :whiteflag:

:confused: Looks great!!

:coffee: Helen was great wasn't she ? she helped me too with Mr G's start line which is now driving me nuts.

Yep it was great getting help and her giving some tips! She showed me that I am rewarding too high for contacts. It's nice when people take time out to help with stuff they can see you are either having trouble with or are clearly doing wrong :wave:

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My Lovely OH has finally finished the A Frame. ;)

:thumbsup: Looks great!!

:thumbsup: Helen was great wasn't she ? she helped me too with Mr G's start line which is now driving me nuts.

Yep it was great getting help and her giving some tips! She showed me that I am rewarding too high for contacts. It's nice when people take time out to help with stuff they can see you are either having trouble with or are clearly doing wrong :thumbsup:

What do you mean by this....the rewards are too good, too many, or should be lower down the contact :thumbsup: I have heard that you should place the reward closest to where you want the desired behavour....is this what you mean ??

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My Lovely OH has finally finished the A Frame. ;)

:thumbsup: Looks great!!

:thumbsup: Helen was great wasn't she ? she helped me too with Mr G's start line which is now driving me nuts.

Yep it was great getting help and her giving some tips! She showed me that I am rewarding too high for contacts. It's nice when people take time out to help with stuff they can see you are either having trouble with or are clearly doing wrong :rofl:

What do you mean by this....the rewards are too good, too many, or should be lower down the contact :thumbsup: I have heard that you should place the reward closest to where you want the desired behavour....is this what you mean ??

What I meant was I would have the dogs in the 2o2o position and I'd be shoving a food reward down their throat with them looking up at me. I was shown to place the reward closer to the ground to help drive them into that position quicker. Simple stuff really but honestly something I couldn't see from where I was standing - hence it being lovely having people pull you up on silly things :thumbsup:

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I tried uploading my novice jumping round from the weekend where Ruby got her 2nd Q, but it wouldn't work :( I need to convert it first. That will come later!

Here is Ruby's Novice Jumping round from last weekend:

Well done Ruby....that was pretty fast. Yeah, that was what I thought you meant about the treats..it is all in the placement, I have only just learnt that too :(

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Well, Jazz and I have been working somewhat inconsistantly on Susan Garret's 2x2 method for a couple of weeks. I say inconsitantly as days of 40+are not conducive to training when you want speed and enthusiasm.

Jazz took quite a few sessions to really get the idea of driving towards and through the poles but over the last 3 days since the weather has cooled down she has just come along in leaps and bounds.

I filmed last night's session where the poles were only slightly offset and about 1m apart.

I was fully intending on leaving everything where it was as she was not quite getting all of her entries and had lost a little speed and confidence. Today though she has been a different dog. Once again everything seemed to click over night and she was reliably hitting every entry this morning and with more speed so I moved them in closer together. Still she kept hitting it and was driving through so I moved them in again so that they were competition spacing but slightly offset. A few goes through there from all sorts of angles and there were no hassles at all. It was amazing me that I was standing at the 4th pole and sending her in from either side. Without any planning I decided to move the poles into a straight line. This will be the test I thought. I now have a girl weaving 4 poles with reasonable speed (it did drop a bit but it has done each timee there has been a reasonable increase in criteria) and taking entries through an arc of 180 degrees. I did not push it beyond that. I decided I have pushed it enough for 1 weekend!! And of course there is no video of that exciting 5 minute session as I had not been planning on moving the poles into line.

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Nice work Piper!

Training was canceled tonight due to rain so I did a quick weave session in the garage. Daisy seems to have improved so that's good :thumbsup: She was nailing entries tonight and working REALLY well on four poles. When I took her to training last week and set her up in front of two poles she looked at me like "what's that? never seen those before!" :thumbsup: so I know I need to work on getting her working on them in more places.

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