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Agility Training Talk Thread


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The dog in the DVD is a freak and progresses so quickly - I think she has cut a lot of the 'oops' scenes out.

Well done with Zee, Jess :o And Milliemoo as well, suh a satisfying obstacle to teach really!

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The dog in the DVD is a freak and progresses so quickly - I think she has cut a lot of the 'oops' scenes out.

Well done with Zee, Jess :o And Milliemoo as well, suh a satisfying obstacle to teach really!

Yeah, but you can bet that the dog also has a massive learning history behind it.

I was seriously amazed at how quickly CK went from a really bad weaver with VERY little understanding to weaving almost as well as Xena (his entries are still better.). It really only took about a week. Still needing to get him more confident so that he is good in the ring, but I can believe it works as she has shown it. (Yes, I am an SG convert.)

I hope I am still like this once I get Miss Wikki on the program. :D

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Daisy isn't terrible and admittantly i haven't been running as many training sessions as I'd like to but she's just not nailing the entries with the confidence I want to see. I am sure it is something I'm doing wrong! She normally picks things up pretty quick.

On the plus she is building a bit more speed now.

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I guess I would have seen results faster if I had done 3-4 sessions a day, but that's just not possible for me :o I have left days between sessions where life gets in the way, probably why it's taking a lot longer than 12 days :D

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I guess I would have seen results faster if I had done 3-4 sessions a day, but that's just not possible for me :o I have left days between sessions where life gets in the way, probably why it's taking a lot longer than 12 days :D

That's why we set our goal for 2 months, not 12 days :thumbsup:

My goal was to have Millie weaving by this weekend (fun agility trial) when I started training weaves in November, and even though we haven't gotten there fully, we've gotten pretty damn close so I couldn't be happier! This too is when you just don't have the time to train it several sessions a day, due to real life, and wanting/needing to train other things!

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Yes we did set 2 months didn't we :o But I didn't even start until the Christmas break, super slack!

Will have to crack them out tonight.

She was doing 6 straight at home reliably but when we took them to the K9 grounds she was pretty hit and miss with them, might try her on grass again tonight and open them up a bit.

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I guess I would have seen results faster if I had done 3-4 sessions a day, but that's just not possible for me :) I have left days between sessions where life gets in the way, probably why it's taking a lot longer than 12 days :)

Uh huh. Would be nice to do nothing but train dogs and teach people to train dogs.

Why would you want a Border Collie any way? They are like belly buttons. :)

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After 2 weeks at the beach, we are back to training today :thumbsup:

I saw this exercise in the new Mecklenburg book

You start with the jumps in a straight line & then offset them. I expected Pep would need lots of very gradual repetitions to find the jumps, but she surprised us & so far is going one for one with Trim & Shine. She's such a clever pup!

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After 2 weeks at the beach, we are back to training today :thumbsup:

I saw this exercise in the new Mecklenburg book

You start with the jumps in a straight line & then offset them. I expected Pep would need lots of very gradual repetitions to find the jumps, but she surprised us & so far is going one for one with Trim & Shine. She's such a clever pup!

Looks good!! Can you please explain more about offsetting jumps?

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I was going crazy thinking I had replied to your post but it had disappeared, Vickie, until I realised you put it in Pep's thread as well :):thumbsup:

ETA: I'm reading that book as well but only just to the exercises now but Trixie and I really need that one!

Edited by amypie
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Looks good!! Can you please explain more about offsetting jumps?

If you were to look up the line from the tunnel exit:

The first time the jumps are straight

The next time you move the first jump a couple of inches to the left, the 2nd one a couple of inches to the right, 3rd a couple of inches to the left etc

The next time, rinse & repeat

In the end, the inside uprights are basically in a straight line

Make sense?

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Looks good!! Can you please explain more about offsetting jumps?

If you were to look up the line from the tunnel exit:

The first time the jumps are straight

The next time you move the first jump a couple of inches to the left, the 2nd one a couple of inches to the right, 3rd a couple of inches to the left etc

The next time, rinse & repeat

In the end, the inside uprights are basically in a straight line

Make sense?

Yes! :D Thanks.

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