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See saw would be handy, that's for sure.

I have a medium version of an a frame but it's such a pain to move I never use it! Might drag it out after work :laugh: Take my mind off those @#$#%^ 2x2 weaves :thumbsup:

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I figured the see saw is the one that I can't seem to get enough training time on so easier to get one so I can train it at home :thumbsup: . Surprised my parents happily agreed thought they would protest at the thought of more "garden furniture".

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:rofl: well my parents were getting a little sick of dodging my gear but I solved that problem - they moved out at the end of last year :D .

Your parents moved out of their own house and have left their previous house to you? Do you have to pay any rent :laugh:

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Take my mind off those @#$#%^ 2x2 weaves :(

How's Trixie's weaves going? Come on, they can't be as bad as Millie and her exit problem! :laugh:

She was going really well, tricky entries, did 4 in a row a few times and has now COMPLETELY forgotten what to do, runs around all 4 poles, runs through half way, argh! :eek::rofl: I think she's too dopey for 2x2! :D I've rested it for a few days, will go back a few steps tonight. She's also been unwell with her exploding buttock ( :rofl: ) and because my backyard is black sand we only have a small window to practice because it's either too hot or too dark, blergh! :D

:D well my parents were getting a little sick of dodging my gear but I solved that problem - they moved out at the end of last year :D .

Really? Hehehehehe!

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:rofl: yeah I pay rent I am just house sitting for however many days a week they want to come back to the city place. Seems like a fair deal :laugh: .

They did suggest it would be a better idea if I moved my agility stuff to the country place and came and visited it up there. Well guess it has a retirement home for when I don't need to practice on it quite as often LOL.

Edited by ness
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SG forgot to put a bee sting warning on 2x2 weave training! I was out in the backyard this morning doing a few more reps with Millie with 6 poles (:laugh:) when I felt something sting near my armpit. I swiped at it with my hand to hear/see a bee buzz out of my shirt :eek: I tore that shirt off so fast that I thought I ripped it :) No idea how it got there. It's short sleeved with flappy arms and I was picking dog poo up prior so maybe when I leant down it decided to fly in :laugh: And my mum wonders why I am terrified of bees and wasps :D Not that I am allergic (thankfully), but they are just damn scary!! That weave session ended just as quickly as it started :)

But the good news is I have Millie doing a jump followed by 6 weaves now :( Still lots of work to do at different angles, but I'm so chuffed!

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:) Just be thankful it was a bee not a wasp, RS - wasps do multiple stings, and they hurt BIG TIME!

This is the dog who offered a 2o2o at the end of a tunnel
:laugh: Loved this :) - bless her little chocolate heart.

And :laugh: on her weave progress - sounds like the penny is dropping nicely.

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:eek: Just be thankful it was a bee not a wasp, RS - wasps do multiple stings, and they hurt BIG TIME!
This is the dog who offered a 2o2o at the end of a tunnel
:laugh: Loved this :D - bless her little chocolate heart.

And :laugh: on her weave progress - sounds like the penny is dropping nicely.

Thankfully I haven't been stung by a wasp as yet, bees are scary enough! I remember my mum and sister being attacked by a bunch of wasps when they cut a tree back and didn't know there were wasps living in it! I do have wasps that hang around my yard, though :D They especially like to hang out where the water drips from the aircon, thirsty little buggers. And the dog water bowl that is near the back door.

And yes I loved the 2o2o tunnel contact, it was hilarious :) At first I didn't understand why she kept stopping at the end of it, then the penny dropped for me what she was doing :) Such a smart girlie :(

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Yeah bloody dog likes to remove bees from the yard - had to lock her inside after I had watered the other day because she was racing around the yard catching them :) .

that's a "special" dog you got there :laugh::laugh:

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