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Agility Training Talk Thread


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Good work FHRP! How long have you been training that and what method is it again? He is weaving like a champ! Edit: love the reward by the way :love: Had I been holding that with Millie there is no way she would do anything! She just can't concentrate on anything when there is dinner around!

How long have we been training it?? Oh, about 2 years :D :( He was introduced to weave poles about two years ago but it wasn't until this Summer break that I really make any serious effort to train him, and even that was usually once a day at dinner time. He is far from reliable still.

I am training him with guides on the weave poles initally, like the image below, but I use the plastic garden trellis stuff from Bunnings.


All guides have been off for a while, but I've put the first one back on when I put the jump before and wanted to ensure correct entries. I have trained both my Vizslas with this method also and have one good weaver and one not so great :laugh: I will try harder to do the 2x2 method with my next agility dog though. Polo does get super excited about his dinner, but he gets super excited about anyting :rofl: He quickly learned though he had to work to get his dinner, a pretty good motivator!! You were spared the sqealing/screaming on the video as the sound didn't come across :o Interestingly I could not initially train him with a toy as he was just too revved up for the toss at the end.

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Ok so im going to that k9pro training in drive seminar, do you think that training in drive will help with agility? (just curious)

DB I can only speak from my experience as someone very very new to agility (and coming from and obedience background). I know personally, that having done a lot of drive work with Daisy has helped heaps when it comes to having a dog who is focused and keen to work no matter what dog sport we are doing. I am also 110% sure that once we get a handle on this agility stuff, already having a dog who can work 'in drive' and maintain focus around lots of distractions, as well as work well and reliably off leash, will help us for sure.

Even if you just look at from a perspective of going to the workshop to learn more about building drive you will definitely have fun and take something away from it :rofl:

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Our agility tunnel arrived from Top Buy yesterday :thumbsup:

We had our first tunnel training session today. Daisy has no fear or problem running through the tunnel itself, but she has no understanding of the exercise, even if I was standing on the other end calling her through she wasn't going through it reliably (sometimes she'd just run past it to get to me like she was thinking 'well you called me, here I am!') We haven't really done any work on the tunnel at all, apart from maybe five minutes in class, so this is very new to us.

So I started with it really simply set up at home today, we just did five minutes and she picked it up really quickly and was running through it very confidently :laugh: She is now running through the tunnel with me standing next to it at the end she enters from rather than standing at the other end calling her through. I was really impressed how quickly she was running through considering I was standing at one end, getting her to run through it, and then calling her back to me or meeting her at the other end and running with her as she came out. She worked out almost instantly that today's reward was going to be earnt by going through the Super Awesome Tunnel Thing :D

A small step but as Agility Dogs can attest she really really sucks majorly when it comes to tunnels :)

Edited by huski
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:thumbsup: Good Daisy - sounds good, huski - is now a good time to warn you about the dangers of creating a tunnel suck? :laugh: (It's the main reason I haven't bought a tunnel.)

Seriously, sounds like Daisy really gets it - it's great to see the light bulb go on.

I pinch a flex tunnel when I can to use in puppy class at club - we have to be on lead, so we do restrained recalls through the tunnel - I restrain the pup if there's only one handler, and the handler goes the other end - but usually it doesn't take long before some of the pups are takeing off through the tunnel while their owners are still getting to the end :D . It's a nice confidence builder for pups and handlers.

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Thanks Tassie. It is so much fun. Having the tunnel at home will help so much, I am sure she will pick it up really quickly now. She just wasn't getting it before - it was like she was thinking 'but why would I go through the tunnel when it's quicker just to run past it?' LOL.

Oh and it's my first piece of agility equipment :thumbsup: I am bit worried about how addictive this is becoming :laugh:

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Just watch out huski - next it will be a set of weavers, some jumps and then you start collecting contact equipment and your well and truely addicted :thumbsup: . Still itchy about my see-saw arrival date - hopefully next week :laugh: :D .

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Aaah, gotta love a tunnel suck :laugh: I'm sure Kyzer thinks he gets bonus points when he does extra tunnels :D

:) I used to have a tunnel suck, but I broke her - crappy handling of off entry tunnels :D - now I have a contact and weaving suck. :thumbsup: Most dogs will take an off course tunnel if they make a mistake in a tunnel/contact discrimination - not my Kirra - she'll take the contact every time - like she did in one of the courses at Natonals - might have been Open or Masters - can't remember - she had to work hard to off course to the contact - but she still did it :) .

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Aaah, gotta love a tunnel suck :) I'm sure Kyzer thinks he gets bonus points when he does extra tunnels :)

:D I used to have a tunnel suck, but I broke her - crappy handling of off entry tunnels :( - now I have a contact and weaving suck. :thumbsup: Most dogs will take an off course tunnel if they make a mistake in a tunnel/contact discrimination - not my Kirra - she'll take the contact every time - like she did in one of the courses at Natonals - might have been Open or Masters - can't remember - she had to work hard to off course to the contact - but she still did it :D .

;) Now that's skill :laugh:

Kyzer will pick a contact over a tunnel any day - I dread the day when we are presented with a tunnel next to an aframe or dogwalk, the tunnel won't have a chance :D

Actually he isn't as much of a tunnel suck as he was in the beginning, in his first ever jumping trial he went through one tunnel 3 times, he was only supposed to do it once :o

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