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Just encase you (or anyone really) is interested, a lady in my club has secured a deal with the people selling these weave poles, she is able to sell a set of 6 for $40 or two sets of 6 for $70 (inc shipping), Im about to get a set of my own, they are easily adjusted to make 2x2 or you can straighten them for a full set of 6

Our trainer told us about that on Tuesday night :laugh: Will definitely be ordering some I think!

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Just encase you (or anyone really) is interested, a lady in my club has secured a deal with the people selling these weave poles, she is able to sell a set of 6 for $40 or two sets of 6 for $70 (inc shipping), Im about to get a set of my own, they are easily adjusted to make 2x2 or you can straighten them for a full set of 6

Our trainer told us about that on Tuesday night :laugh: Will definitely be ordering some I think!

Oh yeah *bashes head* forgot those two are friends lol

My club is hosting a beginners comp tomorrow night, you should come along and watch! it really helps you to understand how it all works when you've been to a comp

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I wouldn't use 50cm spaced weaves - I got a channel set with that spacing unknowingly when I first started training weaves - 5 cm makes a big difference as weaving does involve muscle memory!. If you are doing ADAA I would suggest doing 55cm weaves. There are people who make them with 55 or 60cm spaced weaves here, I would do that instead, and some will make 2x2 specifically if you ask them to.

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I wouldn't use 50cm spaced weaves - I got a channel set with that spacing unknowingly when I first started training weaves - 5 cm makes a big difference as weaving does involve muscle memory!. If you are doing ADAA I would suggest doing 55cm weaves. There are people who make them with 55 or 60cm spaced weaves here, I would do that instead, and some will make 2x2 specifically if you ask them to.

Unfortunately I have no space to store anything like that, and Im poor. These ones pack up nicely and will live in my car

One day...when I can afford my own place again, Ill get a proper set, but for now these are better than nothing

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Yeah it's weird! Even if I try luring D over to my right side she's all awkward like 'uh uh, this ain't right!' LOL :)

That reminds me of when Jedi and I first went to agility... He could not be convinced to be on my right side!! So I had to teach him to heel on the right and he's been fine ever since.

Meanwhile, I started 2x2 with both Jedi and Soaks 4 days ago.... I am amazed at how fast they are learning weavers!!!! Jedi is weaving 4 almost straight poles already (Soaks isn't too far behind)! :laugh: I am thrilled with this method!

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Yeah it's weird! Even if I try luring D over to my right side she's all awkward like 'uh uh, this ain't right!' LOL :laugh:

That reminds me of when Jedi and I first went to agility... He could not be convinced to be on my right side!! So I had to teach him to heel on the right and he's been fine ever since.

Meanwhile, I started 2x2 with both Jedi and Soaks 4 days ago.... I am amazed at how fast they are learning weavers!!!! Jedi is weaving 4 almost straight poles already (Soaks isn't too far behind)! ;) I am thrilled with this method!

:) It's amazing, isn't it. And no problems with working the dog on the right ;)

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2x2 weaves is my mission for Trixie over Summer but I was going to get her spayed so that takes a big chunk out of time! Bugger.

We had a lesson last weekend and have a stack of foundation stuff to do, going to try and use the Awesome Paws Handling System for her, from what I know of it I think it will suit her, got lots of recall to heel exercises to do and some others teaching motion cues.

Last night I shaped her to run around a big cone, she loved that game but kept trying to cheat and run towards it then back for the treat without going aorund it, she's got the idea now though :thumbsup:

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I went to my first ADAA agility trial last night! I was just scribing in the games ring... wow agility seems so complicated! LOL! I am concerned I will need coordination skills I definitely don't possess, haha.

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:cheer: hey huski i was there too lol, i musta been scribing in the other ring than you, i reckon my boy could have competed in the events i saw

Awwww I didn't even know you were there!! Wish I had seen you, would have popped over to say hi :(

There is no way we could have done anything in the games ring, waaaaaaay too hard for us (yet) LOL!

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Jedi is now weaving 4 straight poles! :thumbsup: I'm so excited for him! We still need to work on his party trick entries (thanks ness - love that term!) but he is getting there! We won't be moving any further until he's got that down pat.

Soaks is moving at a slower pace but I am really happy with the level of drive she's showing. We're just working on her entries until they are really spot on.

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