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Agility Training Talk Thread


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Frosty used to "go sniff" without permission.

Now I try to get her doing it with permission. Ie if I catch her at it and I haven't given her permission - I get her attention back, get her to do some basic moves or tricks and then tell her to "go sniff".

Since putting "go sniff", "go say hello", "go play" all on command / give verbal permission - she hasn't done nearly as much nicking off to go-sniff in the middle of runs. And I use high high value treats that are saved especially and only for agility.

We're still having problems with the table. I think it's because she doesn't like to stop, but she stops on the far side of it and barks at me. We cracked everyone up last night because when she stopped and started yelling at me instead of jumping on the table, I crouched behind it so she jumped on it to see where I went. Even though she could have just looked under it. :rofl:

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I remember reading about it but thought it was more for state teams etc

Not sure.

Off to have a look

ETA Can't find anything about it in the new rules unless I am going blind

Edited by amypie
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:laugh: If it's anywhere it'll be in the regulations for the state controls, or in ANKC regs (as opposed to rules) . Certainly in conformation you're not supposed to wear identifying shirts or jackets (like breeders jackets ) - but AFAIK there's no similar rules for performance disciplines - or if there are, they're not enforced :)
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Cool. It's something I've been wondering about for a while, wanted to wear club shirt but somebody a while back told me you could be disqualified for wearing a club shirt, but there are so many people wearing them I wasn't sure.

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Kavik, NSW, and especially Sydney Metro, does have some strange local rules - well in obedience anywya, so I'd double check. Try putting a question on Agility-Australia list, or maybe PM Vickie. Just to make sure.

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Not sure who it was that told me, don't worry Casima :laugh:

I've just been wondering for a while, as there does seem to be a huge number of people wearing club shirts and I have never been game enough to until I knew if it was OK.

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Kavik, NSW, and especially Sydney Metro, does have some strange local rules - well in obedience anywya, so I'd double check. Try putting a question on Agility-Australia list, or maybe PM Vickie. Just to make sure.

Yep. I remember going to a NSW trial (first festival of agility in 2000) as part of a nice size SA contingent. We all had taken club shirts, complete with title badges on them and were shocked and surprised that we were told they are not to be worn. Created an issue for some as it was basically all they had, in the end it was allowed if the title badges were not on display. Most people only had those on jumpers but had club t-shirts underneath so just had to take jumpers off for their runs.

NSW is the only place I have encountered the rule so I figure it is either a "local rule" that is unwritten but everyone just knows or it is actually in the state regs somewhere.

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All the trials - obedience and agility in SA that I've been to - there's usually lots of people wearing their favourite club t-shirts including in the ring. I never heard of any rule saying you can't.

Nobody from my club wears a club tshirt - because they're ugly yellow and about as comfy as a plastic bag to wear. Hoping to fix that sometime in the near future.

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wWll after weeks of Fergus stuffing around at training (when he used to be soooo driven and love agility) he finally got his mojo back last night. He drove to his 2o2o position on the contacts trainer - he was so focused and excited and offered clear behaviour. We then did some grid jumping and, at the start line, he was back to his old self - spring loaded ready to go. When we finished I said try again and we ran back to the start line. He sat straight away, focused on the jumps! No pfaffing around.

He was even focused with cicle work and worked well without a leash (previously, this would have been a big sniffing moment).

Maybe it was just a conincidence, but I really tried to relax and enjoy training, rather than worry about how I have broken him. Time will tell whether this is a longer term change or whether we just had a good night, but I'm happy with the direction we're heading in now.

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Good to hear Megan, hopefully it was a short term thing! Maybe he was a bit under the weather?

I think I've found a good balance for training Kyzer now - he is working well probably 95% of the time at training, I'm still yet to get that transferred to trials though... it's probably more like 50% really but his agility run on the weekend gave me a glimpse of what we are capable of if I can just figure out how to get consistency.

Will be interesting to see how things progress from now on though, it is Trixie's first trial tomorrow and the end of me only trialling Kyzer - he is just in one class tomorrow (usually in two, sometimes three). I will be watching with interest over the next few weeks to see if it makes a difference in him, and also me, having two dogs and less subconscious pressure on him and myself. It's also night trial time which we both prefer :thumbsup:

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wWll after weeks of Fergus stuffing around at training (when he used to be soooo driven and love agility) he finally got his mojo back last night. He drove to his 2o2o position on the contacts trainer - he was so focused and excited and offered clear behaviour. We then did some grid jumping and, at the start line, he was back to his old self - spring loaded ready to go. When we finished I said try again and we ran back to the start line. He sat straight away, focused on the jumps! No pfaffing around.

He was even focused with cicle work and worked well without a leash (previously, this would have been a big sniffing moment).

Maybe it was just a conincidence, but I really tried to relax and enjoy training, rather than worry about how I have broken him. Time will tell whether this is a longer term change or whether we just had a good night, but I'm happy with the direction we're heading in now.

Great work megan!!! I am amazed at how much my attitude affects my dogs in training. So much so that, after feeling a bit grumpy/drained after having family stay, I took the last few days off training both dogs. When I lose my mojo, my dogs lose it too. I think it's partly my subtle body language (think tense shoulders) but also I don't think logically about problem solving if I'm distracted by other life stressors. Today I had a brilliant day training Em in retrieving with DOLer RubyBlue - we are starting her Lab too and it was so much fun problem solving with an older dog for a different experience.

Good luck tomorrow amypie - relax and enjoy yourself :thumbsup: Zig has around 7 agility runs per trial.....Dog help me when Em starts trialling because she can go all day and I can't :eek::rofl:

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7 runs :eek: we don't even have that many available to enter :laugh:

Usually just have single trials here - max 4 runs per dog

I know :rofl: Works quite well as I'm never quite awake enough for at least the first couple!

I think the next trial we've got 3 x ADX, 2 x JDM, 1 x JDO, 1 x ADO. I've always run Zig in Open Jumping, even when we couldn't handle the distance handling as it was a great experience to run a course without any pressure to pass. Now that he is firing along in agility I enter ADO but only if we have the room as 7 is about our limit although I have done 8! Keeping him fresh between runs is the challenge and I never do 2 days of trialling back to back.

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