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I think we are slowly making progress on our 2x2. We just did a session and Daisy is going really well. I haven't done anything with her in a couple of days and she was giving me heaps and really nailing each entry. The last session we did she was still sometimes running through the poles on the way back or entering from the wrong side if I made the angle a bit too tricky but she got it each and every time today.

Fingers crossed we keep it up :(

Edited by huski
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Ruby's first set of full weavers captured on video :wave:

Sshh... it took us a few goes to get it right :thumbsup: The first time she ran straight past them to say hello to the judge, second time she missed one of the weaves. But we got there in the end :D

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Very cute! I love the video footage running with the beagle alongside. But when do we get Daisy weaving action? :D

Eventually... when we're not so crap :wave:

Hopefully it won't be too much longer, but I don't have a lot of room to practice at my place :D We go back to class soon so hopefully that will give us opportunity to work on it in a bigger space.

ETA: Go Ruby!! She's doing so well!!

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Well after about 5 (could be 6...) years since last training a dog in agility, I have finally decided to get around to training Jazz. She is only 3 so I haven't been too slack, lol.

Anyway, I have watched Susan Garrett's 2x2 weave DVD and put some poles up and today started Jazz on them. First session she decided to offer drops and give me long intense stares and we only got a few succesful reps. An hour or so later we went out and she was like "oh you want me to do this" and we had some really good goes with me changing where I was standing and her finding it. On this occasion (and the first) I was using food (large chunks of left over roast beef so not crumbly and easy to see and pick up). She was getting quite quick when we left it.

Session 3 several hours later I took a tug toy out. Jazz is very toy driven and I have used toys in training with her before. Well she decided once I had a toy to go into border collie crouch and stare mode and it was very like our first session with only a couple of successful reps. So, do I persist with the toy until she ups her rate with that or do I go back to using food for a few days to really build the value of the poles and then transfer back to the toy?

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I would probably persist with the toy. Have you ever tried just walking back inside when she goes into the border collie crouch and stare mode. Not specifically with 2x2 but with any other training with a toy where the same thing has happened.

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I would probably persist with the toy. Have you ever tried just walking back inside when she goes into the border collie crouch and stare mode. Not specifically with 2x2 but with any other training with a toy where the same thing has happened.

Not actually gone back inside but I have turned my back on her or walked a few steps away to break contact with her.

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Well I persisted with the toy and got 2 sessions in today. This morning was a little better than last night but she was still tending to stand and stare (only forwards between the poles not at me, lol) before moving. This evening after work she did really well and was driving to them from 3 or 4m away and all sorts of angles and very few misses or stand and stare moments.

Time to rewatch the next section of the DVD :(

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I started training again after a little while off... Jedi is doing really nicely integrating his weavers into some basic sequences...

It was nice having a little bit more room than at home!

:laugh: Nice work!!! Whose yard is that? It's nice!

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Trialling question :rofl:

If a dog touches a piece of contact equipment, but you call them off it or they jump off at the beginning (so don't really do anything with it besides touch it), is that a DQ or a just a refusal?

I should probably go read the rules, slap on wrist for me, but thought this might be a quick question some experienced people could answer for me in a jiffy :hug: Thanks!

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Trialling question :rofl:

If a dog touches a piece of contact equipment, but you call them off it or they jump off at the beginning (so don't really do anything with it besides touch it), is that a DQ or a just a refusal?

I should probably go read the rules, slap on wrist for me, but thought this might be a quick question some experienced people could answer for me in a jiffy :rofl: Thanks!

I'm not sure about the techincalities with ANKC rules - they seem to be applied quite inconsistently in my limited experience. With ADAA though (and I think ANKC are similar) if a dog touches a piece of equpment or breaks the plane of that piece of equipment (like puts a nose in a tunnel or past the line of a jump) then it is either a wrong course (Elimination) or a fault (refusal) depending on the circumstance.

Gamblers is a little different again. I've been Eliminated from a gamblers round for calling my girl out of the weavers after the opening time limit was up. Apparently they must finish the piece of equipment or it is deemed to be unsafe. (ANKC, would not be a penalty in ADAA).

HOpe that helps.

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Refusal by the looks?

From the rules:

"A refusal should be called when the dog fails to make an attempt at an obstacle or when approaching


c) the Dog Walk, a dog fails to ascend the up ramp on any attempt or comes off the obstacle before reaching the horizontal section.


e) the Scramble, a dog fails to ascend the up ramp on any attempt or comes off the obstacle before the apex."

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Hmm I would have thought it would be a DQ - Rubystar because she had taken the obstacle out of sequence.

Yes, if it's out of order it would be DQ but if the dog starts but doesn't complete the obstacle (in the right order) it would be a fault I think. A dog that hesitates at the tunnel (without touching it or going past) can be classed as a refusal - especially a dog that spins - I've seen that quite a bit.

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