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I shall definitely do that next time GG, it is only his second session ever on it so i didn't want to chain too many things together. :laugh:

Look forward to seeing the vid Huski ;)

It is hard to fit everything in- especially because we work alot of weekends too.

He is doing well! even just take him back to the beginning of the obstacle if you dont want to add in another jump

I wish Tess would jump through the tyre on her third session...she still nips through the corner lol

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I just did a quick weaver session with Daisy :party: we are really only starting out though so only building value for two poles at the moment.

I took video so will upload it if it's not too embarrassing :love:

I'm sure it won't be embarrassing, can't wait to see it!

After my weaving woes with Millie, I am so proud of her! She is doing 6 weaves quite well, now. I just have to work on being able to run down the left hand ide of the weaves with her. When I do this, she tends to look at me and pull out too early, but if I run on the other side or stand back she goes to the end now :laugh: Will take weaves on the road again this week, she hasn't done straight poles outside of the backyard yet, but we did a lot of beginning work shaping between the 2 poles at the training grounds.

I love it when things finally click :(

Edited by RubyStar
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Well I was going to upload some video but my camera has crapped itself :thumbsup:

Glad Millie is doing well RS!


Oh and I left the weaves up at home while I'm at work so maybe Millie was practicing during the day? :thumbsup:

Cosmolo, if your phone is in fact the Samsung Galaxy S then I am even more sold on it - was looking into getting one and if it videos like that then woohoo!

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Yep it is the Samsung Galaxy- it videos alot better than my OH's I phone- although he doesn't have the newest version. The videos are so clear- i just have to remember to keep the phone on me a bit more often so i can capture different things.

Thanks Amypie- he is so much fun!

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He looks fun!! I love him.

My iphone is pretty crap at videos, but I use my digital camera for them anyway becausei it shoots in HD. Think I'll defnitely give the iphone the flick for a samsung galaxy in the future though!

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I'm only using an iphone cos it was a free hand me down :thumbsup: Wanted the Galaxy but I have to pay for that one! I *might* get lucky and be given the Galaxy from my bro in law who gets given new phones from suppliers through his work once he's had a play with it, but he's an Apple person through and through so will be using his iphone until he dies :thumbsup:

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Okay I'm feeling a little more positive about the 2x2s now! Trixie's anal gland abscess (blerk) is pretty much completely healed, so brought them out again this evening for a few sessions, using 4legs which got her pretty fired up, hasn't had any of those for a while! Managed to get her doing 4 straight poles then 6 almost straight poles :thumbsup: Took her a few moments to realise I'd added another 2 poles, she would do the 4 then run off but she cottoned on. Poor little Kyzer couldn't do anything because he seems to have scraped a few layers of skin off his paw pad, silly boy.

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