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Thanks for the heads up Ness! We desperately need to work on the tunnel. Daisy has no problem going through it if I stand and call her through it, but she can't do it on command. She hasn't worked out what the exercise is all about yet - my fault as we have only worked on the tunnel once very briefly in agility class!

Just bought the tunnel :D And ordered it express post because... well... I'm impatient :) Hopefully it arrives before the weekend, I'll be back home in Brissy by then!

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Good luck with your 2x2s DB!

And thanks to everyone who gave some suggestions for making your own weave poles. And GG thanks for the offer re the cheapie ones you mentioned to me earlier - I decided not to get them though as they aren't quite what I'm after. Thanks heaps though!

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Jedi is looking great, TN :thumbsup:

Wish I could say the same about Millie, but I've only done 2 very short sessions with her since I posted our video before Christmas and she is still stalling at the end when entering from the left hand side :) I'm still worried about adding the 5th/6th poles. I feel like I need to add it now as we've been on 4 poles forever which is not good for progression, but if I add it now then I'll have to babysit her entries to ensure she doesn't stall at the end! :D

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Jedi is looking great, TN :thumbsup:

Wish I could say the same about Millie, but I've only done 2 very short sessions with her since I posted our video before Christmas and she is still stalling at the end when entering from the left hand side :welcome: I'm still worried about adding the 5th/6th poles. I feel like I need to add it now as we've been on 4 poles forever which is not good for progression, but if I add it now then I'll have to babysit her entries to ensure she doesn't stall at the end! :confused:

Yep TN, Jedi's looking really sure of himself now.

RS, Which end is she stalling - entry or exit? Exit - just fiddle with your reward timing to make the exit really exciting.

If it's entry, I'd open the poles out a bit more for a little while maybe?

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Okie doke, here are our first weaving videos.

Ruby -

The first bit in the video I left in for laughs. I hadn't asked her to start yet while I went into the shed but she thought she'd be a showoff and show me she knew exactly what I was going to ask for :thumbsup: And I definitely need to peg the bases down as she's being a bit cautious going through.

Millie -

I left a bit more "in between" stuff in Millie's video as well as her mistakes so that you guys can see where I am having trouble. (Oh and she actually tugged on her toy for the first time ever, was chuffed! So left that in, too :confused:) She understands to keep on going more so on the right entries, and sometimes on the straight entries, but anything slightly left to the straight entry and she isn't understanding to keep on going. She worked through it a couple of times in the video, but there definitely were more errors than right ones in our session this afternoon (and this morning). Hope it makes it clearer what our problem is by seeing it and hope I can find a solution! And yes, I realise it's me, I just don't know what I'm doing differently between her and Ruby.

Bump for Tassie.

And to add that I tested sending Millie in from the right (her better side), rear crossing her so I was then running with her on the left (side she is having trouble) to see if it is my positioning that is causing the stalling. Nope, she kept going to the end and exited fine with me running along the left side of the poles.

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Sorry - took a little while to find the vid :confused: . OK - I could be wrong, but I'd say your reward is a little late sometimes, so she's not quite sure that her job is to get to the end.

I'd try to time your throw for just when she passes the second last pole, and make sure it's going down the reward line, so that she is rewarded as she gets into the last gap, but still has to bend to straighten the line to actually get the reward. I guess I'd party a bit harder too - remember it's Susan Garrett's method and she has huge parties, and really revs the dogs up hard before and after.

(Product disclaimer - remember I'm just another learner :thumbsup: )

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Sorry - took a little while to find the vid :rofl: . OK - I could be wrong, but I'd say your reward is a little late sometimes, so she's not quite sure that her job is to get to the end.

I'd try to time your throw for just when she passes the second last pole, and make sure it's going down the reward line, so that she is rewarded as she gets into the last gap, but still has to bend to straighten the line to actually get the reward. I guess I'd party a bit harder too - remember it's Susan Garrett's method and she has huge parties, and really revs the dogs up hard before and after.

(Product disclaimer - remember I'm just another learner :sick: )

Yeah I don't party hard, I know that part :shhh: Not with neighbours so close by :confused:

I know my throws are off, but as previously discussed, if I throw any sooner to match it with her anticipated correct exit, she still exits incorrectly then I've already thrown the damn thing and she is being rewarded for being wrong! So I'm waiting to see if she does get past the second last pole like you say then throw which is also slowing her down. But what I don't understand is, she is exiting fine on the one side, why not on the other?! I thought entries were going to be the biggest bitch, not EXITS!!! I cannot explain why one side is different to the other. If she was doing wrong exits when entering from all angles, I'd put it down to 100% bad throws down the reward line, but I'm getting some of them right if she's exiting properly when entering on the right, and Ruby never had this problem! :thumbsup:

Anyway with all the tips I was given before Xmas, I really need to get stuck back into this training :welcome:

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See what you mean about partying with neighbours close LOL. I'd still do a bit more revving though - neighbours will cope.

Yeah, the timing is a real trick - I'd be trying to get the throw done just as her shoulder goes past the second last pole. Maybe even get a heavier tug so it goes faster?

And yep - know what you mean about the different sides - I find left hand is much more tricky than right.

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I finally have a weaving video too :rofl: I tried the 2 x 2 method initially but was getting too frustrated, Polo just wasn't getting it. So, I went back to the trusty guides method and although we're far from where I want to be, especially in terms of entries and independance, we have some semblance of weaving!

Polo weaving for his dinner

I still don't think Polo 'gets' this game of agility, he is just so different to train than any of my other dogs, but, he's as enthusiastic as ever. :laugh:

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Good work FHRP! How long have you been training that and what method is it again? He is weaving like a champ! Edit: love the reward by the way :laugh: Had I been holding that with Millie there is no way she would do anything! She just can't concentrate on anything when there is dinner around!

Well I had a bit of success with my 2x2 weave training session with Millie this arvo :D

I think I have narrowed the problem down to me being either standing still or running down the left hand side that is causing her to stall. If I send her from the left side of the arc and then run myself on the right hand side she's fine. I was getting frustrated at how long we've been at 4 poles because of the one entry problem so I decided to bite the bullet and put out the 3rd set. No problems weaving 5 and 6 sending her from the right and straight on :love: Sent her from her troublesome side and ran down with her on the right and she did it, then I ran down the troublesome side with her and she went through 3 and 4 where she was previously stalling and is now stalling on 5 and 6 :rofl: But at least we are progressing and she is understanding the weave action, so I think we're almost half way there now :(:o Will get an updated video later in the week if I remember :rofl:

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