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Agility Training Talk Thread


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DB why don't you take some home with you? Most of the people in the beginners class do :thumbsup:

Yep - not a problem.

Also - you guys were both AWESOME the other night. EVERYONE was talking about how good you were and how greatful they were!!

Can't wait to see you in the ring next year.

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oh lol i didnt know i could do that...do i just take them?

thanx AD, i found it an awesome experience, i learned some of the rules, and the hows and whys of doing things, lol ill prob forget most of them, but its good to know that even once eliminated you can finish the course, well until the time buzzes :rofl: and you can keep retrying the weaves too thats cool/handy, i dont think ill be so nervous when i start competing now :D plus i could always go NFC and just have a round or 2 :thumbsup:

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I went to my first ADAA agility trial last night! I was just scribing in the games ring... wow agility seems so complicated! LOL! I am concerned I will need coordination skills I definitely don't possess, haha.

:rofl: huski - just scribing in the games ring - talk about jumping in at the deep end - one of the hardest jobs of all :thumbsup:

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I went to my first ADAA agility trial last night! I was just scribing in the games ring... wow agility seems so complicated! LOL! I am concerned I will need coordination skills I definitely don't possess, haha.

:D huski - just scribing in the games ring - talk about jumping in at the deep end - one of the hardest jobs of all :thumbsup:

Haha thankfully I was just the second scribe! One of our lovely instructors was the main scribe luckily :rofl:

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Jedi is now weaving 4 straight poles! :thumbsup: I'm so excited for him! We still need to work on his party trick entries (thanks ness - love that term!) but he is getting there! We won't be moving any further until he's got that down pat.

Soaks is moving at a slower pace but I am really happy with the level of drive she's showing. We're just working on her entries until they are really spot on.

Way to go! I am doing this with Millie, admittedly only a couple of times per week so not enough for her to get anywhere fast... she is up to 4 poles but still at angles. Her entries are nowhere near ready to close those poles any more just yet. Her sister may be "blonde", but picked it up far quicker than this brunette is :laugh:

Edited by RubyStar
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Did you guys get rained out at all on Saturday? I was grateful I didnt enter Tess lol, would have been a disaster if I bothered going lol

Cant wait for next years comps...little annoyed that the first comp of the year is on the same weekend as the K9Pro seminar..ahh well that wins lol

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:eek: Jedi is nailing some really nice tough entries on the weaves now!

Soaks though is getting frustrated when she makes an error with the entries (think 4 year old tantrum!) so I'm going to go back a few steps to just one set of poles and really work her entries where she only has one lot of poles to choose from! Hopefully I can build her confidence up a bit. I knew she'd be a challenge!

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How would you build value for a set of 2x2 for a dog who doesnt shape well? neigher of mine are really shapers, Tess was trained by using luring (Id never even heard of shaping until this year) and Lexi just doesnt seem to think for herself

Teach them to shape first :) You can do this best away from the weave poles with tricks. To do 2 x 2 it really is an important skill for the dog to have.

2 x 2 is not the only way to teach weaves though. If your dog doesn't shape well and you don't think you will be able to get them to shape well enough to do 2 x 2 you can use another method - many methods are used sucessfully.

There is the channel method, slanted poles or V-Weaves method among others and you can use 3 poles to train entries.

Edited by Kavik
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I agree with Kavik - have you tried shaping super simple things like hand touches etc? Or targeting something with their nose or picking something up to teach them how to shape?

I'd only ever really used luring with Daisy until I decided to teach the dumbell retrieve when she was two or three years old. Now she is way more confident with shaping :D

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Hmm, well todays 2x2 session was much better than yesterday, I cant believe I put off getting this dvd for so long (well not put off rather, but kept forgetting to borrow it from club...and well now its summer break and I 'forgot' to take it back, so I guess Id better look after it all summer :D)

With Tess I have progressed to throwing a toy and she only missed the gate a couple of times, tomorrow Ill start her on the open poles again but Ill turn them to 2 and 8 o'clock fairly quickly

Lexi I really just want her to learn to find the gate, so Im not worried if she takes longer, I think any heads up I can give her before we start beginners the better lol...love my Blondie

Silly question but how would you encourage shaping with a 9 year old dog who has learned that "if I stare for long enough something will drop or she will get bored"...Yes she has me trained well, but I cant get her to even show an interest in something else...any tips?

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Hmm, well todays 2x2 session was much better than yesterday, I cant believe I put off getting this dvd for so long (well not put off rather, but kept forgetting to borrow it from club...and well now its summer break and I 'forgot' to take it back, so I guess Id better look after it all summer :laugh:)

With Tess I have progressed to throwing a toy and she only missed the gate a couple of times, tomorrow Ill start her on the open poles again but Ill turn them to 2 and 8 o'clock fairly quickly

Lexi I really just want her to learn to find the gate, so Im not worried if she takes longer, I think any heads up I can give her before we start beginners the better lol...love my Blondie

Silly question but how would you encourage shaping with a 9 year old dog who has learned that "if I stare for long enough something will drop or she will get bored"...Yes she has me trained well, but I cant get her to even show an interest in something else...any tips?

GG85 - I'd start like I would a puppy. Sit quietly at home and just put a cardboard box (or anything novel) on the ground. Make sure you have some awesome treats, the dog is relatively hungry and all distractions are put away (including other dog). Click and treat for ANY interaction with the object. ANYTHING. A look, a paw, ANYTHING. Once the dog has tried a few different things with that object, put out another novel object. Rinse and repeat :p Don't shape anything particular - just shape ANY interaction with the object. Have fun!

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I warm my dog up for shaping - SG trick - reward for every different response. Ie an eye flick, ear twitch, tail movement, tongue sticking out... but not for the same thing. And possibly not a good idea to reward barking...

It took me a week to get her moving backwards for treats. I still haven't got it to the point where I want to name/cue it. But at least she's not just sitting and staring then barking at me. It started with treating every different response then focussing on the feet movement, especially getting the back feet moving backwards, so the first bit of reversing, she did in the sit position but at least she was going backwards.

And I am teaching reversing because SG said it is a pre-requisite for 2x2. Ie all the body awareness skills - needed for weaving. Still got all the other stuff to go, like ladders and wobble cushions.

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