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Dogs & The Beach


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First time we took Zoe to the beach/bay area she went straight in and kept going :p

I was just about to kick the shoes off and go after her when she happily turned around and headed back.

Looking back on it, we should have done it bit more slower.

Edited by GregW
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We took Heidi to a river the first time and she ran straight into the water. Don't really know what she thought when she first hit it, but she appears to have enjoyed it thoroughly. When we take her to the beach now, I always have my whistle with me. Before we let her off lead, I blow my whistle and give her B'cue chicken (her favourite). She then knows that there is something worth coming back for, when called. It works well, but I do prefer beaches that are not busy. When other dogs come along and play starts, I find her a little harder to distract. The beach is so much fun. Definitely take towels, and fresh water.


Gorgeous photos and what a beautiful dog! She looks like she really likes the water. I like your idea with the whistle and chicken!

First time Tilla went to the beach her eyes bulged out of her head! She was a desert dog from a pretty disgusting place so knew nothing but dust, dirt, and scrapping for survival.

I really wanted her in the water so it would help her skin condition, at first she was only excited about the seagulls and would race up and down having the time of her life dispersing them into a screaching flight.

To get her interesed in the water I would skim shells along the edge and then slowly throw them out deeper. eventually she started to paddel about. It had taken about 3 months to get her to do that.

Sounds like so much fun for her!

First time we took Zoe to the beach/bay area she went straight in and kept going :p

I was just about to kick the shoes off and go after her when she happily turned around and headed back.

Looking back on it, we should have done it bit more slower.

Hehehe, this is exactly why I started this thread cos I had no idea what people do the first time. Lol. I am glad Zoe came back! :D

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Gorgeous photos and what a beautiful dog! She looks like she really likes the water. I like your idea with the whistle and chicken!

Thank you. Using the whistle saves me screaming her name "Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi" while she's running around in zoomie mode. Sounds like I'm yodeling. :p

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Last time we took him to a dog park he was a little spooked by some of the dogs there. Since then I've been a bit reluctant to take him to the dog park.

Argh! That's where people go wrong! :laugh: Introducing puppies to dog parks is always a bit tense, I think. For my two I kept them on a short leash to begin with, and basically crouched beside puppy at the edge of the park and stayed close while dogs came to visit him. If puppy looks distressed I would block the other dogs. It took a few visits for them to relax. I keep them on a short leash at first so they can't bolt if they get frightened.

You should totally bring him to the Lappie picnic on the weekend. There'll be lots of nice dogs and puppies for him to meet. :laugh:

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Hehe mine don't like the water at all so I don't have to worry about that!

I prefer to go at a time when there are less beach goers.

I think I'm quite lucky too, I live in Adelaide and I've yet to meet a bad doggy owner at the beach so the boys are both spoiled in regards to exercise and socialisation!

I do the same as VJB - I make sure both boys know I've got some awesome snacks so they have something to come back for, but whether they get a treat or not is random so they come back just the same, just to check!

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Gorgeous photos and what a beautiful dog! She looks like she really likes the water. I like your idea with the whistle and chicken!

Thank you. Using the whistle saves me screaming her name "Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi,Heidi" while she's running around in zoomie mode. Sounds like I'm yodeling. :rofl:

HAHAHAHA! ;) :eek: :D

Last time we took him to a dog park he was a little spooked by some of the dogs there. Since then I've been a bit reluctant to take him to the dog park.

Argh! That's where people go wrong! ;) Introducing puppies to dog parks is always a bit tense, I think. For my two I kept them on a short leash to begin with, and basically crouched beside puppy at the edge of the park and stayed close while dogs came to visit him. If puppy looks distressed I would block the other dogs. It took a few visits for them to relax. I keep them on a short leash at first so they can't bolt if they get frightened.

You should totally bring him to the Lappie picnic on the weekend. There'll be lots of nice dogs and puppies for him to meet. :D

I actually had him on a leash! We went to Castle Hill dog park (which is very friendly, my cav loves it there) and because we knew Codi is a bit snobby with dogs- we walked in very slowly, went to the most empty part of the park on leash so he could just have a sniff. That's not what ended up happening though, cos a staffy puppy bolted up to us and Codi just freaked out. I have never seen him like it. Lucky the owner was really nice and he actually wanted us to keep trying them together to play. I could see from the way Codi was behaving that he did not like this dog so we ended up leaving... I haven't tried a dog park since- only if there are no other dogs there. Lol. He's fine with dogs at puppy school though. I think it's just a JS thing- wary until they are formally introduced.

I want to come to the picnic! My husband has plans already though and I don't know that I want to drive out on my own... Does that sound lame? I don't really know any body!

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I want to come to the picnic! My husband has plans already though and I don't know that I want to drive out on my own... Does that sound lame? I don't really know any body!

CWEW was gonna come with her JS :thumbsup: You'll know all the lappie people from the spitz breeds thread. :o I have to drive out on my own as well, as OH is working. :D It's at Olympic Park, though, which is easy to get to as it's right off Metroad 3. Kivi is pretty good with puppies. If they are worried he lies down and ignores them. They come over soon enough and he lets them do anything to him. He's a big teddy bear.

I don't really remember our first trip to the beach with our boys. We probably kept them on a long line. Ours had been out and about quite a bit before we made a beach trip, though. So they seemed not too insane and kept close. It was handy having a good recall on Kivi. Erik wouldn't have gone anywhere without Kivi when he was a baby. He was like Kivi's satellite. :) I'm sure they both dug in the sand and wouldn't go anywhere near the water. :wave: They love the beach.

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I taught both of my dogs to recall by taking them to a fenced park.. letting them off lead.. and then running in the opposite direction! Of course they were both like "wtf?! Where is my mum going!?" *chases* and as soon as they were close enough I would shower them with praise and reward while saying their name. Once they worked out that they got food for coming back to me that was it.. I had no problems at all! They now both have a perfect off lead recall :thumbsup:. Some dogs cant learn it so easily though, I honestly think I got lucky.. I second the suggestion of an obedience school, very helpful and good for you and your dog.. you'll learn lots and your dog WILL have fun :wave:!

One of my dog loves the beach and the other hates it lol. We dont go that often but when we do I always let them off lead if it's the right time and no ones around.. just be careful not to get to close to jettys and such because fish hooks can be about!

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I want to come to the picnic! My husband has plans already though and I don't know that I want to drive out on my own... Does that sound lame? I don't really know any body!

CWEW was gonna come with her JS :thumbsup: You'll know all the lappie people from the spitz breeds thread. :o I have to drive out on my own as well, as OH is working. :) It's at Olympic Park, though, which is easy to get to as it's right off Metroad 3. Kivi is pretty good with puppies. If they are worried he lies down and ignores them. They come over soon enough and he lets them do anything to him. He's a big teddy bear.

I don't really remember our first trip to the beach with our boys. We probably kept them on a long line. Ours had been out and about quite a bit before we made a beach trip, though. So they seemed not too insane and kept close. It was handy having a good recall on Kivi. Erik wouldn't have gone anywhere without Kivi when he was a baby. He was like Kivi's satellite. :) I'm sure they both dug in the sand and wouldn't go anywhere near the water. :wave: They love the beach.

I really want to come! I was worried about parking and having to handle a dog on my own to find where everyone is (I suppose I'll just look for the fluff balls. :D) and I didn't know how Codi would be with a group of dogs he doesn't already know. He's got the typical spitz personality where he's on guard till he knows you.

I want to meet everyone's dogs too- looking on the spitz thread they are all so beautiful. :D

How far apart in age are Kivi and Erik?

I taught both of my dogs to recall by taking them to a fenced park.. letting them off lead.. and then running in the opposite direction! Of course they were both like "wtf?! Where is my mum going!?" *chases* and as soon as they were close enough I would shower them with praise and reward while saying their name. Once they worked out that they got food for coming back to me that was it.. I had no problems at all! They now both have a perfect off lead recall :D. Some dogs cant learn it so easily though, I honestly think I got lucky.. I second the suggestion of an obedience school, very helpful and good for you and your dog.. you'll learn lots and your dog WILL have fun :(!

One of my dog loves the beach and the other hates it lol. We dont go that often but when we do I always let them off lead if it's the right time and no ones around.. just be careful not to get to close to jettys and such because fish hooks can be about!

Aww, I giggled at you running the opposite direction! That sure would have confused them. Lol. Yes I was thinking I should start taking him to the fenced park down the road more regularly. I'll have to start doing it in the mornings so that at least he'll be the only dog there.

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I really want to come! I was worried about parking and having to handle a dog on my own to find where everyone is (I suppose I'll just look for the fluff balls. :wave:) and I didn't know how Codi would be with a group of dogs he doesn't already know. He's got the typical spitz personality where he's on guard till he knows you.

I want to meet everyone's dogs too- looking on the spitz thread they are all so beautiful. :D

How far apart in age are Kivi and Erik?

The more the merrier. :o Erik is on guard until he knows you, too. Kivi is never on guard. :thumbsup: A dozen Lappies hanging out together is hard to miss. :) I think parking out there is a cinch. If it's where I think it is there's a big carpark just next to the park. I think if you give Codi a little time and space he'd calm down.

Kivi and Erik are just over a year apart in age.

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I really want to come! I was worried about parking and having to handle a dog on my own to find where everyone is (I suppose I'll just look for the fluff balls. :wave:) and I didn't know how Codi would be with a group of dogs he doesn't already know. He's got the typical spitz personality where he's on guard till he knows you.

I want to meet everyone's dogs too- looking on the spitz thread they are all so beautiful. :)

How far apart in age are Kivi and Erik?

The more the merrier. :o Erik is on guard until he knows you, too. Kivi is never on guard. :thumbsup: A dozen Lappies hanging out together is hard to miss. :) I think parking out there is a cinch. If it's where I think it is there's a big carpark just next to the park. I think if you give Codi a little time and space he'd calm down.

Kivi and Erik are just over a year apart in age.

I think maybe in summer we need to do a beach picnic meet up! :D:D

I may have worked out a solution with OH- he said he could come with me and then leave (he had plans) we might take 2 cars in that case.

You'd never think Lappies were rare when you see how many are on the forum hey? Lol.

I will have to look up the details on google maps I think!

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I want to come to the picnic! My husband has plans already though and I don't know that I want to drive out on my own... Does that sound lame? I don't really know any body!

CWEW was gonna come with her JS :thumbsup: You'll know all the lappie people from the spitz breeds thread. :( I have to drive out on my own as well, as OH is working. :) It's at Olympic Park, though, which is easy to get to as it's right off Metroad 3. Kivi is pretty good with puppies. If they are worried he lies down and ignores them. They come over soon enough and he lets them do anything to him. He's a big teddy bear.

I don't really remember our first trip to the beach with our boys. We probably kept them on a long line. Ours had been out and about quite a bit before we made a beach trip, though. So they seemed not too insane and kept close. It was handy having a good recall on Kivi. Erik wouldn't have gone anywhere without Kivi when he was a baby. He was like Kivi's satellite. :D I'm sure they both dug in the sand and wouldn't go anywhere near the water. :rolleyes: They love the beach.

I'll be there with Emmy. Maybe Charlie but not 100% sure with him yet..

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My labrador absolutely loves the beach! Although she can't decide if swimming or playing with the othger dogs along the beach is more interesting lol. My beagle on the other is not a fan of water!

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