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Doggy Day Care


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HI, I was looking to put my dog into doggy daycare for a couple of days a week. I went and had a look at some centres and was really shocked that I wasn't allowed to have a look around. Has anyone else encountered this before? I just thought it was strange that I wasn't shown the facilities not once but three times. I thought maybe there was a legitimate reason but all three centres gave a different reason which didn't make any sense really. Just wondered if anyone knew why?

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Many daycares don't want people going into the doggie area when the dogs are there as it can really upset the dogs in there- raising anxiety levels, noise levels, excitement levels etc. Some have a viewing window so that you can view without disturbing the dogs, others may let you come after opening hours.

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I have always ben invited in to look and in Sydney I have had a look at 3 centres. The dogs were there and as I had my dog with me at one place they did the temperament test on the spot. But I must say that I didn't need to be shown a lot as you usually get a good view from outside the gated areas. Only once have I entered in to the dog area to see the outside grassed area which was not in view from the front.

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There were no viewing windows and no offer was made for us to come back and make an appointment. None were overly busy either. One employer blocked my partner from looking over a big wooden screen. Of course, the dogs are going to be excited but that wouldn't have bothered us. I can certainly understand there being a fear of spreading disease too. I have my own business and we have an open door policy because we are proud of our establishment and what we have to offer so we didn't understand why they were reluctant to let us in.

Strangers? All new clients are strangers if that's what you call them. I have been in business for many years and 'strangers' as you call them are what puts bread in your mouth and pays your bills.

We were also told we couldn't stay for the temperament test. And all of the centres were hidden from view from outside, too.

Thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate them and look forward to more.

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Where I worked, you could make an appointment to be shown through the premises on a Saturday which is quieter. They had a viewing windown too. And you could stay for the temperament test and we explained what we were doing. Having people walk through when it is busy creates A LOT of excitement for the dogs - the noise levels shoot through the roof too.

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I have no idea why you were not allowed to inspect but I must respond to this

Of course, the dogs are going to be excited but that wouldn't have bothered us.

It certainly would have disturbed the dogs though, excitement can lead to possibly aggression or overly rough play

if you have a number of dogs in your care you are wanting to avoid that.

Boarding kennels rarely allow people to just turn up and check them out for the same reason, the dogs need settled quiet time and strangers constantly coming and going disturbs everyone, and raises noise levels.

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The only experience I have is with childrens daycare and if they had treated me they way those doggy daycare centres did I definitely wouldnt have left my kids and since my dogs welfare is just as important I wouldnt leave my dogs their either.

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Guest Willow
There were no viewing windows and no offer was made for us to come back and make an appointment. None were overly busy either. One employer blocked my partner from looking over a big wooden screen. Of course, the dogs are going to be excited but that wouldn't have bothered us. I can certainly understand there being a fear of spreading disease too. I have my own business and we have an open door policy because we are proud of our establishment and what we have to offer so we didn't understand why they were reluctant to let us in.

Strangers? All new clients are strangers if that's what you call them. I have been in business for many years and 'strangers' as you call them are what puts bread in your mouth and pays your bills.

We were also told we couldn't stay for the temperament test. And all of the centres were hidden from view from outside, too.

Thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate them and look forward to more.

It might be awful or great, I don't know, but I've highlighted a bit of your post....to the dogs on the other side, a disembodied head appearing over a fence can be alarming, and lead to (as others have said) over-excitment, aggression etc etc.....kind of like a stranger peering over your back fence.

Having worked in a dog daycare centre, I know that this can really freak some dogs out.

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The doggy day care centre I used allowed me to have a look around their facility without any problems, but I did have to make an appointment. My friend takes her dog to a different centre and they even have web cameras so you can log on and check up on your dog (this is in Sydney).

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I am happy to show anyone around the dog daycare in Penrith NSW, as long as they make arrangements beforehand. There's nothing I'm trying to hide, but care for my current clients comes first. Yes, it does stir the dogs up to have a visitor, but I use these opportunities to practice "settle" - a couple of the Samoyeds need a lot of practice!

There is a reception area window with a complete view of the facilities for the merely curious, but I like showing off the details if someone is sincerely interested.

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