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Gassy Dog


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My nearly 12 month old Weimaraner, Max has had an ongoing gas issue ever since he has come home at 9 weeks. For ages I put it down to puppy belly sorting itself out, when it went on for too long I switched his food. We've been through 4 different types/brands of dog food (Advance, Royal Canin, Eukanuba and ProPlan) and nothing has made a squat of difference.. I got the sensitive stomach ones where available. He is just fed the plain biscuits - no raw, we did go through chicken, lamb and normal mince and thought we'd struck a winner with normal mince as the gas stopped for a week but now they are back with a vengeance.

Often his farts are so bad you can literally carve them with a knife they are that chunky.. Most mornings our bedroom smells like.. well I think you can imagine. There is no escaping from it!! It's driving me nuts!!

The thing I find odd about his gas is that he does it all the time.. When he trots along he blows off (makes showing interesting), when he stretches he generally lets off at least a 5 second toot.. After nearly a year of it, he can still surprise himself with his own noises!

He has never gotten sick or had allergies from any food he's been on but is there any way I can stop the gas? what's the best food in your experience for a gassy dog?

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Occasionaly he gets pumpkin as I've heard that will help gassy/stomach issues. Other times I will put some natural yoghurt on his biscuits.

Occasionaly he will get a lamb shank meaty bone to chew, or a roo tail. These aren't every day, maybe once a week. They do make the smell worse, but even when he doesn't have bones he will still stink!

Doesn't really get fruit, unless he has a bit of apple when I'm eating one. No rawhides. Training treats are generally dried liver squares (forget the brand?!)

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Tried feeding a grain free food like Artemis?

My last dane used to have evil farts and frequent loose stools and I switched to Orijien (grain free but no longer available here) and this improved things no end.

(typed as current dane just let one rip right beside me on couch...)

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