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Introducing Yurrugar Green Withnv My New Boy


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Yep I watched it :thumbsup: Adorable, I love shaping, watching their little brains trying to figure out what to do! :laugh:

Sounds like he had a good holiday but I'm surprised he didn't freeze solid at the beach! Mmmm sand :rofl:

me too that is my favourite part of shaping, and that they end up offering all sorts of random behaviours whenever you hold a treat haha!

Yes, I shaped Kyzer to touch Trixie with his paw when I say 'Where's Trixie?' but I am regretting that now because if I have a treat and I'm trying to get her to do something he runs over and starts whacking her with his paws :thumbsup: Which leaves her very confused.

So funny to watch though, I don't know about yours but one of mine stands there and kicks his back legs, his front legs, touches whatever he can find, spins, rolls over, it's quite crazy at times!

Luckily it was really sunny and pretty hot (we were up the coast at forster) and he was running so much he wouldn'y have felt the cold lol. we were there with my friends cattle dogs and they all ran around and played for ages! He did seem strangely interested in eating the sand haha, he would dig a hole and then stuff his nose in and eat it! crazy dog

Good weather is a plus!

Is he a zoomer when he gets excited?

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Love that dog! Can I have him if you decide three is too many? :thumbsup:
some more photos from our ruthless shoot :thumbsup:

PS It wasn't a shoot :rofl: Just a few snaps I took at the trial. A proper shoot would have more variety :thumbsup:

You take the most beautiful photo's ruthless :laugh:

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