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Cat + Puppy Training


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I'm getting a new puppy(white shepherd) soon and I have a cat that is nearly 2 and I just want to start them off the right way so they get along without the cat terrifying the pup or causing harm to either. do you have any suggestions as to the best way to go about them meeting together?

If there is topics that you can direct me too please do so

Thanks for your help

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I'm getting a new puppy(white shepherd) soon and I have a cat that is nearly 2 and I just want to start them off the right way so they get along without the cat terrifying the pup or causing harm to either. do you have any suggestions as to the best way to go about them meeting together?

If there is topics that you can direct me too please do so

Thanks for your help

I'd appreciate any advice too, except I'm getting my pup tomorrow. I'll let you know how the first meeting goes :laugh::laugh:

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Well, the first meeting between my puppy (8 wk old female black Lab) and my cat (6 year old male moggy) went pretty well actually! Jasper (cat) was sitting at the window when I drove in (as he does 98% of the time when I come home), so I used that to my advantage by keeping the puppy outside for a bit longer so that he could watch her and 'meet' her through the window. When I eventually took her inside, Jasper was pretty calm and a bit curious. Ruby (puppy) was really quiet, which helped I think. I can only imagine how it would have gone if she was a bit bigger! Anyway, I sat near Ruby and called Jasper over and gave him treats when he did to make it a positive thing etc Ruby has mostly slept since then, and Jasper has walked past her and sniffed up close, and seems fine.

I did get a bit worried when I had to leave the house (took the pup with me) to pick up Ruby's crate from the post office. I figured that that would be when Jasper would be likely to use the litter tray, and given that he shows his unhappiness to me by pooing NEXT to his trays (yes, plural! For one cat!) fairly regularly, I was expecting the worst, but, amazingly, no drama there either! (So far!) It is VERY early days yet, but I'm glad that their first meeting went well at least. Best of luck to you and your pup's first meeting with your cat.

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that's a good way of doing it and it's good to hear nothing bad happened which would be great for all concerned. Congratulations on your new puppy. I can't wait to get mine the litter was only born yesterday.

Good Luck with Ruby and Jasper.

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  • 1 month later...

It's now a bit over a month later, and things are okay sort of between them. Ruby the puppy wants to play with Jasper, and he's just not interested. So, she barks at him, he hisses and swats at her, lather rinse repeat. :laugh: That doesn't happen all the time, sometimes I can get her to ignore him, but the cat annoys her most definitely! We will keep working on it. I would love to have them curl up togther and sleep, but I'm not holding my breath. Lol. :)

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