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Coopers Turn For A Visit.


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Today we went to visit my OH's mum she is in respite again after an illness this time. We decided to take Cooper for a visit today. Cooper is 4 now and he has come a long way in the last 18 months. He never used to like men and mostly on meeting a new male he did not cope at all and got himself very upset. After a lot of work and putting some really good advice in to play he is finally able to be comfortable in mostly all situations these days :rofl: although I never get complacent as I know there is potential for him to regress back into old ways but I am hoping that it is all behind us now. We only came across one male today an elderly man who walked past us in the halls of the Hospital and there was no reaction what so ever. I was very proud of my boy!! While we were there one of the nurses came onto the room and asked me if I would take Coop to visit a couple of the other residents which I did and he thought he was very special and the ladies he visited with just loved him, the nurse said it made thier day!!

Anyway here is some photos.



Making himself at home



Looking at himself in the mirror


Nanny had treats.


Checking out the bathroom




Edited by tlc
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:laugh: his ears are his trade mark!! Yes it is excellent that they let dogs in, I think I said in my last thread when we visited that they would love to have a resident dog but it is just to hard to manage. Hopefully they are going to become part of a pet therapy program and will be able to have regular visits, which will be great for the residents. Just to see the other ladies light up today when they seen Cooper (not to mention my Oh's mother) One of the ladies said Cooper was the beautifulest dog she had ever seen in the whole world :D that cracked me up, especially as he had spent some of the visit looking at himself in the mirror!!
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In one of those pics- his face looks eerily human!

What a good and gorgeous boy! Bet your Mum and the others were happy to have him there :D

He was a good boy and your first sentence is not the first time I have heard that about Cooper. A few people have told me he seems almost human and he does too! I once had a boy about 10 look in the window of the car and then he blurted out "oh its a dog I thought it was a person" he was looking closer to see as he was perplexed about what exactly it was sitting in the car. Cooper does take on a very human role in the car sitting up eerily like a human :laugh:

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Great pics Tlc...Cooper is such a handsome dignified dude! I didn't realise just how long his ears were until I saw that picture! Looks like he would make a great Delta dog!

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How nice was that to be able to take him, I am sure lots of elderly people have had to give up much loved animals when they had to move into care.

Cooper is beautiful and I just love that doggy coat

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good boy Cooper. It was lovely that you could take him there TLC. I always think Cooper looks like he needs a Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe. :crossfingers:

I have always remembered you said that once before, and I have been on the look out for the hat and pipe ever since. :rolleyes: I have mentioned it to others and they are like OMG yes he could so be Sherlock!!

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A therapy dog in the making - hope you mum gets better soon

I agree! If you have the time TLC, have you thought about getting him tested? Zero just got his therapy dog qualification - Cooper looks like a natural!

Great shots!

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Well done Zero, I bet you will make a lot of people happy as a therapy dog for sure!!

The wheels are in motion here, but it is my girls I am having assessed, they are having thier vet work done in 2 weeks then the assessment is in september sometime. I really wanted to get Cooper assessed but would like to give him a bit more time, I am firstly not sure he will cope with the assesment (although I have been reassured by someone who has been through it that he will) and I secondly don't want to undo all the good work we have done with getting him to where he is now. The plan is to get the girls assessed this time then in 6 months get Coop assessed. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be awesome, especially in the kids ward at our local hospital, its just getting him through the assessment.

Thanks for all the lovely comments about my boy, he sure is one of a kind!!

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