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Lets Change The Market Practice


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I find it very confusing regarding laws, legislation's, code of practices etc regarding PF, BYB and pets shops.

I think this is the way to go.

From Give Pets a Chance

Pets In Shops

There is an ever growing concern about the supply to, and availability of puppies and kittens to the pet industry. There are vast amounts of money to be made through the sale of pets in shops, markets, internet and print media. The concept of the ‘designer dog' has pushed prices of these indiscriminately bred pets up as high as $1500.

In the UK, you will find that only a small number of pet shops sell dogs and cats. This did not come about by any form of legislation; it was achieved by a public outcry against the sale of pets in stores. The general public decided that they would not support an industry that over bred, sold as mere product, and needlessly killed discarded pets. By the public simply not frequenting shops that stocked companion animals, the shops had to rethink their policies in order to stay in business. Any market must adapt to consumer demand or lose business. If you the consumer decide against a certain market practice it must change to your demands or become redundant.

The euthanasia rates in the UK speak for themselves, in 2007 they euthanased a total of 19,007 dogs and cats.

I would imagine that everyone here doesn't support such stores.

We just need to spread the word and keep spreading the word.

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Legislators simply need to ban the sale of pups in shops.

It has been done with other things. Legislators lack the will because PIAA is such a strong organisation, so having the public withhold support is a good way to go. If there was no market fewer pups would be bred.

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Legislators simply need to ban the sale of pups in shops.

It has been done with other things. Legislators lack the will because PIAA is such a strong organisation, so having the public withhold support is a good way to go. If there was no market fewer pups would be bred.

Agree Jed.

Also, if they just kept the legislation on the one topic of no dogs for sale in pet shops, instead of adding/slipping on a bunch of other animal rights issues like clover Moore did.

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