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Sarge At The Vet Today


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After last month's debarkles ... Banshee-pancreatitis; Madeline-skin rash; Pepper-kidney disease... I thought we'd finished with the vet for a while. Sarge has been 'funny' all week, not anything I can really put my finger on, but I know he's not right, he's also been a bit sooky and clingy. So I thought I'd just pop him down to the vet this morning and get a blood test done to make sure there was nothing really wrong.

Vet took blood from him to be sent off for analysis, then we thought we'll just try to get a urine sample outside to cover everything. The vet had a look and said there was blood in the urine. So she's getting a urine analysis done as well.

I won't get any results back until Monday, so I've got all weekend to worry about what could be wrong. Sarge is an 11 year old desexed Chinese Crested male. He only eats preservative-free food.

Could someone tell me what blood in the urine could be indicative of?

Edited by yellowgirl
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Hey there, I hope Sarge is ok!

I'm not sure if it's different for male dogs, but twice my dog has had episodes of wee'ing blood, and both times it was a urinary tract infection, cleared up in a few days with antibiotics.

I hope it's something simple!

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Thanks spottychick, I'm glad I took him in, sometimes we just 'know' when something's not right with our furkids. Wish he could have waited a little while til I got the current vet bill under control though :laugh:

Thanks loulouB, fingers crossed that it's something relatively simple :laugh:

I forgot to mention that the vet has also put Sarge on antibiotics.

I found this on the internet......

"There are several reasons that your dog might have blood in their urine. Below are some of the most common reasons given by various veterinarians:

1.Your dog might have a urinary tract infection

2.Your dog might have an infected prostate;

3.Your dog might have a uterine infection;

4.Your dog might have stones;

5.Your dog might have been poisoned;

6.Your dog might have been bitten by a tick; or

7.Your dog might have been in a serious accident causing internal injuries."

I think we can safetly eliminate 3 and 7, but that still leaves quite a few other possibilities. Guess I'll just have to wait until Monday.

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Hi Yellowgirl. Hope Sarge is better soon and that it's nothing sinister :laugh: Give the dear little man a big :o from us and one for you too as you'd had a lot of worry with the critters lately :o

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Thanks Bully, yes we have had quite a few medical worries lately :rolleyes: . But everyone is doing okay at the moment :)

Just spoke to the vet and the bloods and urinalysis have all come back clear. No infection was indicated in the urinalysis and nothing to indicate why the blood was present in the urine :confused: . All the bloods were in the normal range (phew!).

So, I guess I'll just have to keep loving him into feeling better and hope that he was just having an 'off' week or something. He's been a bit perkier over the weekend and this morning, so maybe whatever it was has passed :crossfingers: . All a bit mysterious :confused:

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