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Pros And Cons Of More Than One Dog


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I have three, an old boy and two younger Whippets.

Originally we were going to have Rommi and Brutus, until Brutus went to the bridge.

Then.......along came Lewis! Brutus is hapy as he only has to play when he feels like it, Rommi has someone to do zoomies with.

I wondered if they would bond to each other more when Lewis came along as Lewis was 8 months old and I thought he wouldn't bond with us as much as Rommi who we got at 8 weeks.

I was wrong!!!!Lewis is my dog without a doubt, Rommi loves both of us and Brutus is OH's dog. However I now have two dogs walking at my heels following me everywhere, two snouts around the toilet door and two dogs trying to get pats. They do love each other, but given the choice they would pass up canine company to be with a human.

They both do obedience and agility and are trained seperately, are walked together. When I am out they are generally seperated, but side by side.

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Thanks guys for all the replies. It's a lot to think about.

Fortunately, the money side of things isn't really a concern. But when people say you need to devote time to each dog individually, what sort of time are you talking about? For example, I take my current dog for 2 walks a day, one on lead for an hour in the morning, and then 1 hour at the park off-lead in the arvo - almost every afternoon. Ideally I would like to be taking the 2nd dog on these walks, but do you guys think it's best to walk them separately?

The truth is, I am not sure I could ever love another dog the way I love my boy, but after experiencing him and seeing the bond between me and my dog, my OH has often expressed a wish to have his own dog. He works many more hours than I do, so I would probably still be the primary care giver/trainer etc for both dogs. He wants a hungarian vizsla or a weimaraner, and I would be happy enough with either choice because my dog always plays well with those breeds - similar energy levels etc. My boy goes to obedience training every week, and my OH could take the 2nd dog alone because the training is on the weekends, so they could be trained separately. But for the most part, ideally I would like them to be together.

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MIne are together for all walks and cruising around. Obedience training is seperate and that may be a 10 minute session or a half hour session, or three short sessions spread throughout the day.

Both of my Whippets sit on my lap on the lounge, I make sure that I give them outside individual pat/cuddle time when I am out and about. The Stafford lays on the floor and has never got up ont eh lounge. Pat him with your foot he is happy.

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Growing up we only ever had one dog at a time. When I got my first dog I felt sorry for her because I work full time and she is such a people/dog kind of puppy. Very active and just loves everyone. So I got her a puppy! Best thing I ever did. They adore each other but still adore me also. The three of us do everything together

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hmm i dont know anymore

after all these years of multidoghouseholding lol i dont know that there is a definitive answer

we have lots of dogs here

i cant say for sure but...i think all but one would be happy to be single dogs

but i dont know so im not going to be emphatic

i think it is healthier for them mentally to have company especially during the day when youre working but none of ours are truly bonded to each other

as they are to us

the latest one will cry and look back when he is walked on his own and he will bolt back to the others if i take him up a-ways up the beach

he is the leader...though...the youngest but he is the dominant one so thats maybe why he does this

he doesnt really snuggle with anyone but is happy to be with them on the lounge or by himself on his

the little ones are happy to curl up together if they need to be kept in a room by themselves for a while...some will pair off for warmth when they have the chance

but one is definitely a loner...

it is a really interesting exercise watching the dynamics changing in different situations but theres always a pattern


getting another dog can work

but it can also cause heartache for you and pain for your existing dog

so be careful when you choose

talk to the breeder..and if you go to a shelter make sure the dogs get along

dynamics change over time too

id be getting a bitch...if youre going to stick to two...but another male could work well too

dont expect that theyre going to be best mates...and be prepared to deal with it if they end up being just tolerant of each other..this can be disappointing when you really want a best buddy for your canine and you put in so much effort and then things dont work out afterall

so the 2nd dog should really be for you

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