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The Stages Of Photography


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  Tess32 said:
  tlc said:
  Tess32 said:
I always feel like a faker because mine are all unplanned.

:mad Tess, how can you even say that? Your work is just so awesome, unplanned or not who cares it's fabulous!!

I don't think I'd have any skill in setting shots up.... I like to just wait for shots I suppose.

but the skill there is in knowing WHEN to capture the moment.

Put it in terms of weddings... there are people who shoot weddings and will take over 5000 photos in the hope of getting 300 passable shots to give to a bride and groom. Then you have some freaks who shoot 600 photos and they have 500 fantastic photos they could give the bride and groom.

The first person is shooting and praying that they have the moment, the second person has the skill to see the moment and know when to shoot.

I think you're more like the second person than the first. :mad

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Great graph, very true! :mad

I think when I'm actually trying I'm probably at "dammit, I suck" :mad

Although sometimes I just can't be bothered and whip out the point and shoot so then I go back into "auto mode." :mad

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What a great thread.Very, very in awe of photographers on here, hence why I don't post my work.I feel very embaressed that I have been obsessed with photography from my first dslr in 2004 and am still at the same level really.

I love the bit about being embaressed to admit being a photographer to people.I was always running around after my daughter at school functions/events and it went from happy to pass along pics to other parents of their kids to now being the unofficial 'offical' school photographer and I cringe at every event when the principle commends me on it.I keep thinking that if only the other parents really knew!

My last event was taking the pics of Preps (kindy) and year 1's for the local paper and upon final editing was so upset about the result I wanted to redo the whole shoot but was too late.I had put it out of my mind untill I got a call from a friend who said the pics looked great and i had to take a step back and think that it wasn't about me really...it was about the kids seeing themselves.

That graph is going up on my office wall...brillant.

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