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The Stages Of Photography


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This graph has been made by a professional photographer on another forum I'm on. It's all tongue in cheek but he has hit the mark so close it's not funny. Lots of people on the forum had a bit of a giggle because they could see themselves in this graph.


Some more food for thought...

there are four stages that every photographer goes through. which one do you think you are at?

1. Unconsciously incompetent

2. Consciously incompetent

3. Consciously competent

4. Unconsciously competent

and the same thing, but in the words of Bruce Lee (but start thinking about it in photography terms for the sake of the exercise.)

He who knows not and knows not he knows not, He is a fool- Shun him.

He who knows not and knows he knows not, He is simple- Teach him.

He who knows and knows not he knows, He is asleep- Awaken him.

He who knows and knows that he knows, He is wise- Follow him.

It's true. Everyone goes through these stages. I was stage one for about three years and it embarrasses me to think about it. I looked at my work and I looked at the work of the big names in the photography world and I honestly saw mine as being equal. I think back now to the things I used to say and do and I want to crawl into a hole and hide. I can't believe that I thought my work was really so awesome. :thumbsup: During this stage I faked it - as the saying goes, "fake it until you make it." I talked my way into some high profile jobs without having a clue what I was really doing. It really is scary when I think about it.

Then I hit stage 2. I knew I was in stage two when I was getting more and more embarrassed describing myself as a photographer and having people question my work. Inevitably, there would be a person who knew a little bit more than me who would grill me and I struggled to keep up with the conversation. This is when I studied and studied and studied. Formal and self taught. This stage really only ended for me about 3 years ago. (and I periodically revisit here when I want to learn new stuff... but never try to learn new stuff on the job - always at my own speed in my own time.)

Then along came stage three. These are the times that I go out and shoot and no matter what I'm hit with I can consciously draw from my experiences and know how I'm going to shoot and why and the result I will get. eg. Mottled light? Turn them around and backlight, change settings, take a reading, check histogram, alter where needed shoot again, check histogram, all is good so keep shooting! This is also a stage full of second guessing. I find that sometimes I go through my images in lightroom and the settings I had for the very first image in a series are spot on but for some strange reason, I've changed them for the next few photos and find myself trying to make them look like the first photo. :thumbsup: I still see myself as spending 3/4 of my time in stage three.

The other 1/4 of the time, I have stage four moments. Like walking around the Ekka and simply taking photos of moments that appeal to me. I can't change the light, I can't control the angles, I can't interact with the subjects, I just have to 'feel' what's happening and take the photo. There's no time to set up your camera, you have to look at a scene, flick your settings and be satisfied that you have it right first go. This is where you need to be when shooting weddings also. If you spend half the time during a ceremony checking your camera settings to try and get it right, you will miss the important moments.

I'm human. I stuff up. But I think it's important to remain realistic when you evaluate where you are on the scale.

Of course everyone likes to think they are stage four, but there's nothing worse than thinking you're a stage four when really you're a one. Been there, done that. :laugh:

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Great read, thanks for sharing

It kinda reminded me of the saying:

He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know ~ Lao-Tzu :thumbsup:

ETA: Is there another stage before 1, I think I'll always be a stage 1 but I don't look at my work and think It's as good as a pros though :thumbsup:

Edited by RottnBullies
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I LOVE it :thumbsup: .

I'm on a downer stage atm.

I see my stages as this...

Take millions of photos of EVERYTHING, pretend the bad don't exist & tell myself the good ones are fantastic

Realise the good ones really weren't that good, with an occasional fluke

Start to get better, think I'm pretty good again

Try to get technical & realise I am good at a few things but crap at heaps of other things

Start building some knowledge & really improve

where I'm at now...uninspired because I never seem to be happy with what I get. Some of it is probably pretty good, but I seem unhappy with anything less than excellent.

Hopefully there is another stage to come...I used to want to spend every spare minute with my camera & lately I just can't be bothered.

Edited by Vickie
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  raz said:
That's hilarious but the author forgot the most important stage - self obsessed, precious, pontificating wanker :thumbsup:

Thanks Raz. Nice to know what trying to help people to understand that there are different phases that people pass through with photography and that it's totally NORMAL to be anywhere on the scale comes across as being a "self obsessed, precious, pontificating wanker".

I'll never try and make people feel good about themselves and their direction again. It obviously came out wrong, but thanks for the tact.

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Huh? I thought it was great. Nice to know you can giggle at other people's expense but then get all precious when someone else does. Unbelievable.

Scuse me while I got and get all precious and wanky about my photos.

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  Justice Shades said:
I honestly didn't take raz's comment to be having a go at you Ash? I thought she was just taking the piss out of the photographers who do act like self obsessed, precious, pontificating wankers. :thumbsup:

I was actually taking the piss out of myself :thumbsup:

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Geez, I don't know where I am I think between stage 1 and 2. I get really annoyed when people when people say to me oh you should be a pro :laugh: Sometimes I say to them you really have no idea of what being a pro means!! I really have no desire or drive to be a pro I just want to be able to take good shots of thing I love! Mostly dogs of course... :D

I have been flattered to have had 3 requests of people wanting me to take some photos for them in the last month. A 21st birthday, a family portrait, and a wedding :thumbsup: and I knocked back all 3 as I just know I am not qualified or up to the challenge. And people are just not my thing :thumbsup: I just figure if I am shooting stuff that I don't enjoy doing it takes the fun out of it. I really don't know how you pro wedding photographers cope Ash, I would have a nervous breakdown! I guess some people just have what it takes!!

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That chart is so well done and we can all relate. :whip: Great post Ash. :confused:

Your stage one gave me a laugh. Its all about smoke and mirrors.

Im not sure what stage I am at yet. Still figuring it out. I know where I want to be as a photographer it's just getting there.

  raz said:
That's hilarious but the author forgot the most important stage - self obsessed, precious, pontificating wanker :scold:

I didnt think Raz was having a go at you either Ash. I think you would be one of the last self obsessed, precious photographer I know. But plently of the above around. :rofl:

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  rocco said:
I didnt think Raz was having a go at you either Ash. I think you would be one of the last self obsessed, precious photographer I know. But plently of the above around. :whip:

It's OK Rocco. Ash knows what I mean now. I had a wanky, pontificating, self absorbed, precious meltdown recently when my husband asked me to send his mother my travel photos and it's EXACTLY what he called me when I said 'No. They're mine, goddamit!!!' :confused:

I still feel precious about it. I'm not sending them to her. She can take her own bloody photos!

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Alex just said to me that he hasn't gone through any of that. I pointed out to him that he's currently in the "HDR hole" (he's obsessed with it. :confused: )

btw - you can alternate, "HDR" with spot colour and bad sepia toning. Whatever the going fad is. :whip:

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  Tess32 said:
I always feel like a faker because mine are all unplanned.

:mad Tess, how can you even say that? Your work is just so awesome, unplanned or not who cares it's fabulous!!

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Guest Tess32
  tlc said:
  Tess32 said:
I always feel like a faker because mine are all unplanned.

:mad Tess, how can you even say that? Your work is just so awesome, unplanned or not who cares it's fabulous!!

I don't think I'd have any skill in setting shots up.... I like to just wait for shots I suppose.

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