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How Old For Show Training


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Atua i would not be taking a pup to show training untill it is fully vacinated, and i could be wrong but i would say 12weeks like entring shows

I agree.

The training is a secondary, your most important issue at this age is socialisation, get puppy out there with the others and walking on a lead, making sure puppy is having a good time, then slowly include the training as a game.

We hold classes at Caboolture Kennel Club on Wed. nights at 7pm if you are not to far away.



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Is there a minimum age to actually participate in a show?

Thanks in advance :laugh:

For dogs? 3 months. For people, depends on the state I believe?

I should of clarified.. I ment the dog... I am curentlty researching my lines and hope to be welcoming a show GSD puppy into my home around april next year... Im getting VERY excited. :laugh:



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yea its 3 months from calander dates so not 12 weeks.

Our Whippet baby is 3 months on the 15th July and her first show is the 18th July. She was born on the 15th April.

Thanks for the advice guys we have been practising at home but we really want her to get used to the other dogs etc.

Hogz I am in logan so caboolture is a little far away but i will bring her to your grounds for the shows:P

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