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Has Anyone Seen The New Nappy Ad With The Bulldog?


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I think its a Huggies ad, but it shows this Bulldog in all sorts of weird spots - up on a bookshelf, etc and then you realised he is trying to get away from a little toddler. Its very cute! Can't find it online but keep an eye out for it. :heart:

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For all the "anti-dog" feeling in and around various areas of our societies, it's obvious that it can't be that bad if dogs are selling products. I (quite happily) note that more and more ads are using a dog or two to help with the "sell" component.

Yes. I've seen the ad. The dog is cute, but the ad didn't do much for me. Not sure why.

Might have more of an effect on Steve (K9 Pro) though :heart:.

Not sure if I'm meant to say or elude to anything, so I could get into trouble.

Edited by Erny
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