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Kill Shelters


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Is there someone who can tell me the rules for a Kill shelter? I have been looking on the net but cant really find what I am looking for.

Like, in Victoria how quick do they kill a dog and when?

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Is there someone who can tell me the rules for a Kill shelter? I have been looking on the net but cant really find what I am looking for.

Like, in Victoria how quick do they kill a dog and when?

You need to read the relevant legislation: Code of Practice for Shelters and Pounds and Domestic Animals Act

A pound must hold an animal, other than a surrendered animal, for 8 days, in order to allow an owner to reclaim it. At the end of that period they may euthanize and animal, rehome it (by adoption from the pound) or transfer it to a rescue group or foster care. The maximum amount of time an animal may remain in a shelter or pound is 28 days, after which it must be permanently removed from the facility. In general this means euthanization.

A surrendered animal may be destroyed immediately and pounds have no obligation to hold an animal for longer than the 8 days, the 28 days is a maximum not a mandated holding period.

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very topical question in victoria atm IngeK!

is the upper house pass the new legsilation we've been fighting against it might be only 48hrs in vic. currently it is 8 days minimum provided the animal has no serious injury or illness (they are not required to pay for surgery if they cannot find an owner)

but the council pounds, rspca and independent shelters have different rules applying to them for the maximum time they can keep an animal (in vic, i'm not sure of other states). if there is no current court case and it is not a welfare case/bequest the rspca cannot lawfully keep an animal for more than 7 weeks including foster care. so if a cat comes in heavily pregnant, regardless fo the fact that they could foster the kittens and adopt them easily, the kittens are removed in utero (during de-sexing) and given the green dream. however, if the same cat rocked up as a stray to another kill shelter/organisation/pound then the rules vary.

hope that helped somewhat.

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In Qld it is only 3 working days.

In WA is is only 72 hours regardless if it is over a weekend... My pound tends to have schedule kill days as tuesdays and thursdays. :eek::laugh:

Yes it is the same here, 72 hours.

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There is a mandatory holding period in NSW. 7 days if they are not microchipped and 14 days if they are. However, many pounds in NSW will hold them much longer than this. So the very bare minimum is 7 days.

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There is a mandatory holding period in NSW. 7 days if they are not microchipped and 14 days if they are. However, many pounds in NSW will hold them much longer than this. So the very bare minimum is 7 days.

That is only for strays in Council pounds. Private shelters have their own rules and are only supposed to take surrenders not strays. Surrenders can be euthanased the day they come in. I used to work for the AWL and they euthanased anything they did not have room for or they thought unlikely to be rehomed, the day of surrender. Those kept for rehoming were desexed and kept until they found a home, no matter how long it took. The RSPCA on the other hand used to hold dogs for a specified time and those that found a home where desexed before going to that home. Not sure if they still operate by these rules or not.

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Quite off topic, but it is some that has irked me for a long time. It may sound petty and pedantic, but I am so opposed to Council Pounds calling themselves "Shelters". It's like giving a coat of paint to a prison, planting a few trees and calling it a resort. If they are killing animals, they are not a "Shelter".

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