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Smelly Puppy


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Hi all

I would like ot say first off, this is a fantastic forum.

I was wondering if some one could shed some light on a small issue that we have.

We have a 14 week old Poodle x Lab puppy with a chocolate wool coat, i have noticed the he smells like raw meat, not off raw meat just normal raw meat. I am wondering is this a puppy smell? has any one had this before?

As far as diet goes it consists of the following

Barf meat patty

Artemis dry food (Changed to Royal Canin as he went of the Artemus)

Chicken frames,

Lamb Ribs

egg every now and then

Natural yoghurt

Any ideas guys?

Thanks heaps

Edited by glenncol
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Just to let you know.. in the rules of this forum it states that if you have a crossbreed dog you have to refer to it by its proper name, not the designer breed name for it. Some people can be a bit nasty about this so I just thought I'd let you know!

Being that your puppy is fed on raw, maybe he's a bit of a messy eater and is getting it all over his face and muzzle? Perhaps wiping him down with a damp towel after meals would help. :D

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Just to let you know.. in the rules of this forum it states that if you have a crossbreed dog you have to refer to it by its proper name, not the designer breed name for it. Some people can be a bit nasty about this so I just thought I'd let you know!

Being that your puppy is fed on raw, maybe he's a bit of a messy eater and is getting it all over his face and muzzle? Perhaps wiping him down with a damp towel after meals would help. :)

Hi and thanks for the reply

Yeah i copes a little wipe down after each meal, i am sure he rubs his face in his dinner sometime

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thats because a labradoodle isn't a breed, so you refer to your dog on here as a lab cross or a poodle cross, the other is just a stupid made up name for a dog that is not a pure breed

does it really matter?

I am sure people get what the dog is by the so called stupid name so where is the problem?

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The above statement has been addressed further down

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Have you bathed him?

Hi Gareth

Yeah we have bathed him, i was suggested ot use Maleseb which we did do as directed, when he is dry he is a massive fluff ball but them a day or 2 later his fur seems to get a little oily and a little smelly

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Perhaps check his ears. I find Poodle and Oodle ears tend to get a bit smelly. Welcome to the forum :)

Hi Clyde and than you for the welcome

I took him to the vet the day after he arrived and had a once over done, his ears where a little dirt but cleaned up fine with no sign of infection or smell.

I have heard the same this about the ears and will keep a very close eye on them

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my dogs always smell of raw lamb after they've had some - they are mini schnauzers and so the blood etc sticks to the beard. Sardines are the worst!

Hey Megan

Mini Schnauzers are cool, My wife washes Cody's face after each meal as he can be a messy eater. God i could imagine what sardines would be like :)

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How long have you had him for?

Perhaps his change in diet in causing him to smell a bit and with any luck it will soon settle with your diet (which is a fab diet too btw).

With the Malaseb you really need to be leaving it on for the full ten minutes. Although I don't know if I would use it as a routine wash unless their are signs of skin irritation. The Malaseb is very drying. As a routine shampoo try Aloveen (also made by Dermcare) then also the Aloveen Leave In Conditioner is great for keeping the Oodle coats under control and knot free.

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Clip his muzzle or shorten the hair around his mouth.

The hair around the mouth collects food and bacteria. It also can wick bacteria into the mouth, leading to gum and teeth issues.

Those crazy poodle people clip around their dogs feet, faces and tail for a reason other than appearance - hygiene.

If he's not been to the groomer yet, book him in NOW. He's going to need grooming for the rest of his life so its best to get them used to it young.

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thats because a labradoodle isn't a breed, so you refer to your dog on here as a lab cross or a poodle cross, the other is just a stupid made up name for a dog that is not a pure breed

does it really matter?

I am sure people get what the dog is by the so called stupid name so where is the problem?

Here is the excerpt from the rules that mentions this..

"This site was created for pure bred dog discussion

The primary purpose of this forum is to promote and discuss pure bred dogs (as recognised by the ANKC) so we ask you respect our aim when visiting here. If you own a cross breed dog, you are also welcome here, but we ask that you refer to it by it's proper name (eg a pug-x or cavalier-x instead of the designer term 'pugalier'). Please do not start threads asking what breeds people think make up your cross-bred dog or to express your outrage at the latest designer dog you saw. We prefer to concentrate our discussion on the pure bred dog (ANKC recognised)."

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How long have you had him for?

Perhaps his change in diet in causing him to smell a bit and with any luck it will soon settle with your diet (which is a fab diet too btw).

With the Malaseb you really need to be leaving it on for the full ten minutes. Although I don't know if I would use it as a routine wash unless their are signs of skin irritation. The Malaseb is very drying. As a routine shampoo try Aloveen (also made by Dermcare) then also the Aloveen Leave In Conditioner is great for keeping the Oodle coats under control and knot free.


He arrived three weeks ago yesterday from Tassie

Yeah we left it for the full 10 minutes poor little bugger was cold, so the wife was freaking out feeling sorry for him but i waited the full 10 minutes. God and funny thing is that we also have the Aloveen shampoo, i may grab some of the conditioner as well

Oh and thanks for confirming the diet is ok, i want him to have the best but not turn him inot a porker :)

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I agree with what the others have said - no malaseb unless he has a diagnosed skin problem- and the shampoo has been recommended for this .

Keeping hair around his mouth short may help a lot :)

get a vet check to see if he does, indeed have a yeats infection, or something elses the matter.

his own smell may smell to you like meat- but perhpas that is just his smell?


"does it matter?"

Yes, because it is part of this forum's rules.

Forum Rules and Terms of Use (last updated 5th June 2010)

Our aim is to try to provide the highest quality community experience for all of our members. The following guidelines have been formulated to try to achieve that aim.

By using this forum, you agree to and accept these rules and terms of use in their entirety.

General items you need to know before you do anything else

•This site was created for pure bred dog discussion

The primary purpose of this forum is to promote and discuss pure bred dogs (as recognised by the ANKC) so we ask you respect our aim when visiting here. If you own a cross breed dog, you are also welcome here, but we ask that you refer to it by it's proper name (eg a pug-x or cavalier-x instead of the designer term 'pugalier'). Please do not start threads asking what breeds people think make up your cross-bred dog or to express your outrage at the latest designer dog you saw. We prefer to concentrate our discussion on the pure bred dog (ANKC recognised).

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thats because a labradoodle isn't a breed, so you refer to your dog on here as a lab cross or a poodle cross, the other is just a stupid made up name for a dog that is not a pure breed

does it really matter?

I am sure people get what the dog is by the so called stupid name so where is the problem?

Here is the excerpt from the rules that mentions this..

"This site was created for pure bred dog discussion

The primary purpose of this forum is to promote and discuss pure bred dogs (as recognised by the ANKC) so we ask you respect our aim when visiting here. If you own a cross breed dog, you are also welcome here, but we ask that you refer to it by it's proper name (eg a pug-x or cavalier-x instead of the designer term 'pugalier'). Please do not start threads asking what breeds people think make up your cross-bred dog or to express your outrage at the latest designer dog you saw. We prefer to concentrate our discussion on the pure bred dog (ANKC recognised)."

Fair enough if thats the rules

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thats because a labradoodle isn't a breed, so you refer to your dog on here as a lab cross or a poodle cross, the other is just a stupid made up name for a dog that is not a pure breed

does it really matter?

I am sure people get what the dog is by the so called stupid name so where is the problem?

Yes it does

The problem is that this forum does not promote cross breeding, like it or not, your pup is a cross bred (but Im sure a very cute one). Now because this forum doesnt promote cross breeding we arent allowed to refer to designer breeds by their silly made up names, your pup is a Labrador x Poodle, you wont have any problems on this forum if you call him this, if you insist on calling him a Labradoodle you wont make many friends

Blunt and to the point I know, but its better being out in the open now, you will get a lot of very good advice from the people on this forum so please dont let comments about your dog being a cross bred drive you away :), we are not pure breed snobs dont get me wrong, heaps of people on here own cross breds and love them just as much as their pure bred fur kids

As for the smell a few people have suggested clipping the fur around his muzzle to help keep it clean, Id probably do this

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