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Judging Rules


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Hi - pretty self-explanatory really.

Should judges judge a dog they have bred? Just so everyone knows I'm not pointing a finger anywhere it just got me curious.

I kinda wondered whether it was allowed? I mean, a judge has no control over what is entered under them, so is it something the exhibitor should or should not do? Are there any rules around it?

Thanks guys.

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Yes you can judge a dog you bred (NSW). You cannot have owned it for a certain period of time, which varies from state to state.

BUT most people would not put their breeder in a position such as that. I would expect my show puppy buyers to have better morals than to show under me.

Edited by Rysup
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Thanks for the info guys. I thought it would be something along those lines ie the judge can't own them.

But I'd have to say I agree with you that it would really put the judge (breeder) in a very difficult position. I guess that's a moral question for people and since that isn't very clear-cut, I guess it's up to each individual to make their own decision.

Thanks again.

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A problem that does arise every now & then is the breeder is doing GS what would you do then not enter the show.

Send the dog in with some body else and stay out of the road altogether.

I guess that's the decision that the person entering makes and everyone has different opinions about it. I don't particularly have a problem with it although I do feel for the poor judge - if they put the dog up then inevitably some will consider they did so just because it's their breeding and if they don't then inevitably some will consider they are saying their breeding isn't any good - a very difficult position to be in..............

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If they were to not allow this as per the rulebook, than surely the onus would be on the exhibitor. I agree, what a awful position to be in as a judge. Has this ever happened to anyone personally?

In the show results I've seen where a judge has put a bitch up for challenge which was their breeding. PLEASE NOTE: I was not at the show, so I'm in no way making any assumptions about what happened or questioning the decision and having shown under this same judge I'm absolutely confident they would have judged all the dogs objectively.

It just made me think about how when the poor judge saw it coming they'd really have to be thinking "just look at the dog as though it could be anyone's" LOL.

I don't even have a problem with it from the exhibitors point of view - after all the judge should just be looking at what's there objectively. I just feel sorry for them in this position because of all the gossip and stuff that goes on. Even if they have made the right decision you've always got your hardcore people who must win at all costs looking for a reason why they didn't - and really I guess that's the issue moreso than the judge or the exhibitor.

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A problem that does arise every now & then is the breeder is doing GS what would you do then not enter the show.

In the US & UK if there's a "conflict", they will get the dog to do a lap of honour and then excuse it from the ring, with

an announcement made so people know whats happening.

Is that done here?? Would be the perfect solution in my opinion.

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A problem that does arise every now & then is the breeder is doing GS what would you do then not enter the show.

In the US & UK if there's a "conflict", they will get the dog to do a lap of honour and then excuse it from the ring, with

an announcement made so people know whats happening.

Is that done here?? Would be the perfect solution in my opinion.

never seen that happen here.

The GSD shows seem to have this happen alot

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Recently we did not enter a girl in a show because the partner of the breeder was doing GS, had judged another group.

At this point intime I am sure he does not know BBJ from Adam but we did not wnat to put him in that situation if our girl had of got a class in group.

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A problem that does arise every now & then is the breeder is doing GS what would you do then not enter the show.

I'm of the opinion if the group judge thinks your dog is good enough to award and send through to GS and the breeder is doing GS, it's fine.

I'm inclined to agree - the dog has got to GS on merit under a different judge so I can't see a problem.

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