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This Is Just Too Cruel - Post Your Comments On The Link


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Apparently it is a "sport" in the US to trap critters like coyotes, then put then in a yard where you then let packs of domestic dogs rip them apart.

The sport is called "penning" and is actually legal in some states in the US.

Please read this and then click on the "I don't live in the Orlando area" to make your comments. This is appalling and how any civil society could consider this an OK thing to do just astounds me.

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I totaly agree with you KismetKat,And I have said in another post that the human being is the cruelest creature on this earth.

There are lots of sports involving animals I would like to see banned, but how do you stop people doing these atrocious things, no body listens.

This is why I am a vegetarian also, because I love animals too much to want to be a burial ground for their bodies.


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I wish it was simple ignorance they suffered from. But deep down they would know they are using an animals pain and suffering as entertainment.

If I wrote what I'm truly feeling right now, I'd be banned. Some people do not deserve to share this beautiful planet with the animals. If I had my way, they wouldn't.

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I sent an email altho it's past the date they had for making a decision.

I forgot to mention that apart from cruelty to both the coyote/fox and the dogs involved etc the very practice of transporting the coyote/fox to 'somewhere else' is spreading soil borne diseases. It's one of the most pointless stupid disgusting things I've come across.

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